Show DElAY LOOMS IN GENOA MEETING Far ar East Conference Ma May Cause Postponement I I I LONDON Jan 30 By the Associated Associated Press The Press The The Italian government which has the arrangements for the j Genoa economic conference In hand hand I j considers consi ers that a slight postponement of the conference may be necessary says an Exchange Telegraph dI dispatch patch from Rome toda today This belief it Is Indicated results from the tho pos postponement postpone po pone pone- ment of ot the conference at al Paris on Near East questions between the British Brit ish French and Italian HaHan foreign ministers ministers minis minis- originally fixed for February minis minis-I 1 The postponement of the Paris conference conference conference con con- ference It is explained is to give the British and Italian foreign ministries time to examine a memorandum which I the French government has Issued sot sot- ting forth its viewpoint of the Near Neill Eastern settlement STOCKHOLM Sweden Jan 30 The Tho Swedish government has ac accepted accepted accepted ac- ac the Invitation received a few tew days ago from the Italian government to send representatives to th the Genoa conference The note of acceptance expresses hope that thit the Genoa conference conference con ference will result in the inauguration of Europe's reconstruction 1 la is 1 a u spirit con j d df reconciliation v. v 41 |