Show I ALICIA'S OLD HOME Mother Hammersly did not refer reter to tomy tomy i my con condition in any way although I knew that Hal must have told her the tho next morning when I did not get up upI I for tor breakfast Her lIer silence rather hurt me me for for of or course I felt that the fact tact that a 0 baby was coming to Hal and anel me was the greatest thing in the world at that moment moment- She also re received received received re- re my announcement that I J was going home that evening ut utI I comment I Hal Ual came home homo early In the afternoon afternoon after after- I noon and brought me the railroad tickets and handed me fifty dollars I I wish It ft were tere more he sal said But Dut Alix you know da dad dal only pays me a aI avery avery I very small salary salary- anc anti and he ie gives us our board and room s Do you think that hat is a good arrangement arrangement arrangement ar ar- ar- ar I Hal I am euro eure that your mother is not satisfied with the way things are going and anti I 1 know I am amnot amnot I not Hal I feel J. J I can oan Sever never come back to this house bouse to toft live lI an and 1 I 1 am sure that your mother does not want me to I S What is the matter Mix Alix Surely you you and mother h have havo n not nt t qU quarreled I have you i No but I tun ath ni sure that we will w lit if we wo do not get away from each other You know that my way of or keeping house is very cry different from I your our mothers I believe that houses houes and furniture were made for the comfort comfort com coin fort of or tho the people that live in them rather than to be regarded as t tyrants rants I always crying out consider me conI consider consider con con- sider me mo You aou must mut know Hal that I we cannot p po live with your people people peo peo- pIe after attar the baby comes It would I drive your mother crazy to have a ba baby haby lIa- lIa b by in the Hie house I guess you are right AlIx Allx After Arter you have been home borne a few days and anden seen en your parents you can come back und and look up a house or some housekeepIng housekeeping house house- keeping rooms and we will try It alone Are you sure that you ou will willbe willbe be able to keep our house Hal ask asked hesitatingly You know that we e will not be able to keep help I know dear it Jt will not net be as hard for Cor or me t to work in m my own house in my own way an as to tl try and do the work your mothers mother's wa way waye We e are arc living HIng liv liv- ing in a a. new generation Hal and we mu must t live e in the present not pot in the theIa Ia past t 5 |