Show I SEA GULLS WIN IVIN i PROTECTION AS HEALTH GUARDS By Dy Special News Newa Service NEW YORK Nov The T. 17 The National Na- Na Na National a- a i Association of ot Audubon societies societies societies so so- h has haB Instructed all Its Us wardens to preset preserve sea gulls because of their usefulness as guardians of public health Although gulls are commonly referred to as a bird of the sea their services inland are equally valuable valuable val vat as they destroy many kinds i ot of insects The early settlers of ot Utah were once saved from famine by the aid of gulls which exterminated grasshoppers ruining the tho grain I Sea gulls have been especially ac active active active ac- ac tive about the port of New York in keeping the waters clear of ot refuse most of which otherwise would float inshore As the facilities for the conversion conversion conversiOn con con- version and destruction of ot garbage at Barren island have been temporarily reduced some of ot the waste of ot the city Is being dumped oft off Sandy Hook AS soon Boon as the scows discharge their loads Into the ocean the gulls gather and devour It As a result of ot the protective measures adopted by the Audubon so societies societies so- so the number of gulls along the Atlantic coast has increased enormously enOrmously enormously enor enOr- T T. Gilbert Pearson says secretary of the National Association of ot Audubon societies In many places I sea gulls were almost extinct and andI andas andas as a result several coast cities and I towns were often orten menaced by the I shoreward drift of refuse When the he settlement of Southwest Harbor I was founded In Maine the Inhabitants killed off the tho gulls and the surrounding surround surround- trig ing waters were soon polluted by bythe b bythe the waste of the cod fisheries Finally tho the town had to be bo abandoned and anda a a. new site was taken several miles distant Thus was the beautiful re resort resort re- re I sort of Bar Harbor established The National Association of Audubon Audubon I bon hon societies was instrumental In I having laws passed In many of the states stales protecting the gulls and allied I species and Its activities were e especially cape espe peI pe- pe daIly I all concentrated on preventing the taking of eggs from the nests I Reports from the associations association's s wardens wardens wardens war war- dens on the coast const of Maine show that hat an nn unusual number of young I were hatched this season |