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Show fi' "it ' 8 p.'-" t v. . 1 & ij The complication of V 1 SPRAINS 1 BRUISES 1 ; r is a vi-rv ?ore trouble, but I cioublv. or sepuiwlelv, sprn;n W . '- or bri-.w. liu-re is 'no rcniLvly W i 4 know a ilie equ.il of V I i r; Li Hull's Catarrh Curo Is taken internally. Price, T5c k for a vr-5:g-6S-:6iS-:S-e-''s.:S'ft-t-ft-'t;fS'5s.' a a r a P"T"Sf.!5 Is B dnrnbla and ALAyAO I itm oatnral cemeiit-baso cemeiit-baso wall coating. In 5 lb. paper packages, made r.-ady for uso in white nnd fourtocn beautiful tints by mixing with cold water. It is a cement that goes through a process or settiuK, hanleus with asro, and can be coaled and rocoatod without washing off its old coats before renewing. M apAQTlllPai HLI'iiKJrfe 1 BfliL. fromalltho various kalsominos on the market , being durable and not stuck on the wall with glue. Alabastina customers should insist on having the goods in packages properly labeled. They should reject all imitations. There is nothing "just as good." As a dressing picl color ic-lv.ror, Pakkkh's H.vm j Pa l.s a M uev.-r f ni'S te i - I;-. j llixDKr.cor.N'. Oie l..el eure :or corns, l.'icts. I -1 ftllSTlllE Troviints much sickness, particularly throatand lung difficulties, attributable to unsanitary coatings on walls. It has been recommended in a paper published by the Michigan Stan Board of Health on account of Its sanitary i features; which paper Btronglj condemned kalsomines. Alnbnsiiue ran bo used on culler j plastered walls, wood ceilings, brick or canvas, and any ono can brush it on. U admits of nuh- : ciil changes from wall paper decorations, thus 1 securing at reasonable expense the latest and bestetlects. Alabnsline is manufactured by the ! Afabastloe Compaiiy of Orand Eapids.f1kh!aa. Instructive and intorretiug booklet mailed freo to all applicants. WTlV DOUGLAS $3 8?. 3.50 SHOES jjfc (fJS.Worth S4 to $6 comoared "V 100,000 AGENTS WANTED. Men and women, boys and girls, all ovor the United States. Big money, easy work. Valuable prizes in addition. Write C. H. Marshall & Co., Dep t 10, Chicugo. Some p-ople look too much upon their religion as a varnish on life instead in-stead of a fire within it. Dr. Storrs. Do Yonr Feet Ache and Burn? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-East, Foot-East, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and . Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and j Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE, i Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Are You I slns Allen's Foot-KHse? It is the only cure for Swollen, Snip.rtipe. Earning. Sweating Feet, j Corn., and E: '.'.ions. Ask for Allen's j Foot-Ease, a i v.der to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 2.-,c. i-. ntple sent FREE. Ad- j dress Allen 3. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. FOE WOMAN'S IIEALTII Earnest Letters from Women Relieved Re-lieved of Tr'ain by Mrs. Pinkham. "Dear Mt:s. Pinkham: Before I commenced to take your medicine I j was in a terrible state, wishing myself dead a good many times. Every part of my body seemed to pain in some i way. At time of menstruation my suffering- was something terrible. I thought there was no cure for me, but after taking several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable Compound all my bad feelings were gone, lam now well and en joying good health. I shall always praise your medicine." Mus. Amos' Fkscijler. Box SrJti, Romeo, Mich. Boston servapt girls read Homer, Coe-he pn.l S'Mllev. lj with other makes. A Sl liulorsiMl bv over jflUl 1,0110,01)0 wcuieifl. f-trj C $f TJirvruuinc have W. L. W al it DouRias' name and price t py F stamped on bottom. 'J ;ike 5-v';il f t Y1.':! no substiime cl.iimcd to be k as jrond. Your dealer jV-'- jk. A should kefto them if vX'-v.