Show L T THE SALT 1 LAKE I I II I Herre ere Is s a Fine Laxative I I F For or a Little Litte Baby I Millions of Mothers find Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin safe afe for infants I a WHAT HAT young mother has not often asked herself the question question question ques ques- tion What is the best thing I can give my baby for constipation It Itis Itis I is a very important question as constipation constipation con con- I is the basis of most ills of infancy ncy and childhood Give half a teaspoonful of a combination com corn r b on of simple laxative herbs with pepsin You can obtain it at any drug store under the name of I Dr Caldwell's Syrup P Pepsin It is a mild gentle medicine that children willingly take and a bottle that costs only Y sixty cents is enough to last an average family several months Dr Caldwell's Caldwell Syrup Pepsin has been TR TRY Y IT FREE used by millions of mothers mothers for the prescription pre pre- Send me your our nine name name and andI I has been sold in drug drugstores stores for address and I will send you youa OU thirty thin years rears It is the same prescription a free trial bottle of my I Dr w. w B. B Caldwell who is now in in his Syrup Pe Pepsin sin Address me year used in his extensive practice for Dr W. W B. B Caldwell I half a century It is the largest selling liquid laxative in inthe the world Last year eight Illinois Everybody now and I million U bottles were vere bought in drug stores then needs a laxative and andI You can make no mistake in giving Dr it is well to know the best I Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to your baby WRITE ME TODAY I r 1 AM M c cLead s Lead Special pecia I Sanfords Sanford's Li Library LI- LI Pencils Paste large LII I Mongol ro go Velvet y tubes size I Oc Dc or TICen 5 ro roga it Pen PenO Ink Ink- 1 Dc XI I 39 D' D S De Der O r c oz az Fluid SOo 1 C 1 I MAKE SCHRAMM-JOHNSON'S SCHRAMM I i iI I YOUR STA STATIONERY STORE I SERVICE VARIETY QUALITY VARIETY QUALITY LOW PRICES Just as much a Stationery Store as though we sold Stationery exclusively Quality Merchandise at Lowest Prices is the prevailing policy policy as as in In all other departments of the Johnson Schramm-Johnson stores I I THESE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY AND r THURSDAY I 48 43 Sic sheets WINDSOR and 98 LINEN envelopes STATIONERY STATIONERY- I El A CARDS CARDS 24 SHETLAND 24 cards LINEN and 24 envelopes CORRESPONDENCE R I c e white 1 00 CHERBOURG in attractive cabinet LINEN containing STATIONERY Plain STATIONERY R Plain Jf In COc GOc STATIONERY SHETLAND LINEN LINEN t J c I 50 GO sheets and 50 envelopes Bac PONGEE LINEN STATIONERY STATIONERY- CARDS Linen CARDS CHENILLE Linen finish FABRIC CORRESPONDENCE 26 C 72 sheets A big value 3 c lOc ENVELOPES P Plain ENVELOPES Plain aln white business size elze 6 4 61 loc lie PONGEE LINE LINEN ENVELOPES TO MATCH MATCH- FOUR inches PIGS high cut FOR 2 25 in Extra fine u 4 c cw I w 10 Oc 3 for f 23 Zit I lc BIG FIFTEEN WRIT WRITING G T TABLETS In TABLETS In note Royal y POPLIN O size I LINEN ENVELOPES ENVELOPES- 3 for A ruled packet or or u letter ruled size IDs De I or or 3 f for or finish CROMWELL in three sizes WRITING ruled or TABLETS TABLETS Linen plain Linen I 1 w fr Dc I iE Cards Bee Playing 3 for iJ I D 0 e 25 13 shades for sketching WAX w X CRAYONS JS and design 27 Poker Polier assorted Chips Eagle V w Sl QI Ol I sO sOL iO Oft 89 iJ L color work 7 c cy y COc GOc Bicycle 9 Qs for fn C II I Z 25 Poker Chips Harris indestructible ladeZ inde lade iwi a. a Playing Cards Dennison's D De gac round edge assorted I I Steamboat Playing Letter Wax Sets r design fleur de lis Us to S iI 4 r 59 Cards D Wax Sets c Poker Chip Racks Racks Assorted Assorted sizes 10 Poker Chips Composition Chips Composition round or square holding or or I assorted In set colors plain and v iiI Of I i IZ 12 IO gilt Canary edge Plating Cards chips 2 to I I CRANES CRANE'S ii iE i CORRECT i THE STATIONERY T A T O NERY II Truly an artistic writing paper of finest quality and always in perfect good taste taste taste- I g the aristocrat of all letter papers Vast completeness of the most charming styles and andI I tints Every new shape every new color big variety variety variety-at at the Schramm-Johnson Schramm stores CR CRANES CRANE'S NES NE'S NEW V LAWN AND HIGHLAND I LINEN STA STATIONERY TIONE X o 75 C CO t 0 4 75 I AR ARC WATERMAN THE PERFECT d AND j. j IDEAL FOUNTAIN 5 AND ANDI PENCIL UP PENS UP I I c SPECIAL CANDIED FIGS gk 9 lb C Cf l f i i lf Ift h s W k 1 MI H i u 1 A i ru lo to ons oi these he 6 Fifty National Bank an o of Republic Accounts P PA I t I r f r L n r 1st A 1000 Savings BANK r. r 50 50 Account ACCOUNTS in in the I In n t the h e National Ba Bank An NATIONAL BANK of the Savings F OF THE REPUBLIC REPUBLICAn s Account n This is the most stupendous Republic offer ever made to the people in the of Salt Lake FIFTY SA SAV SAVINGS V- V National