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Show THE JORDAN .JOURNAL, MIDVALE, UTAH ' .. .......................... "Mysterious Mr. A" Is Enthroned Tornado Wrecks Forest of Oil Derricks I~~~~~?£~~~ II I.......................... Utah i ... . ... Hyrum.-A public meeting of all farmers of t:Ue Hyrum district will be held in Hyrum Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing a drive to rid the distrirt of aquirrels, accordIng to f;l.n ar..llounc~ment made by R. L. Wrigley, county agricultural agent. Squirrel drives have proved to be very effective in the past in ridding the district of the rodents, and a~ they have become numerous again it has been thought imperative to conduct a drive. Ogden.- The enormous building campaign of 1926 in Ogden was given impetus and additional volume with the decision of the "\Veber county board of education upon a site for J the new Weber county high school. 1 Taxpayers of the county have voted 1 a special tax, which will provide $300,- , 000 for the site and building, and as the price of the land was but a .s~all })ercentage of the amount, the bmld:ng .s expected to represent a constructiOn value of approximately $275,000. Salt Lake City.-Plans are well under way~ make llir annu~ ''Black and White" day at Richmond, April 29 one of the greatest dairy events of the west, it is announced by C. Z. Harris, president of the Utah Holstein Friesian Breeders' association. This event, while sponsored chiefly for the dairymen of Cache valley, is open also to dairymen outside the valley. Mr. Harris announces that all cattle will be fed and cared for the night before and the night after the show without charge. Wearing wonderful robes of gold and a turban studded with priceless jewels, Sh· Hari Singh, who figured in t he rem~rkable Robinson divorce case In Lolldon, when he was referred to as the "Mysterious Mr. A,'' was enthron ed r ecently as the maharajah of Kashmir in India, the br!lllant ceremony taking place at Jammu, India. Photograph shows Sir Hari Singh seated In center under canopy, during coronation ceremonies. "Fire Clown" Telling of Fire Dangers I Harry Rogers of Chicago, known as the "Fire Clown," is in \\·ashington to teach the school children, through hls clown antlcs and miniature fire-fighting apparatus, the dangers of fire started by carelessness. His campaign is being sponsored by the United States Charnber of Commerce. Big Job for Pages of Senate Although lasting but a few minutes, the twister which recently passed over the Orange (Texas) oil field Ul"ert was most spectacular. One hundred twenty-five derricks were wrecked at a damage estimated at $1,000,000. As the I forest of derricks tumbled, flowing wells begun to spout oil into the air and the high winds carried 1t far over the : field. Soon the landscape 1-esembled a lake of oil. Glenn Keown, an oll-fl-2ld worker, was kllled, and five other I persons injured in the tornado. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I 1 I @ lJ ~~ 1\ .,1 "' ~· Salt Lake City.-Interest in dairy expansion in the intermountain territory is evidenced by the number of Utahns who are in the dairy states in the middle west purchasing young foundation stock for use in Utah and Idaho, according to C. C. Gignoux, assistant supervisor of agriculture of the Union Pacific system, who was in Salt Lake Wednesday on his way to Portland. Mr. Gignoux stopped in Salt Lake to visit the livestock show Ogden.-Construction work on the elabor J.te passenger station to be built by the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad on the company's property on T ~renty-fourth street will be un· der way within sixty days, President J_ S. Pyeatt of the company said here. NOTA CAKE Smashing Way Through Ice Jam J , ) \ \ Photograph shows the United States coast guard steamer Ossipee smashing her way through the Ice on the Penobscot river near Bangor, Maine. The city is afraid that unless a passage is cleared through the ice an ice dam will form, causing a serious flood. Salt Lake City.-The intermountain livestock show received a generous drenching "\Vednesday the closing day. Despite the unfavorable weather Tues· day, when the auction sale of fat stock was held, attendance at the show exceeaed that at any previous exhibition, J. H. Manderfield, manager, declared. As to the quality of the stock entered in the show, there was no comparison between this year's and the eight that have gone before. FOUND AT LAST Russian Crown Jewels in U. S. Galt Lake City.