Show Sheriff Sherill to toi i Move ove To Save Varnish PROVO May 10 Solicitude Solicitude for the varnish on the court table was ex expressed expressed expressed ex- ex pressed yesterday by Judge James JamesD B. B Tucker lucker during during- the hearing of the cas case of the State vs John I charged with having intoxicating li liquor II- II quor in his pos possession Deputy County Attorney Jacob I Coleman read a letter from the sherif sheriff sheriff sher sher- if iff of Plute Piute count county In which it was asserted that tha the county officers of the southern county had reason to be believe believe believe be- be lieve that was making malting moonshine and shipping it to Marysvale for Cor sale Sheriff J J. D. D Boyd Informed the court that he had found an old old- copPer copper copper cop cop- per boiler in the basement of the home at Springville to together together together to- to gether with two or three bottles of ot white mule Bertlesen informed the court that the boiler had been found by his son and that the boy was going to cover a a. a tool box with it He lie admitted that he had some liquor In his house just justin in case of sickness He lie insisted that the boiler had not been used for Cor the making of ot liquor The court asked sied t sheriff to bring br to court Sher- Sher Boyd iff-Boyd appeared a few minutes later with the boiler and one quart fruit bottle filled and another partly filled with colored liquor The court Inspected in inspected inspected In- In the boiler took a whiff of the contents of the two bottles and then returned to the bench The sherIff sheriff sher sher- iff placed the two bottles on the table In the center of or the room The judge took one look at them and then remarked Sheriff will you OU kindly remove the bottles from the table I fear they may take off oCt the varnish The bottles were re re- re moved was sentenced to pay a apay apay apay pay a fine of O or spend twenty days in jail |