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Show M Men and Gleaner Girls to Hold 3 -Day District Meet Here Over 500 Members From The Six Stakes In District No. 7 Expected To Attend And Hear Speakers Discourse On Questions of Interest To Group r "Strength Through Loyalty Co L.D.S. Ideals" is the theme of Che District M Men and Gleaner Girl convention to be held in St. George March 8, 9 and 10. announce an-nounce the officers in charge. Joy S. Dunyon district M Men director of Cedar City will be in general charge of the program and visitors from Salt Lake CTty will include Mrs. Hazel Brocfcbank, Miss Florence Pinnock, General M.I.A. superintendent; Burton K. Farnsworth, Dr. Creed" Haymond and others. The six stakes included in District Dis-trict No. 7 are Beaver, Parowan, Kanab, Zion Park, Moapa and St. George, and it is expected from record of activity cards filed to date that there will be more than 500 M Men and Gleaner Girls present for this three day convention, con-vention, the purpose of which is to unite all M Men and Gleaner Girls of the division in three days of activity. Kanab stake has already al-ready announced they will have a full 100 per cent attendance and other stakes are making reserva-(Continued reserva-(Continued on page five) MIA. District Conference (Continued on page five) tions. The visitors will be house guests of the local people. Friday Program From 2 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 8, has been set aside for registration regis-tration of visitors at the Institute building. Visitors will be provided with programs and introduced to those in whose homes they are to be guests while here. Activity cards must be presented in registering regis-tering to avoid delays. From 7 to 9 p.m. Friday the first bracket of the Round Robin basketball tournament will be played off. At 9 p.m. all visitors will be guests of the Dixie college student body at their regular student stu-dent body dance. This dance is informal. in-formal. Those .without activity cards may attend by paying the usual admission price. Visitors will breakfast at the homes Saturday morning. At 8:30 a.m. late registrations may be made in readiness for the parade of banners which takes place at 9 a.m. when the 500 M Men and Gleaner Girls will follow the banners ban-ners of their respective stakes through the main streets of St. George. Saturday Program At 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 9, the conference will assemble in the college auditorium for the first general assembly with Joy R. Dunyon giving the address of welcome. The program will include in-clude community singing followed by readings, vocal and instrumental instru-mental numbers and one act plays. During the noon recess a box lunch will be served to all who present activity cards. During this period ' "The Good Samaritan Dance", directed by Mrs. Jay Tol-man, Tol-man, will be presented. The conference will assemble at 1:30 p.m. in the Wadsworth Theatre, where community singing will be followed by the presentation presenta-tion of the theme play, "A Man's House" with a cast from the St. George wards directed by Mrs. Orval Hafen. At 5 p.m. the annual formal M.I.A. banquet will be served. Parowan stake will supply the toastmaster for this event and toasts will be given from each of the stakes represented. The final playoffs in the basketball basket-ball tournament will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. and the winning teams from the conference will receive official invitations from the visiting M.I.A. general board member to attend the spring conference con-ference in Salt Lake City. The conclusion of the Saturday program will be the M.I.A. semi-formal semi-formal ball in the recreation hall at 9 p.m. There will be a floor show at 10:30 p.m. featuring the 1940 M.T.A. dances. Business Meeting Sunday at 9 am. a general business busi-ness meeting will be held in the seminary building. At 10 a.m. all visitors are to attend the morning morn-ing services in the three local wards and at 10:30 a.m. all those with the required recommends will attend a special testimony meeting In the annex of the Temple. St. George cannot hope to have such a convention for at least another six years and it is hoped by the officers to make this an outstanding conference. |