Show i II The Tho Washington club Is to be congratulated congratulated lat d on securing Roger He Heis HeIs Heis is one of the most valuable ball players ers In Inthe Inthe inthe the American league h. h aside from his gr great at ability ability abil abil- ity W as a a. ball ll player r. r i is a gentleman e o on and andoff andoff Iwho d eaI ea en off the ball field He I Is the type player a who tends to Insure baseballs baseball's prestige as the national pastime I It is understood that Is to manage the Washington team It Is his big opportunity in baseball I feel that he will make the most of ot it has the ideal temperament temperament for tor a great manager He has plenty of ot brains He Is a smart ball player He lie Hep p should p be g equally t has al determination et keen as a and leader cour cour- age He is mild mannered yet most convincing con con- No manager can hope for tor much success success suc suc- cess in baseball unless his team is with him In other words he must be popular with his men ever since his entry into the American league has been one of the best liked men In the or organization or- or S 'S S STo I To know Roger is to like I him His sincerity and honesty of ot purpose purpose purpose pur pur- pose Immediately wins friends I am sure I every member of ot the Washington club will welcome him to teh team When they ther- get to know him better as aa they will his II welcome will wll increase j S S From a playing standpoint merely the addition of ot means perhaps more than his appointment as manager of ot the club There is no better shortstop In baseball today than Roger Some may maybe be as good but there is none nono better S S S The Washington club ever since McBride Mc- Mc rc Bride retired from the lineup has been weak at shortstop The addition of ot Peck- Peck means that for a number of ot years the Nationals are fortified at the most important position on a a. ball club The coming of ot to WashIngton Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington means the Nationals immediately Jump Into the pennant contender class h supplies the club with the much needed punch at shortstop Washington now boasts of ot a real Infield No infield in the American league has anything on Judge Harris and Shanks Harris is a a. remarkable second second second sec sec- ond baseman He ranks close to Eddie Collins Joe Judge Is a great first sack- sack er Howard Shanks at third is a a. far tar better man than some critics credit him lIe He can pl play y third most capable despite the fact tact that he was originally an outfielder out out- fielder I A team with such a good Infield plus a afine afine fine Cine catching department an excellent outfield and pretty good pitching will certainly make all kinds of ot trouble in 1922 I I |