Show d GENERAL N RAL DEBILITY I IS CAUSE CAUSE OF D DEATH I SPANISH FORK Jan 3 30 William Morgan died led yesterday at the residence of liis Mrs daughter Mrs Sarah Bufton Burton with whom whom- he had made his home Death was due to general general debility He was born in South South- Wales September 14 1835 1315 He lIe lIeI came to tc Ame America ica In 1871 and lived In Pe Pennsylvania for seven for seven jears after which I h he lid came Caine cameto to Spanish Spanish- Fork where where- he had Since hinc resided In In 1863 e he married Elizabeth Eliza beth Evans Evans' Mr Morgan Morga had always been engaged in stock raising He Hels is survived survived sur sur- by two daughters Mrs 1 Elizabeth Anderson of Salt Lake City dod and nd Mrs Mis Sarah SaraK Bufton of this city two grandchildren grandchildren grandchildren grand grand- children and and two great grandchildren Funeral services were held this afternoon from the Third ward cha chapel el |