Show if 4 b e alt Hake telegram E tabli hd d 1102 tta MAth fAIN STREET c PUO E c Er Published by The Tel ram Company A. A L. L FISh President and G General Manager Manaa I All biness correspondence should be addressed to Th Salt Lk tko Telegram Salt t Lake City CtT Utah Tb Telegram I. I a member ot of the Associated The A AlSO AlSO- I elated cIted I Is exclusively entitled to tb th use for republication I o ot itt all credited to It or not otherwise credited In 10 I thu paper and also alaI the tho local news nw published herein TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS DAILY AND SUNDAY In Utah Idaho Nevada ond fly Dr By carrier ZOo per er week weel By 37 mall malt In advance one advance One month 85 15 cent on one year 10 1000 00 All Alt other state atatu SI 25 per month Wyoming BJ By SUNDAY only In Utah Idaho Nevada and mall man In advance One advance One e-One One year tS 3 00 All Ail other states 00 ADV ADVERTISING BRANCH DRANCH OFFICES Vera Veree Conklin Inc Ine 1 New York Tork City 30 SOS Madison Avenue 2 24 East Jackson Jacklon Boulevard Chicago Detroit 7 11 t Boulevard R. R J. J Company j oJ San Ian 12 Market t Street l |