Show I CLUBS TO SUPPORT ELKS ELKS' CARNIVAL The Elks' Elks carnival to be staged at Bonneville park May 23 to 27 27 to raise funds for tor the entertainment of ot visitIng visiting visiting visit visit- ing Elks estimated at en route to the Elks' Elks national convention at Los Angeles will have days devoted to tho the Rotary Kiwanis Progressive Business Business Business Bus Bus- iness Triangle and Commercial clubs according to plans outlined at a meeting meeting meeting meet meet- ing o of delegates from tho the five fire clubs held yesterday at the lodge clubhouse On these days and night the clubs will act as with the Elks Monday 1 on day May 23 23 has been designated as Commercial club day Tuesday Rotary Ro Ro- tm tary club day Wednesday Triangle club day Thursday Kiwanis club day and Friday Progressive Business club day Committees from the Elks the five tive clubs and other organizations will soon be named to undertake various functions tunc- tunc in connection with the carnival Special attractions will be staged by the clubs for their respective days with the Elks providing general entertainment entertainment enter enter- for all days and nights |