Show i I I I W Car That Dr Dragged Boy And Sled Beneath r The rhe automobile that passed over Robert Robe P Penrose nrose h age e 11 as he Ilay ay on his sled on on on Seventh East street a week week ago ago coasting co sting and dragged him ilm and and the sled beneath for five blocks without without injury was dr driven en by a woman according to Frank W. W Penrose Pen- Pen ros rose Ninth East street father of the boy r A complete story of Roberts Robert's miraculous mirac ulous escape from death was carried In The Telegram the day following the the episode and the the woman upon reading it and learning that the parents of the tho boy wished to see the driver of the tho car hastened to the Penrose home The woman told Mr l and Mrs Penrose Penrose Penrose Pen- Pen rose that she felt all n along there was something wrong with the car but could not tell what It was and at last asked a a. male companion riding with her to get out and see what was wrong She nearly collapsed when she saw Robert and the sled emerge from beneath her car she sho said They offered to take him hint homo but buthe he declined and she was so iI ill m from the shock she did not insist she said lIe He was was the coolest one there s she soe le said speaking of Robert who trudged home with a a. bleeding ba k scratches and bruises and collapsed in his nother's mothers arms Robert went scho school l today |