-A direct automobile truck service that will speed up exl)ress and freight deliveries between Salt Lake and Uintah basin points will be inaugurated within the next thirty days, it was announced at the chamber of commerce. The line will be operated by the Sterling Transportation company, of which A. E. Shaw of Price is president, and will conduct daily service to and from the basin, making the trip in a minimum of one day's time when necessary. Ogden.-Five thousand t_rout fingerlings were planted Monday in the This photograph, taken of a bride water of upper Ogden valley by Depuot the Black fbrest district of Ger- ty Game Warden W. H. Anderson. Ogmany, is very interesting. ·what looks den merchants, members of the Weber like a cake Is a crown or headdress, , County Fish and Game Protective as- ~ 12 inches in diameter and 8 inches sociation, donated the use of trucks I. H. !llcCarthy, a special investiIt keeps several of the pages in the United States senate' busy tearing high, weighing from 6 to 10 pounds, I to haul the fish to Weber county from , gator for the Department of La'bor up ol d bills and calendars so that the senators' desks will be cleared for consisting of 10 rows of glass balls the state hatchery in Springville. during the World war, has finally lo· a ction afresh each morning. Many thousands of pieces of paper must be and beads In various colors and sizes, cated his only child after a hunt of embellished with small mirrors and Layton.-Supermtendent D. D. l-Iar- 22 months that took him through four destroyed each day. other glittering ornaments. It is worn ris of the Davis and Weber Counties' states In the Union. Mr. McCarlliy by all maidens at festivities such as Canal company will soon have that claims that his daughter had been church, family, christening, wedding part of the canal be~ween the two spirited away from him shortly after and social affairs. A bride wears this bridges on the state highway and west a California court had awarded the Showing the $5,000,000 collection of Rusalan crown jewels which arri\·ed trom early morning until the church of the road concreted. This stretch I roungster to his custody. Jean Marie, ceremony and wedding dinner and of the canal is located on sandy sail I the baby, is two and one-half years recently in New York. They were purchased from the Soviet government for G. J. Gordon of New York. until ten at night, when she dons and the concrete lining will save a of age. housewifely garb to show her submls- great amount of water. slon to her husband. Beaver.-Ten teams and men left ERNEST 0. PATTERSON !or Milford Friday morning for a car· load of seed peas contracted for by the DR. ALBERT WOODS local farmers. This is the first year the farmers of Beaver have signed contracts to raise seed peas. 1t is believed the venture will be a success, as soil and climatic conditions are favorable to such growth. I I . New Government Measuring Device I• Fast Time With Air Mail • Salt Lake City.-China's Sophie Tormentra, a young producer in the Jersey herd of W. A. Nuttall of Provo, has met all requirements for the 1 Ame1·ican Jersey Cattle club silver medal by producing 492.88 pounds of buterfat and 8120 pounds of milk in 305 days and carrying her calf for 176 days of this time, it is announced j j from club headquarters. She made 1 1 this fine record on two milldngs per l day. 1 In a ncient times, it w ns the magic carpet ; today it Is the magic proving ring. Tb.is Is a new d evice designed by the bureau. of standar ds, the rin g being able to mea!lure the load in a testin g ma chine, up t o a maximum of more than 6,000 poqnds. Ca pt, S. N. Petr enko of the enginee ring mecha ni cs section, the inventor, ia shown ln the p icture. Brigham City.-Comparatlvely little damage was done to the fruit crop of this section, according to many of the leading orchardists and fruit dHalers . While the thermometer registered around 22 degrees above zenJ the coldest weather here in several waakn I a good breeze swept over the country, which aided materially in saving the tender buds of the early apricots Dr. Albert Woods, for mer pre:>Jdent e.nd cherries, which were partly in of the Maryl and State univer sity, is bloom. It Is thought that the crop the new director of scientific w ork in was t h inned down a little, but not to a ny great exten t. the Depart~~nt 9t A~ i culture. I Judge Ernest Odell Patterson is the new solicitor for the Department of Earle F. Ward broke the world's record for air mall flying, covering the the Interior. Juds:e Patterson is a distance from New York to Chicago, 756 miles, in 4 hours 85 mlnutea. HG native of Sout~ Dl,\k OtQ,, is shown being "ongratulated by Postmaster General New. |