Show 6 FIVE MEASURES FOR SOLDIER AID UP OP UPI 1 I t TO GOVERNOR California Legislature Acts Upon Requests Made by American Legion SACRAMENTO TO Cal May 10 B D By the United Press Irese Five Fi maj major r measures for tor the relief of oC the veteran of oC the World war await the signature of oC Governor Governor Governor Gov Gov- Stephens The measures put over by tho the legislature apply to all veterans of oC the World orld war whether or not they are members of oC th the tho 3 American Amen Ameri I can can legion The five measures are The Arbuckle bill creating the theet veterans veterans' et vet II erans' erans welfare board and appropriating In ing for Cor operation of oC the board The Hart bill creating farm tarm and ald home akl for tor veterans and appropriating ing 2000 for tor operating Vocational education bill appropriating appropriating appropriating BIG BOND ISSUE Tho The bill permitting counties tp construct con con- meeting places for tor veterans' veterans or organizations or- or The Inman bill putting a a. bond Issue up to tho the vote ote of oC the people people peo peo- plo at the next general election This amount will be used as a revolving fund b by the veterans' veterans welfare board to carr carry on Its program of oC farm and home aid for tor veterans The Tho veterans veterans' welfare board will operate in the same manner as the state land settlement colony at Dur Dur- ham It provides pro farm allotments not notto notto notto to exceed of oC unimproved land for dwellings and outbuildings for tor farm implements The loan is payable in forty years the in twenty years and the in five years ears The money is loaned at 5 per cent Interest RIGHT TO WAIVE The veterans' veterans welfare board has the power to waive the initial or periodic pay payment ent Special preferences s will be begen given g to disabled service ex men The veteran does not need money for tor the Initial pa payment ment say legion representatives tives here A veteran Is defined under the act as a soldier sailor or marine who entered entered en en- the army of oC the United States from California and who had been I en-I a abona abona bona fide tide citizen of this state previous to induction The W W. O O. Hart Bart bill the second on the list provides for tor financial aid for tor veterans in the tho purchase of oC farms for tor home or home site Under this act the veteran must make an Initial payment of 10 per cent of the total purchase price of oC the farm and 5 Ii per cent on purchase price of home or home site He may select any property anywhere in the state I TO WORK OUT Details of oC the agreement are to be worked out by the veterans veterans' welfare board The completion of the payment I Is not to exceed forty lorty years The Tho veteran veteran vet vet- eran ran must b be able to take possession of oC the property within six months I The vocational education i measure gives a veteran two years in any school in the state he may choose It It provides transportation to and from the school payment of ot the entire tuition tui tul- tuition tion fee tee purchase of or books and 40 monthly maintenance The total I amount must not exceed 1000 for tor the two years jears Senator J J. J L L. Irwin of oC Hanford In Introduced Introduced introduced In- In the fourth measure sponsored b bv by the legion lesion It permits of a county to provide for homes and meeting places for veterans and associations associations associations asso asso- of oC veterans The money for tor the construction of oC such buildings can be raised from the general fund a tax on property of oC the county not to exceed 3 mills or by bond election PEOPLE TO RATIFY The people of the state will be asked to ratify raUf the final request of the veterans vet vet- erans It was proposed in the senate by Senator J J. J M M. Inman of Sacramento and passed both houses It provides a special bond issue of to be used as a revolving fund to carry on the work of at the veterans' veterans welfare act The state will be repaid the money being loaned to the veterans If It the bond issue carries the 53 appropriated appropriated appropriated under the welfare board and welfare act will be bo returned to the state immediately Another measure passed b by both houses and ind introduced by Senator ES E E. S S. S Rigdon of ot San Luis Obispo provides that orphans of ot veterans shall be 00 given educational opportunities similar to those provided under the vocational education act Further recognition was given the service ex-service men by declaring November I 11 Armistice day a legal holiday and granting v veterans in the reserve forces 1000 tax exemption Lou Smith driving an automobile collided with John Karras who was riding a motorcycle last night at Sixth avenue and State street Both were from Midvale Smith suffered I two fractured ribs and Karras Karri sustained sus sus- SUStained sustained a cut on the head Both SUS are I reported to be bp recovering today |