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Show OAXACA, MEXICO, Bro. Jolley of Round Valley went to the Batipeto a short time ago to investigate inves-tigate the land, water, etc. Dr. Walter Keate passed thru here a couple of weeks ago enroute to Pilares mining district, whore he will act as surgeon and physician for one of the wealthiest mining companies in Sonora. This colony is enjoying beautiful spring weather; it has been visited by unprecedented showers, and the farmers farm-ers and ranchers are happy. The people peo-ple as a whole are in a prosperous condition and harmony reigns under the management of Bishop George Naegle. Many men from Utah have passed thru here to investigate the Batipeto country, which was recently purchased by our own people. It is a magnificent tract of land, situated on a large river twenty miles from here; it off ers boundless bound-less opportunities for young men who are just starting homes; farming and stock-raising are the chief industries. . |