Show I MAY ATTEND PACIFIC SCHOOL CONFERENCE Dr George H. H Thomas state superintendent superintendent superintendent super super- of public instruction has been invited to attend the Pan-Pacific Pan educational conference which meets in Honolulu August 11 to 21 In attendance attendance attendance attend attend- ance on this conference will be representatives representatives representatives of all nations bordering on the Pacific ocean which are twenty- twenty two in number v It is the fh st t International recognition recognition tion or orthe the community movement It ItH I H Is according to Information received by Dr Thomas evidence of the growing growing growing grow grow- ing conviction that the problem of In International international international in- in I peace is at bottom a problem problem lem of the science and art of community community I ity organization how to devise a plan by which larger communities called I nations can cooperate as allies rather than contend as rivals The Pan- Pan Pacific union secures results by the spiritual process of ot an interchange of ot Information and the promotion of good goodwill goodwill goodwill will among Pacific nations by pooling their experience the significance of which is far reaching Dr Thomas will in all aU probability attend the conference |