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Show THE l6ibAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) SATURDAY Stokes and Miss Mae Freeman entertained at a Easter party on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Page. Games were played and refreshments were served to twenty guests. Mrs. Maryan Orgill who has been visiting in California for the past two menths returned home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. ·Golden Densley had as the dinner and luncheon guests on Sunday, Mrs. Pearl Brown, Misses Ruby and Cavell Brown, Owen Hansen, all of Lehi, Bert Despain of American Fork and Mrs. Fred Howes and family. Mrs. E. M. Densley and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lloyd were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Newbold on Sunday. T. Butterfield enMr. and Mrs. tertained at dinner on Sunday. Covers were laid for nine. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Densley visited at the home of T. L. Densley on Sunday. There will be a dance given on Friday at the ward hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burgon, Mr. and Mrs. Zach Butterfield had as their guests Sunday and Monday, Mr. Grant Caldwell and Mr. Stanley Hodgensen, both of Canada and Mrs. Choethel Smart of Preston, Ida. JOURNAL South Jordan The Jordan Mercantile Company -opened under new management on Saturday, April 3. Mr. Lawrence is manager instead of Mr. Miller, as announced before. Mr. Miller will take charge of the amusement hall above the store. An entire line of new stock has been purchased and will be sold at Salt Lake prices and Mr. Lawrence wishes every one to watch for the opening of the new up-todate meat market which is being in• stalled in a part of his store. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Palmer of West Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Naylor motored to Salt Lake Wednesday and were dinner guests at the New York Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Palmer entertained at a card social Friday evening. • A variety of card gamea wer~ played and luncheon served to the following: Mr. and · Mrs. James .Shields and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Naylor and baby, Ferrel, Miss Ona Shields and Paul Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Maxfield were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper, Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Emery and four children from Salt Lake were· dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ~· Naylor, Sunday. 7th Grade Mable Beckstead Wallace Soffe has returned home So. Jordan School Age 14 after attending the winter courst> at Oarolyn Hay, Teacher the U. A. C. DURING THIS SALE WE ARE SELLSome people don't believe in luck, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stocking of Mr and Mrs. John Stocking Hunter, but if any such person !lappens to be ING SUCH LINES ASaround, just listen to this. Last of West Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Gus week, Mr. E. L. Crawford of the Kallas of Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. MARX SUITS HART.SCHAFFNER So. Jordan school accidentally found Elmer Stocking of Magna were the guests of Mrs, George Stocking and FLORSHEIM SHOES, ARROW SHIRTS $20.00 belonging to the :&rent-Teach.. family Wednesday of last week. ers' Association which had been lost this ago years Ten years, ten ior Miss Elsie Winward visited friends KEITH HATS AND CAPS money was deposited under the name and relatives here during the week. the South Jordan Association, but of Andrew Philips, Lucy Stocking and PRICES by mistake the money was lis~d un- David Ray visited Miss Golda Soffe der the Jordan High School's account. Friday evening. ORDINARY unl~beled But it took our principal to locate A number of Relief Society workers of this ward attended the general this money • Mr. Crawford was certainly de- afternoon session of their annual conlighted over this discovery. He im- ference in the- Assembly hall Saturmediately went to the parents and day, April 3. The conference was a the teachers and got permission to hugh success. President Clarissa S. spend this money for equipment. He Williams took charge, Music was felt the school was most in need 01 under the direction of Mrs, Lhezie . . thi tti Afte thi 1as their week:-end guests, Mrs. F~ed s pernusslOn Thomas Edward and Edna Coray was r ge ng s. Howes and son Ernest and M1ss he went to Salt ~ke, He returneu organist. Dr. Arthur L. Beeley and Blanch Howes of Salt Lake to South Jordan With a complete