Show ii f y 11 r j r J t r if I l hb t SAL kr l L KI LA l l i l L R t m Y EVENIN EVENING G JAN JANUARY UARY 30 1 1121 i M LEAGUE TAKES 1 MAJORS LVA JOS FOR FO A ROW OW OF SAVINGS BANKS 1 h. h mc ERS rt OF THE STATE H ENTHUSIASTIC OVER TO TELEGRAMS TOURNAMENT 1 n f f Ogden Plans Entry iy of Two Man five Teams a n Utah 9 s Title Tte Bowling Tournament D Deseret s ret G Gymnasium Anxious to Cc Cop p All Prizes i i in Women's ens Division of Championship Tournament r ment Spanish Fork k to Enter Least o to at t. t One Team in In Big Event I ft A ift l A- A B By y S Steve terJe M I I Tit Ff iT r. r tI the state bowling championship tournament which isM is M J. J scheduled s ed to be held at the Orpheum alleys in Salt Lake on Wednesday W Thursday Friday and Saturday March 1 2 3 and 4 is is' is going oin to be he one of the biggest sporting events of the winter season fienson was was assured yesterday when the bowlers of Salt Lake and Ogden generally expressed approval orthe of or 1 tho the plans for the championships I MANY MANT INTERESTED I Although h the announcement of or the Vent which is s being sponsored by byThe byThe byThe The Salt Lake Tele Telegram ram was made yesterday morning practically e e tery ery team in the City league has ex- ex its intention of f entering t the i Wl Tournament and trying trying- for g the state championship h in the man five team The teams a according to prest pres- pres pt t plans pans will wilt enter the race with players s they now have haves eaT Ot rho The Telephone I league of Salt Lake enter Js Ida also expected t to enter at least two in the tournament to be se- se Jac ed from the best ten n players in that organization Then The The Commercial league lea and the Telegram league both ef Salt f Salt Lake also expect to enter one or possibly two teams In the main dl- dl vision of ot the tha tournament LADIES BABIES t nIES' nIES PRIZES The e Deseret gymnasium expects to todo do do Its most effective work in Ar the e la- la ladles la- la idles idles' events in the coming tournament ment but will also Center enter one team in Ithe man fIve tournament possibly three in the mens men's doubles and about aten At t n in the mens men's singles tournaments Iris ls likely likey that there will be five teams from the Deseret gymnasium entered entered en- en in th the doubles tournament for la- la idles and from ten to fifteen entrants Mn In In the singles t Quinns Quinn's alleys alles in the Keith Empo- Empo lri tn ny building will enter one or pos- pos two teams The entry from this Sector ector of the battle for state honors will not be as large as from the others others' due duo to the fact that many of the players k game there only are iy novices since I e the heh having opening started of the the al- al l |