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Show TERRIBLE SUFFERING IN INDIA'S FAMINE DISTRICTS. Inhabitants, Driven to Desperation, Attack Soldiors Children Sold for Food. The latest official returns from the famine districts near Calcutta, say that the misery existing there is indescribable and unparalleled and that the present relief is quite inadequate. inade-quate. They add that the mortality among- the cattle is also so severe that the authorities are trying to adapt farm implements so that human power can replace that of bullocks. Such a drastic measure has never before been necessary even in the greatest scarcity of animals. It is also announced that the natives are developing ugly feelings and are attacking Europeans. A great crowd Friday murderously attacked a party of soldiers at Shappur, the military center of the northwestern provinces. The soldiers were rescued with difficulty diffi-culty and in an unconscious condition. One district lost 1,000,000 cattle out of 1,300,000, and almost numberiess human beings were found dead from starvation. In addition, children were found wandering iu all directions, homeless, naked and emaciated, and cases were reported of children being sold. The official reports fully confirm the worst stories of the terrible nature of the distress. |