Show I COURT DECIDES BEES I ARE WILD ANIMALS I By International News Service KANSAS CITY Mo Nov 17 Bees Beel Bees are declared to be wild animals according to toa toa toa a Jury in the Wyandotte county court W. W T. T Holland was acquitted on a charge of grand nd larceny as it was shown to the satisfaction of the Jury that hat the bees I swarmed to his place J Holland rented a farm from J. J C. C Hume on which there were eleven hives of bees bees- When hen Holland left lett there were sixteen sixteen I hives hive and he took five of them Hume flume 1 accused him of taking them unlawfully I II IThe Ii I The attorney for Holland was able to I I i prove piova that bees ea were wild wile animals and andI I won et the e case j 6 11 |