Bank INGS ACCOUNTS ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY FREE and one of r of the te h them can be YOURS or you youcan Republic can can use use- the money oney as you wish I Success is your goal in Ute life I i Dal t- t s and think of the success you ou will obtain by possessing oneA one oneA e of these accounts All AIl that A I 4 we ask of you ou in return for forone I Savings is f o thene one of the bi big g accounts is to o e advertise the Paramount- Paramount I Account Empress in the Club way A I A in In the Send in your name and let letus J National Savings Savings us tell you how easily youA you Account may win I A Account of the Bank in the Republic in the National National i Bank of the if Bank of the Republic Republic O er S I 20 aa I II t Q Will be paid In Inthe I I A C An 8 the form of forty Savings Accounts I National tI National at t the NATION NATION- NATIONAL I Bank ank 1 Bank of AL t BANK Jit of Ot the A 90 0 REPUBLIC t o 0 A Republic I of th the e e everyone v 0 I yon e who I 1 National National works throughout Republic A 75 i the he campaign I I Bank of ang I Bank of National Ev e r y o n e who hO Account Republic flank of works will receive Republic ii I an account Account I Account I Account You Yott Cant Can't Lose Iose I mut To Become a Member of I DEPOSIT BLANK BLANKi the she Paramount-Empress Paramount I I PARAMOUNT EMPRESS EMPRESS NT-EMPRESS BANK Club Account Bank ank I ACCOUNT CLUB Hi join Jom the th Pa Paramount Empress Bank k Ac- Ac GOOD FOR POINTS I i nt Club just fill out the Deposit Blank Bank Club Mgr Paramount Paramount Empress Theatre I hereby enter as a member ber of the Paramount Em Em I mail it it in to the Club una m In irra or bring person press Bank Ac Account o t club lc I ana er Paramount-Empress Paramount Theatre Theat e who who 13 to in detail THe NAME r explain Sils lain the III v t-ex t plan you p p I 15 15 1 ye years rs di df age age or of over over rep sit blank will count as an entry into int the 1 ib Any man wom woman n boy or girl gip girlis r is eligible le j ADD t SS J i 4 PHONE o 0 oin the Bank Account Club 1 I I I I II I I i I i BANK ACCOUNT CLUB t Y fr I CUT THIS 0 OUT vr OLD ENGLISH R RECIPE CIPE FOR CA CA- CATARRHAL D DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES I If It you ou know of some one who is troubled troubled trou trou- bled with Catarrhal Deafness head bead I i or ordinary catarrh cut out this I formula and hand it to them and you jou ou may have been the means of saving some someI poor sufferer perhaps from total deafnESs deafness deaf deaf- I ness In England scientists for a long longI longtime time past have recognized that catarrh catanh cata h hIs I Is a a. constitutional disease and necessarily requires constitutional treatment I Sprays inhalers and nose douches are liable to irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease into the middle ear ear I which frequently means total deafness or else elsa the disease may be driven down clown the air all passages toward the lungs which is equally as dangerous The following formula I which Is used extensively e I in n the r damp English n climate is a constitutional 1 treatment and should prove especially efficacious ef efficacious ef ef- to sufferers rera here who live under under un un- der more favorable climate conditions Secure from your d druggist 1 ounce of Double Doubt strength Take this home and add to it Vi p pint pin t of hot water and a l little tI granulated granulated n u e sugar stir until I dissolved rs orv Take one tablespoonful ta four times a day This will often oCten bring quick relief from distressing head noises Clogged nostrils should open breathing become easy and hearing Improve as the inflammation in the eustachian tubes is reduced used in this way acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces surfaces sur sur- faces of the system and has a a. tonic action ac action action ac- ac tion that helps to obtain the desired re results re- re The preparation Is easy to make male costs little and Is pleasant to take tale Ever Every person who has catarrh or head noises or orIs oris oris is hard of hearing should give sivo this treatment treat treat- ment meat a a. triaL trial S oy 8 RO v 02 h II U USE SE FAq Globe Fitted Globe ae ma matr tr Glasses y Do your eyes eys blur when you ou read 1 Must you hold the tho paper close to your QUI eyes or far away While performing performing per per- forming close work such as bookkeeping book book- etc ett do keeping writing drawing a r your nerves twitch your eyes burn burnand burnand f 5 and your ur head ache 7 These ar are all results of eye eye- defects detects which cast can be readily corrected corrected- with GLOBE-FITTED GLOBE GLASSES consultation Come In and see us us us-a. a costs you nothing I HOME HONE OF I i DR JAG dl JANES CI r a 17 7 Y Years rs t u n Salt half Lake City EAST AST S SOUTI-J SOUTI WALKER B BANK BUILDING I |