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Show ( OM M ES DA HI. F. KNTKItl'lUSK. Elsewhere in this issue is noted the filing of articles of incorporation of the St. George Cattle Co. This enterprise enter-prise cannot fail to be beneficial to the people of this locality. The company has already expended thousands of dollars dol-lars here, in the purchase of land, etc., when it would probably purchase more than it ever will again near St. George as, ou inir to ihc long continued drouth, prices were lower than usual. The Wells Bros., who arc interested in the company, were born in this city, and have earned an enviable reputation for energy and integrity. They have for Home years given considerable attention atten-tion to securing high-grade cattle, and are well posted regarding local conditions. con-ditions. Mr. Harder, who will manage the company is not so well known here, but has won the confidence of the people peo-ple by his courtesy and fair-dealing, and has brought into the business an enthusiasm and energy that is seldom seen equalled hero, and which would ensure success even under unfavorable conditions. The cattle business has proven uniformly uni-formly profitable here, even with the losses under a system that has depended depend-ed on the "brand" and "roundup" for the returns; and where losses from strays and thieves have been sometimes some-times very heavy; and under modern conditions, such as this company has inaugurated, it cannot prove otherwise than profitable. Some of our citizens have been heard to regret that they did not take advantage ad-vantage of the opportunity improved by this company. But they should look around; there arc many others just as promising, and if oar people do not improve them others will, and will rightly reap the benefits resulting from their foresight. I |