set.; Prof, L. John Nuttal were speakers Miss Belva Freeman and Miss Veral A farewell party was ~iven on of ba~eball goods f<>r both the boys Mrs. John G. Allred offered the in~ entertained at an Easter party Sunday in honor of Frank Newman and g1rls of all of the upper grades. vocation and Mrs. s. c. Bennion prothe home of Mrs. Hattie Freeman who leaves for a mission to British . Mr. _cra:wfo.rd spe~t Mon~ay m(,rn- nounced the benediction ' mg d1stributmg this eqmpment to Saturday, The room was decorat- Isles on Wednesday. Mr. and ~rs. Alma Wheadon. rooThere was The speakers the different rooms. with easter flowers and baskets. were Mr. Smith of Draper, Bishop surely a group of happy Solllth Jor- tored to Rtverton and were dmner ;&11nes were played and luncheon was dan pupils when this baseball mater- gues~s of Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Chamin baskets to, besides the hos- Frank Crane of Herriman and Bishop ial was turned over to them. berlam Sunday of last week. David A. Shields is seriously ill ..----: Miss Joice- Page, MisS' Pearl David Bolls. Musical numbers were JerlSeJn, Miss Rosella Lioyd, Miss Vio- given by Hattie Bills solo and a quarThe funeral services of the infant with blood poisoning. Dr. Borne has Page, Miss Pearl Teller. Miss Mil- tett by Mr. Best, Meredith Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mar- given up the case and a specialist Aylett, Miss Mae Freeman, Par- Lionell Garside and Afton Green A getts was held at the home of his from Salt Lake is now engaged. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Palmer and Harrison, Donald Harrison of duet by Essie Butterfield and W~yne grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Nielsen, Clarence Pal- Reynolds, a reading by Maurice New- Jones, Thursday, March 25th. Coun- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wardle were Donald Newbold, Melbowme man. selor Albert Olsen president. Invo- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo D, Pald..lov•rL Billie Naylor of South Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brugger of cation by John Booth. The following mer Sunday after which they motored u;oJraam Drake and Charles Beckstead Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and songs were rendered: "Unanswered to Bluffdale and visited Mr. and Mrs . West Jordan and Mahonri Jensen, Mrs. William H. Newman on Sunday, Yet," "I'll be a Sunbeam" and "Beau- H~~ Miss Leah Soffe ·entertained the Densley, Maumee Newman, Dr. and Mrs. S. C. B Sorensen en- tiful Zion": solo, Elsie Dahl, "Sweet B. S. club at the home of her S. Lloyd and Alton Densley. tertained in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Little Rosebud." The speakers w~re Mrs. S. C. B. Sorenson entertained S. F. Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Bateman, Albert Olsen '· and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Soffe on Bee Hive class at a radio con- Marsh and Mrs. Charles Crane of James Jacobson. Benediction by Sam Monday evening. Games were playon T·u esday. Los Angeles. uel Cundick; C. I. Goff dedicated the ed and luncheon served to twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Densley had , Miss Bernice Page, Miss Laura grave at West Jordan cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Shields of Magna visited relatives here Easter Sunday. Miss Utalma Shields entertained at an Easter party Saturday afternoon. Progressive games were played and luncheon served to the following: Donna and Fern Beckstead, Gladys and Theo Ostler, Ida and Reola Holt and Marie Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shields and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Shields and daughter, Mildred of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs. Laurence Dunyon of Cres~ The quality of Ford cars cannot be judged by the prices at which and Lionel Anderson were dincent theyare sold-because Ford prices are made possible by condiner guests of Mrs. Mary Shields on tions that are absolutely unique in the automotive Industry. Easter Sunday. After which they From mine to market the Ford car is the work of a single orformed a party and motored to West Jordan and spent the evening with ganization. The Company owns and operates the mines and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gardner This products. its for forests that furnish the raw materials Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wi~ward momaterial is carried over Ford transportation routes, fabricated tored to Granite Sunday and were In Ford mills, manufactured in Ford