Show b iU- iU By Kathleen l aye I Queries to this dep department nt should D be addressed to Mice Mica Kathleen I I Kaye Kay department Salt Lake Telegram Salt Lake City Utah I Queries s are limited to one question each and must be written In Ink and on one ene side of the paper only with full name and address of writer appended also I name or Initials to be used for Identification In column All names and addresses address are arc held In strictest confidence For special service phone Wasatch between tween M l and 12 o'clock or between 3 and 4 When necessary please phone for the location of any commodity mentioned in n this department Dear Miss Kaye Kayo I had been k keeping company with a girl for a year and a half when through my own misdemeanor she threw me over and then took up another another another an an- other fellow It wasn't until then Miss Kaye Kayo that I 1 realized how much I really reIly loved her I became disheartened die dis heartened and went from bad diS 1 to worse But Miss Kaye I caught myself myself myself my my- self in time and have been doing better bet bet- ter tec ter For a year I tried to forget this thi girl but Now I have started going with her again She thinks a alot alot alot lot of me but I think she loves this other fellow Now that the time has come for her to choose Miss Kaye do you think it is my duty cuty to give her up and try to forget her Trusting that you wont won't overlook this I am R. R E. E M. M Bingham The trite saying to the effect that all is fair lair in love and war does not always apply K n. H. H M. M I. I and sometimes some some- times times the tho question of honor enters In In and then of course a some I man manIs manis manis is bound in iron chains I You have every right to press your suit with all the zeal you possess possess to to I win the girl despite the other chap I if you can so long as your our methods I are arc honorable And unless you have I facts before you which would convince you OU that the other chap could and I wo would ld for somo some reason make her happier happier hap hap- pier than you could ever over hope to hap j do you are arc not bound to retire from the race And in appraising yourself do not be too modest for I I personally I feel that you by show show- Ing a little spirit will discover show show-I that you rou acy have first place with the girl I I But R. R U E. M. M in case you ARE I counted out out out-In In case tho the other chap I seems to have first place remember place remember i I I that by losing yourself and going I from bad to worse you'll only prove I to the whole world that the girl was wasi i right in choosing as she did And I remember too that all is not ended I that may seem so all so-all all Is not dead dead 1 that sleeps Whatever results now in inthe inthe the choosing in this world of change no person can tell when where or how there might come an opportunity i for another inning to the man who I keeps himself fit who tit who is too keen to tobe tobe I be found napping or out when the I tapping might be e heard at his door To sum it all up let your conscience be your guide do always the honorable honorable honorable honor honor- I able thing regardless the while you bear in mind faint taint heart etc Dear Miss Kaye I A few days ago someone asked if I the Mormon church was the true I church of God Anyone who is honest hon hen honI I est ost faithful and pure in heart heart- and seeks the truth by asking in faith it itI I shall be given him In James 1 5 we weI I I find If any of you lack wisdom let lot letI I him ask of God that to all men menI I liberally and not and it itI iti i shall be given him I I There is one question that has hasI I bothered ME some How can you anI answer answer an- an I so many questions so wonderfully wonder- wonder I fully ant never make a mistake AlI Although Al- Al I I though I have never met you personally person person- I I ally I have many loves and kisses kiSe for I and congratulate you on your I sweet answers to everyone I JUST ME Salt alt Lake And I congratulate you ou upon your our sweet little contribution Only a alovel lovel lovely mind puts forth so 80 pleasing a aI letter I thank you and assure you ou ouI I appreciate your beautiful faith in me and my efforts for you all an but butr r beg to admit that Im I'm far fag from Crom I per cent perfect as ItJI some of oC you ou little dears clears would have me seem To err erris erris is human human and and I do so ao want nt to be allowed to be human so 80 please let Jet I me prove it ft once In awhile by awhile by saying saving that black is white that the moon is ia made of green cheese that I I Ann 1 ia is now on only 5 years ears old or some 1 such daring thins thing May lay I not I I Dear Miss Kaye t I Dear helper to all in need I havo I come to your cozy corner with my I question I hope you can help me I have a hair switch and from washing wash wash- I ing it has turned turned- much lighter than I my hair My hair is black Could you I tell me of something to darken the thel l I switch I Thanking you for all the kindness r you have shown all readers of The Telegram and wishing you health and andr r happiness ANXIOUS Salt Lake 1 e I do thank you 5 1 Hair dye with which you might successfully d dye thia switch to the I Prop r JI shade may Y be P purchased ed from t t t r i ti t a beauty parlor or drug store However How How I ever I believe it would be a much better better bet bet- I ter plan to have It done for you by a I professional which may be found in any beauty shop Then It will be made a perfect match and the cost will be little lit lit- tle tiO tle if any more than that of ot the materials materials materials mate mate- rials with which to do it yourself and there is always the chance of ot failure failure fail faU- ure should you OU attempt it Think it over S You are most welcome Dear Miss Kaye Please tell me what will take stains out of a taffeta dress They are candy and grease greaso stains Please answer this in the With love TIT BITS Murray Place the garment over a thick absorbent absorbent absorbent ab ab- ab- ab pad and spon sponge e the spot with witha a fresh bit of gauze slightly moist moistened ned In ether working in from the outside out of or the stain toward vard the center Sponge from the wrong side and keep moving the absorbent pad as it becomes soiled For the candy stains sponge with soap and water and follow tollow with treatment treatment treat treat- ment for grease stains if t necessary Dear Miss Kaye I have read your column and have enjoyed it very much I am surely one of your many admirers I should like to belong bolong to y your ur cor cor- cor- cor ner nor I h have ve several questions to submit submit submit sub sub- mit and will appreciate your answers Please tell me how to remove perspiration perspiration per per- stains of a brown suit from froma a georgette waist Thank you ZOE Randolph I You may belong Zoo Zoc my dear dear and and do To be in sympathy with us Is to belong so youre you're one of us us oven even now Thank you You are arc asking directions for doln doing the most difficult thing imaginable If It theres there's any anyone one stain that baffles the chemist it is perspiration Often Orten the professional cleaner cannot remove such a stain so do not be surprised if you fall But if Ir you wish try iron rust soap which Is a a. preparation put up for the tho purpose Jf Of removing stains It comes in tubes at 25 or 30 cents each but you may not be able to lo locate locate lo- lo cate it in your own town and In that case you ou may write me mo privately After using the tho Iron rust soap wash tho the blouse carefully in UX T. You are most welcome |