Show HE i SALT LAKE RUSH CONTINUES TO NEW MEW CAMP OF SIL Number of New Companies Organize and Start Star Development Development Development De De- De- De Work Information received In Salt Lake from froni Pioche states that the rush to the new new camp of near there continues and that the town Is growing rapidly A 4 number of new companies have have b been n organized and already have begun devel- devel op ent operations W V Work rk on the tue Silver Silver- horn and the Silver dale the original com panics Is I being pushed as rapidly as possible pos pos- sible sibie Just south and to the tho tie west wt of the main workings on the Silver Dale Dale- float foat was found which assays as high as 2013 ounces per pel ton Last weeks week's work worl In this vicinity disclosed what may prove to be the source of the high high Many bids have have come core in for leases on this ground but the company company com corn pany will wl probably not grant rant them Tho The continuation of the 01 ore body on the use Silver SilverDale Siver Dale has b ben n traced by H. H A. A and R. R M. M Geppert who have devoted a great deal de-al of time to a detailed geological study of this thin portion porton of the 11 camp m The Silver Divide Divie group 1 which l lies liCa s y to the west vest and just north of the tho Dale has ha been acquired by Church Compton and nd development de will wi soon oon be started by the Silver Dividend Mining company which H is being organized to operate It I. I The Tho claims were among the earlier locations In and the showings make it I very a. attractive proposition Church 0 8 Cramp Crampton ton have also elso taken over the property which adjoins the Silver Nickel and Ind arrangements for thoroughly thoroughly thor thor- I I financing large operations are u upi i Way gay The courtesies which this extended to other engineers and In answering answering an an- letters of Inquiry regarding the I C camp amp P have v been much nuch appreciated anti and f 0 they hey a are now making ak other examinations I at that hat will wi doubtless lead lea to other oter deals desi deal and more sore activity The Silver Horn Mining Development company controlled by J. J C. C Weir and associates associates as as- of New York has taken over r the group which has hal a quartz outcrop similar to that of the te big mine The prope property prop prop- e erty was bought on the favorable report of Thomas II H. France and Thoma assays of from 28 to 0 41 ounces per ton have been secured The The Silver Dale Extension and the Peer eer companies s are ar two more that have good rood showings on their properties and give promise of developing producers lucers |