Show OF NEY GROWING D E Johal o al Organization rg i of f keepers Opens Its ion n in Salt Lake ake City I enver enver ver Man Talks I IJ J mation of plans to be presented I Ia with a view to bringing I a further reduction In freight on honey and beekeepers' beekeepers sup- sup Ion d the discussion of of a more she advertising campaign urging Of honey will wu be the chief z broUght up at the third an- an I an-I I convention on of the American league which cont con- con t today day at the Hotel Utah More fifty delegates from state organ- organ Ihl h throughout the country in- in rg on one from Pennsylvania and andI 1 m I from states between there and andere vere yore ere present at the initial ig g existing situation relative to the ent eat of f honey and and beekeepers' beekeepers es makes it possible for for- Pacific I producers to invade the trade trader r rj of the producers in Middle declared Frank Rauch- Rauch Colo Cob of the exe executive lW lUte e until it seriously threatens n of th the industry While have haye h ve been some adjustments of tes s In favor of the producer Inas in 1 as ait ast two years ears the price of his is I has been greatly lowered ref re- re g in practically no o ultimate I f Its ts i Difficulties difficulties faced by the producer 1 freight rate matter is added the combination of the water I ail rate from Pacific coast points lantic coast points via the Pan- Pan I canal This permits the Pacific to ship honey to the U coast at 50 cents per hundred Island l and reship it as far West as I s river rivet po points n s at a cheaper II than han the producers in middle En says Mr 1 efforts will be made to tot I t the he scope and effectiveness advertIsing l a campaign conducted i Je national organization said E E. tl of San Antonio Tex tent lent cooperation r. r between the pros pro- pro s will be urged in an effort to tos tose tose s se the per capita consumption ey ey in this country countr which is now two pounds it was stated ExU Ex- Ex U loh n and novel means of mar- mar product will be discussed Ians ans made for carrying them out 1 ns reaching the city at noon inthe in- in the number of delegates maIt may ma- ma y It was expected that about would be here for the sec sec- j l ay y of the convention tomorrow election of officers will be held annual meeting of the Utah B Beekeepers Beekeepers' association of which Henager is president will con- con W following the adment adment ad- ad ment of the national convention i Ing g to announcement made by J. J secretary I |