Show I Digging Diggin Out J Of Deep Snow WASHINGTON Jan 30 The The center cen cen- cenI I ter of ot a storm which flung lung a deep blanket of snow now over the entire middIe mid mid- I dIe dle Atlantic section of the country mid mid-I Friday and Saturday Washington was still digging itself out of more than I two feet teet of ot It today with the process of of- returning to normal ways of ot living i exceedingly slow But the capital i city had the assurance of at the weather I bureau that the storm was moving safely seaward today I With Sunday passed Washington redoubled its efforts today to clear I away the storm Impediments restore tore an almost totally lost contact with suburbs add to the streetcar routes i which were feebly resumed in some I instances yesterday and Insure some approach toward dependability in the I delivery of milk mm bread and other ne ne- ne ne-I ne Reports from other points near the storm c center nt r including Philadelphia which with the entire southeastern southeastern- section of Pennsylvania wa was covered with snow to a a. depth of at a foot and anda I a half |