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Show EXTEIlPmSE. Charles Baldwin is home again from Cane Springs. Jeddy Owens is quite ill and has gone to St. George to be under the care of Dr. Higgins for a few weeks. We have had considerable sickness here the last week; quite a number of children have had the grip, but all are now on the improve. We have had nice storms here during dur-ing the past week. It started to snow here last Saturday, the 21st, and has stormed every day since. Today, the 28th, it is raining. This is a great blessing- for this section of country, as we have had a very dry winter. John Alger and wife have returned home from Panguitch, where they have been on a visit; they were detained about three weeks longer than they expected ow7ing to Mrs. Alger and her throe children haying the grip, Mrs. Clove of Panguitch, Mrs. Alger's sister, with her family accompanied them. |