Show t tp dUARY U RY 3 30 30 1922 r RATES ON STEEr STEEL j jARE ARE PROTESTED 1 F Farm arm Bureau Has Part in Pittsburg Plus fus Case Case MILWAUKEE AUKEE Jan Fox For 30 For the third time the Pittsburg plus steel controversy between Western Vestern manufacturers manufacturers manu manu- and the Pittsburg steel mills came under Investigation today before the the federal trade commission on Examiner Examiner Examiner ner ner John Bennett opened a series series- of hearings here with other hearings scheduled for Minneapolis Pittsburg and Indianapolis lat later r. r Complainants In the present case ase are the Western Vestern Association of Ron Rolled d Steel Manufacturers the American Farm Bureau federation the Southern Association o of Rolled Steel Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers and the Civic Commerce association association association asso asso- of Superior Wis Vis The first hearing on the Pittsburg plus case by which the freight rate from Pittsburg is added to the price of ot all alt shipments even to Western Vestern points first came to the commissions commission's attention In December 1919 After seven months a decision In favor of ot the Pittsburg base was rendered Again In December 1920 another hearing was held but in the Ithe following April the personnel of the commission commission commission commis commis- sion was changed hanged and a a. decision this time was given in favor of the steel mills by the same vote The present hearings are the result of an amended complaint made by the commission Itself last December |