plants-and the finished dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thoproduct is sold to the public through Ford dealers. mas Cowley, The following statement, previously made in an advertisina Mrs. Grace Solfe spent the week message, is repe~ted because of its sianificance to the publici end at Magna visiting relatives there. Mrs. Joseph F. Balmer had as her "If any oiher manuf,acturer endeavored to produce a guests, Sunday, Miss Lucile and Ross car similor to the Ford, according to the high standBateman and Myrtle Cundick o1 ard. of quality in material and workmanship used by West Jordan. the Ford Motor Company and uith the same tried and Audero Gardner from Lark visitproved de•ign, it would be impossible to offer it at any• ed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. thlng like Ford prices. And it is well to note that even H. Gardner Sunday, • with less coatly deaign they have not met Ford prices.,. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maxfield and son, Beck of Granite were week-end Oril(inalFord Features that Today Make for guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckstead, Sr. GreatestSimplicity-Durability-Reliab ility Mrs, Annie Thaxton and Mrs. HatTorque Tube Drive - Duallanition - Simple, tie Mackay of Granger were dinner DependableLubrication • MultipleDisc-in-oilClutda guests of Mrs. Leo• Palmer ThursThree Point Motor Suspension day of last week. Planetary Trananilaaion - Thermo-Syphon Coolin!& Miss Golda Solfe, Walker Thaxton PORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN ' Miss Hazel Lewis and Orson Parks of Granger motored to Salt Lake and attended the Pantages Theatre on evening. Sunday TOURING RUNABOUT TUDOR FOROOR COUPE Mrs. Dan Mabey visited Mrs. Walter Mabey Tuesday of last week. 5 5 . Miss Lucy Stocking spent the week-end at Bingham as a guest of her sister, M;s, Gus Callas. Melvin Kemp of Crescent v!sited relativ~ere Sunday. The Junior Class of the Mutual gave a social entertainment Tuesday evening, April 6 in the ward house for the purpose of getting more members out to attend the general. •• WE RAVE NEVER LOWERED THE QUALITY TO REDUCE THE !"RICE" meetings. Games were played and light refreshments served, The school playgrounds are now Is the Last Day of Our Big BARGAIN SALE z. I . Is the Equal of Any Sugar Ill the World .. • ' 100 per cent Pure 100 per cent Fine 100 per cent for Utah I & at for the - • much lower than are usually ask kinds. Famous Clothing Co. RIVERTON Every Farm" ''Sugar on Every Table" I To Those Who Judge by Price Quality . New Prlees •soo ~~sugar Beets on 290 5310 520 5 565 Insures a Successful Campaign for Every Mill in Utah Covers and are found in the specks deoemg fixed up, Swings, teter tot-~ tained at dinner Sunday posited about by the rty. , guests. four for laid were the ters, etc., are being built tor We can g·uard against flies by preClub Dramatic wal'<l First The ~hildren's amusement. sented ''Pollyanna" at !::ipani:sh Fork screening our houses, as much as l.<'riday evening for the benefit of possible, and by covering all food M1·s. Lynmore Harrison, who just re- and dishe,;. When any :tlies at all cently burried her husband. A good are in the house, a young child should always be screened from them, for Mrs Hilda Nelsl'n was hostess to number attended, Tuesday evening of last week, the j 1b't 1b.s noth rig~t to .1h1avbe a het~pleslsllittle the P~p club at her home . on Main e con mua y an· d a e w ere 1t W1 ,. 1 · · 't "'rh I' . d b fl' street Wednesday afternoon of last Fust ward Jumor Gus entertame · I the Third ward Junior girls at a mis-, noye Y .1es craw mg over .1 · . e · effective way. to deal. w1th fhes . program was f'ur- most week. Sewmg featured the pastime. · fit par t y. A -com1c . Luncheon was served to 15 guests. nished by Miss Florance Rose and 1s to re~ove. t~e1r breedmg p1aces. clpecial guests were Mrs. B. Adam-I' Miss Erma Boulter. Games were en- The egg lS lald m. manure about the matstables and decaymg vegetable . · h e -ha,t.. d I, te son, Mrs. R, Larson and Mrs. Ander- Joyed and refreshments served. 1 rs. . n a ay or ess, .t e gg Monday evening, Mrs, Thomas Ostso~rs. E. Beck and Mrs. H. Soren- ler entertailled in honor of her little ches mto a. sm~ll, . white, footless son entertained the H.riuge ciub at son, Lowell's birthday anniversary. maggot, wJ;ich m nme or ten da!s the home of Mrs. H. Sorenson Sat- Games were enjoyed and refresh- from the. tlme the egg was l:ud, mto I, changes · . an adult fly. . . Supper was served ments serve d , llniay evenmg. 