-1 if. v rr-4 not' we w'" se.n( a p,r"- --'"jj3 " Jon receipt of price ami ic. J'"iawV weV-V.. extra for enrriase. Sute kind of leather, U5E NUv.size, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat. free. tofi eyelets w L D0UGLAS SH0E co- Brockton, Mass. -r''-lo wo0, new york WtigyiTtty" CATARRH-HAY FEVER and COLD in tha HEAD positively relieved and CURED by this wonderfully cleansing antiseptic and Healing Specific. Trice 25 nud CO cts. If not at vnur (irntrwists nnt In Unhwoll Prut' Co. Western Anititi-. Uuuver. Colo. mM$ Hydraulic Engine jj'-.'i'i;. j V 111 pump inure wnlrr limn itiiv Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teethlnff, softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, In-flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2oc a bottle. Sf 3 Iff t-.tf P MS 3 9. a Qenuins Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Beer Signature of 5ee Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. The Maker's of Carter's Ink Say: "We enn't make any better ink than vco do; we I dou't know liow to. We can make poorer ink, but we won't." Carter's; Ink ia the best. Femate Troubles Overcome "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I had female trouble, painful menses, and kidney complaint, also stomach trouble. About a year a'o I happened to pick up a paper that contained an advertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Com-pound, and when I read how it had helped others. 1 thought it might help me, and decided to give it a trial. I did so, and as a result am now feeling-perfectly feeling-perfectly well. 1 wish to thank you for the benefit your medicine has been to me." Mns. Clara Stikbkr, Diller, Neb. No riore Pain "Dsar Mrs. Pinkham : Your Vegetable Vege-table Compound has been of much benefit to me. When my menses first appeared they were very irregular. They occurred too often and did not leave for a week or more. I always suffered at these times with terrible pains in my back and abdomen. Would be in bed for several days and would not be exactly rational at times. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and menses became regular and pains left me entirely." Mus. E. F. Custer, Brule, Wis. t t- W, Pumps SO IVrl'lil-li f.nreach fool of full I.-:- Minimum full. 1H tnclios 'll , yT7TT-7T Miuhlimil c;li' nlloll, til! i'V- T- .Jr-- ' a. ,,? WON'T WA'IKK LOG ' - --c :-.' n: i i: stops. RSFE PUMP CO.ri26 Liberty St., New York Books- Stationery Periodicals. Obt.iln vour miinilni.l. .luvolillo. B.-hool unci gift bonks l.ihie.i. olllro. 1 v i.om rllor nml B. bool mn.pHOK, pluln ami eunruvou buliu-s ami jorloty o.u'.lR and sinlloiiery by riMurii mull from A. U. Dfrifn Hi o., Suit l.ukt-. JMlces aud btttlfiic-llon guarautowl. l'i'( '1 1 1 NO lJib'H ni odu. i' moist ur.' lunlcniisc il rlniiK. Tins form, .-in 'cll n 111 in. I, llU'f.lini; or I'ml ruilmr lili.. nr.- . uroil hv Dr. Boaanlio's Pile Remedy Slop-, i'rljinu no. I bli-oooo.-. AliKorhK Imiirm. !, i ,icr fit Iruriii-lHornr-ut by oniil. Tri-Mino tn-o. W rllo , sbout your onuc. UK. Ill IS AN IvO, l'biliuln., l'a. rr"rw?..F PENSION S I" ISICKI rtl, WuslilliKl"". ! '- Ill'-J E i will rei-cive r n 1,-k r.-pli. 'f. H. Mb N.ll. Vol Sinn 2nh Corps. IToscculinE Claims since 18 7 8 OHESV DISCOVERY. Klvos rlUrv) I'O.k rolli-fnn-l.'lir.RWorl c::-(-K. Kool; of ( om 1 omnlal loul lo OA YS' t i menl HIKK. Jill. II. II. (.IlKIA's SONS, Hi K, Allnnla, (In. ACENTS MAKE BIG MONEY handling our household articles. They sell on sigbt. Big prizes given. Write at once. C. H. Marshall & to., Dep't 10. Chicago. Keference: Any Bonk in Chicago. Very small and os eeay to talsc es sugar. r - 3T1F0!. HEADAC"!2 GARS ERS CiS. fllKP? FSS eSMSTIPATtOM. kMm fORTSSeOMPLEXSSS buy a package cf FRIENDS' OATS and FIND how to OBTAIN Valuable Premiums Frea. This only shows a few of the premmm, pSPS THE ROUND TRADE MARKS :Hi!Wiy::;Pl''ia ARE VALUABLE. We have many more. i-hr'---" . fp; f i -.':s. -prj A Complete Premium List sent fjrfT f:ill '---'-tM on application to - rr' .Kkmm friends-oats, ' - r i:.'.i.: ' ''r WUSCATINE, IOWA. FRENCH JEWELRY. f ; . Aluminum coffee Strainer. Li-ht Gold Tlated Celt Buckle. ------ " Gold Plated Erooches. KJ Aluminum Combs. Sterling Silver Heart. SCISSORS, 5-INCH. Spoons. Sterling Silver Show Horn. Embroidery Scissor, " u.(,r rc.im LdIe Sterling Silver Xail File. Genfs andle Knife- Sttrl,n ld,e' Sterling Silver Eraser. Ladies' Perl Handle Knife. Sterling Silver Sugar Spoon. Sterling Silver Darning Ball. Boys' Jack Knife. Sterling Silver Bon-bon Spoon Sterling Silver Hair Curler. Razors. erling Silver Olive Spoon, Sterling Silver Button Hook. Books for Adults, Young People and Children. ton" 'W-"'t'-tl''',v co.- CURE SICKHEADACH The Best (2? iClCBR I Keeps both rider and saddle per-fectlydryin per-fectlydryin the hardest storms. B t&M SubsVules wnidisappolnt Askfor tf tgk . S ,a, R,h Brand Pommel Sinker a , ,yi S.tTs entirely new. If not for sale -in your town, write for catalogue to :, Wr.,c,16n"'errerriOn r.,.lKMiMtllliel '',' "I'mt,, ,iv at 'the b.-..: FARMERSftKa'BSESor'JS XIKKL-U "'jcviile, lorn. H-r--'- WT N. U.Tsalt Laka-No. 18.1900., |