Show rH rr SALT SALI LAKE SHANTUNG ISSUE AGAIN ACRIN UP fOR DISCUSSION J Pressure Is Brought to Bri Bring g Japan and China Chii a to Agreement 1 WASHINGTON Jan 30 By the Associated Associated Associated As As- Press The Press The Shantung Issue still remained the big question of ot the arms conference today and although there ther had been no outward evidence of ot chango change in the situation there were In Indications Indications In- In of ot Increasing pressure being brought to tJ bear for a settlement There was a possibility that the Japanese and Chinese would come together later In the day dar to attempt to clear away the remaining points of ot disagreement Meantime the tho power five-power naval treaty had been brought one step nearer hearer nearer completion today by the Japanese Japanese Japanese Japa Japa- nese delegations delegation's receipt of ot further In Instructions Instructions Instructions In- In from Tokio regarding the Pacific fortifications clause the tho one unfinished portion of ot the treaty Japan was vas said to approve definitely the plan of ot listing by name the Islands to which the agreement against further fortifications shall apply but to have made mado one or two reservations as to the language of ot th article necessitating further discussion Whether the tho armament armament armament arma arma- ment committee would meet some time later today to take this up had not been announced Final disposal of ot one of ot the few re remaining remaining remaining re- re Far Eastern questions also had hll been brought nearer today by receipt of ot approval from Rome Romo by the It Italian li n delegation of the proposal to prohibit Importation of arms and ammunition Into China Although approval of ot The Netherlands government was still awaited It was predicted by some ot of the delegates that the Far Eastern committee mig meet before tonight I to take action on the arms export reso reso- lution |