18 estimated t~at there. ar.e three It Mrs. 'l'ure Peterson and children of :special guests to twelve guests. a cublc 1mch off maggots ht;ndred and Mr of guests were Lake Salt L '. . M " u ,. If th bmeed' · rs. u, • were Mrs u. uaganuer, 1 Mrs A lng P aces o r e manure, pr-• Mrs of parents Stllart t Chr' F M 'd L arson an '11 h b d' 1f · ~·- fli • · . lS ensen. . rs. 1stur un t e are L!S I week past the !' erson . . . ed, . t ey WI. • , t;aster decoratwns and f avors were Mrs Dewey Sundberg entertained : hatch faster than 1t 1s poss1ble to k1ll y b M p d ~e • Mrlze~ w;r~t won d y drsM . the officers and teachers of the Se- them. It is simple however, to stop rs. cond ward Primary Association at their increase by which they breed, ". e~, Lars. . u erwoo an he1· home on Main street Monday ev- or by spraying this matter with h t li.M · ArsonR. G d chloride of lime. ar ner was os ess . . rs. It is important to destroy flies to the U, Club at her home Tuesday en~;~ Midvale and Sandy Firemen 1 "hat evening. are a ready hatched, for the Mr. and Mrs. John Larson were enjoyed a dancing party in the Fire- u men's hall Saturday evening of last 1sam~thflies may breed all summer · unguests oi Mr. and Mrs. N. Larson ey are trapped or killed. Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Hand had as ess · t fl Th vl Salt Lake, the past week-end, ytreps that are now her their guest the past week, Mrs. Geo. bo he gJ.an l~lrs. Almma Larson had as ug t or made, tlytraps, poisons and Zabriskie of American Fork, mother the fl Y swatt ers are useful in r1'da·mg guest the past week-end, aer sister, of Mrs. Hand. f th h Mrs. Fred Nelson of Brigham City. ese pests. Get busy The Ladies Aid Society of the a ouse o Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Park announce Congregational church met for an now 1 "Pu t the fl'1es into the bone pile," the birth of a daughter. Mrs, G. Hand visited with friends all day sewing at the church parlor~> and relatives at Provo and Payson, Thursd-..y, The hostesses were Mrs. Florance Stuart and Mrs. John Anthe past week. Professor Mathews says that the Miss Lola Grant has returned to derson. bones were found in a bedded deMrs. Christina Jensen, Miss Freda work after a months illnesa. posit of pure limestone, containing as Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Allsop en- Jensen and Miss Maida Crosgrove . . tertained at dinner Thursday in hon- were guests of Mrs. Reed Beck of h1gh as 98 per cent calc1um carbonate that apparently had been derived or of their son, Revel who has just Draper Saturday afternoon, from a therman spring. The conreturned rome from a mission to the Central States. Covers were laid for clusion has been reached that the fosTHE FLY AS A MENACE TO MAN fiiteen a:uests. Midvale School sils are the bones of mamals that Mrs, G. Dryberg was hostess to Dan Visher lived on this continent during the late 7th Grade Cenozois age, a long time before the the N. B. Club Ji'riday evening at the Age 14 Miss Peterson, Teacher :;ymbols were used in the decorations glacial epoch or the formation of Progressive "'"'ames were played and A few years ago, there was a be- Lake Bountiful. prizes awarded to Mrs. D. Richards The University has been given free and Mrs. A. E. Williams. Supper lief among people that flies were usedom to excavate any of the other inwas served to twelve guests. Spec- ful because they fed on wastes, teresting fossils in the Jordan N:.rial i'Uests were Mrs. A. E. Williams, But this is entirely !abe. Flies walk rows quarry, that otherwise is worked Mrs. Robert Larson and Mrs. Hansen over all manner of unclean matter for its limestone which is used in the They carry germs and filth ove; sugarbeet industry. of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hew)ett en- dishes and food and in fact, over any. tertained at dinner Sunday Covers thing they touch. They may come Another sign of spring is when were laid for Mr. and Mrs, R. Wright to our faces straight fr<>m feeding on the small boy hides the rake and the Mr. and Mrs. C, Gregor and Voyle sputum of consumptive patients, Farmer of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs., Almost all kinds of germs may be carpet beater. D. A, Schields and Nile Schields of carried by flies, but when a fly feeds South Jordan and Clarence Jensen on matter that contains aisease germs A horse will pull your car out of j' these germs pass through the diges- a ditch. of _Midvale.. And very often horse sense Mr, and Mrs, Merrill Hand enter- tive system without being banned, will pull you out. Sandy City News I I " I I i -· ., |