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Show Another season has passed without an effort being made to furnish the Salt. Lake market with early vegetables vege-tables from Dixie. With a proper system sys-tem of hot-beds and forcing houses, and mulching of outside crops, a large percentage per-centage of the early vegetables required re-quired by the larger cities of the state could be furnished by Dixie with much profit. Even at so late a date as April f-tii, the Salt Lake market report quotes Utah asparagus at 20 cents per lb, while the California article is quoted at 12i cents; very high prices are commanded by all other kinds of early vegetables, the homo articles fetching the highest prices. On April 20th the market quotations for Utah asparagus was two bunches for a quarter. Surely the farmers and garduers of this section should organise and go in for systematic gardening and marketing. There is big profits in it and employment for the young. |