Show SIX TEAMS AMI IV TO OPEN e IN TWILIGHT LEAGUE First of Evening Games to Start Wednesday Night The first games will be played tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomor tomor- row night in tho the Twilight league ague a branch of ot the tile Sunday morning division of ot the Commercial league The new league will comprise six teams and au all the games will Ill be played around 6 In tho the evening e The schedule for tho the opening day clay to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow to- to morrow brings together the Star Laudry and O. O S. S I L. L aggregations on Municipal field leId No 1 I. Van Meter will umpire The Tho Yeomen will meet the Harris Dairy nine at Bonneville park at 6 p. p in m. The Browning Auto company team andl and the American n Linen I Supply u aggregation atlon will l clash 1 Se lh at bt Municipal I P park No 2 A schedule for tor the tho entire season has been worked out and ahll it is planned to bring the and the tho Sunday Morning winners together at the close orthe of or the season for a championship gorilla cries |