Show Huge Crowds CroUd Pack Packed d American Sunday Yesterday witnessed the showing showing show show- ing of the most startling picture of the season at the American theatre where The Child Thou Gayest Me opened a limited engagement The picture tells a story of war days and those immediately following them It tells of the faith of a wife and the Jealousy jealous of a husband It Is crammed full tull of the good things of life yet It tells a story so surprisIng ing in theme so unexpected In action and with so dramatic a climax as to fairly make the audience gasp with as as- Yesterday the huge hUie crowds which filled the seats of the American all day long long- were loud in their praise of this latest addition to the truly great pictures In addition to the feature a smashing good comedy Is shown with Sunshine Sammy In the stellar role Laughs greeted this little black fellow who closely resembles the wee page Clarence who Is Js on duty at the American ever every evenIng Clarence by the wa way scored a hit himself at all performances yesterday During a specially arranged concert by R Ti Owen Sweetens Sweeten's s orchestra Clarence Is supposed to lead a dog across the stage Clarence was willing but the dog was not And thereby hangs a tale I For or the be it known was heftier than Clarence and the dog did the dragging and not the little colored lad Gales of laughter greeted Claren Clarence Clar Char en ence enee e on each of his attempts to lead said t d dog 8 across the s stage much to both his and the dogs dog's astonishment hi n Youths will not become wildly excited about education says Theodor von Eltz If If support Is la given to the recommendation recommends recommends- tion of a a. certain professor for the Immediate immediate im Im- im- im mediate abolition of Intercollegiate athletic athletic ath ath- letic events and a substitution of 1 activities with universal participation par- par Motion Picture Production s a s now open to all Seven Los tl Angeles studios furnish Bh everything necessary to make a movie If It a genius lacks money there are a number of ot companies that finance film fUm enterprises I An Interesting ii on the various n phases of the life of Georgia is soon to appear In the American maga maga- zinc zine n I |