Show MME MAKE EFFORT TO GIVE TO UNEMPlOYED PROVO May 10 Plans Plans pr providing work for the unemployed were discussed at length at a meeting of mayors presidents presidents presidents dents of commercial clubs and superintendents superintendents superintendents of school districts of the vanous various various vari van ous cities towns and school districts of Utah county at a meeting held at the Provo commercial club Monday Under the plan as outlined by the Industrial in In- In commission lon of or the state each county Is to appoint an executive committee committee com corn of oC three members with the county clerk cierI as secretary of this committee The meeting Monday voted unanimously that that- the members of the board of county commissioners commissioners com corn missioners should act as the executive committee for Cor Utah county and that the Mayor and members of the city commission commis- commis sion should act as the Provo unit The mayors of the other cities and towns were appointed as chairmen of their units with power to select the other members of the committee unit These committees in turn will appoint subcommittees of of not less than three as follows One on prices one on employed and one one- on un Un- un- un employed These committees are expected to submit submit submit sub sub- mit their answers to a number of ques ques- sent out by the industrial committee committee com corn within a few Cew days T. T F. F superintendent of ot schools of or the Mount Nebo district said that the Nebo district was badly In need of oC three new schoolhouses but that they could not borrow the money with which to make malte the Improvements It seems to me inc that the state should start something 1 I Iam am surprised that the governor should pass It down the line and expect us to start the work Why doesn't it start something something- Itself said Mr James M M. Gardner mayor of Lehl Lehi said that there were many unemployed In Itt Inthe the county who were badly In need of work |