Show I. I Challenges Kent to J Join in Suffrage Pickets fA AHN N W UlD r l WIFE J N ArnAl I MILITANCY l I ncr Congressman Defied I tid K id in Replacing Won Wo- Wo Wo-I Wo WoIn n in White House Line I I anding Equal Rights him i in Invitation to join 1011 suffrage pu line be- be 1 House in further further- the thc activity which has baH the c arrest of r both their I ent taRt last night by H n. B D. I prominent local merchant to tonT nT William lent Kent of ot St i member L of ot the federal L n Ion Lion on th part of ot Mr Quay after th ih receipt of n II letter wife lre lreIn Mm Mrs Minnie Quay doe dee de- de e and H have havo been undergone ber br of ot the National Worn Worn- who h have been arrested for forin forIn forn in In n the th national 1 capital I and OW Low iw In the Ih theat theat at lit Occoquan VaIr Va YB Ir IrL INI Quay rind Mr Mrs Irl C C. T T. Rob Rob- SlUt Salt Lake were arrested n a Mm Mrs Tent Kent also alro Into with a r women m n 10 zo Will wan arrested Mr Kent In Is ye e n approbation lion of ot I and line tl to hn c endorsed the tho thee thoi i fI e taken hilton lie Ho later Inthe In- In th the he judge accept tho the sum um of 01 despite her objection and van fen n her hr freedom Mrs 1111 Quay were wrt sentenced to OUt loune only a short hort lime i la Is left 0 make n ii permanent Impre- Impre the president In or favor of or the tho the tuan Sunn n n. Anthony lut- lut Mr Quay QUIl declares number of ot the tho millions of or ofa a country who ho hn asserts arts r of 01 suffrage would do pick- pick the tho White House tho the preside pral I de see women's s suffrage Irrl by woolen women alone hu hut but t thy illy th the entire nation RAM AM TO KENT of ot thin thit belief Mr tr Quay QUA sent nent I Ing nil nic telegram to Con ress- ress in tn Washington taut last night u stand b by your our former I I In or favor of suffrage and i for Cor men to assist it the th picketing the tho White hite house u ure must muM lIP he e lone clone with the theof I n of the National fOl Women's Ob cli ih notion action of ot the Iha men at tiltS thin add Impetus and aMure Aure the mo In the elev- elev f of ot I the h. h White I both the ti nu-ti and wom women o e It a great Impression u upon On 1 and would fI are the th thea a Uon for the Ute I amendment In hi his hi December 2 J Is I. the th I Jr r. r Qun Quay 1 I not nothing lid or should I the U n of I II 11 ii I Women party Mr Its an It l is tho the women fight Ute Uto women o i-o lone that 1111 In All way might I cau Us JUt HUI it II I Is l probable I j S WoUld welcome theof the of if t the men nt at present or Of Off BUld mean h for the they stalLed picketing hut but nen n of ot the nation HIT are noble th on In 1 e 0 9 1 I I I- I UTAHN WOULD P I Continued from page 1 to stand by the women ed enough their battles a picket at the I as would not hot ant act I House Hous through any disloyal moe mo- mo most prO prO- because I have the e for rS and admiration nd d respect and our president ident Wilson Vilson as RL citizen I T would not place the thc obstacle in his way in forward the great preat war measures every loyal American citi- citi is devoting himself to the great Is ise of advancing the interests of hunny hu- hu alLy and democracy in the world of why not remove the shackles women and advance the Interests and democracy here in inStates IJ lit d States b by giving them their dom edom CLARES CLARES IT T IS NOT DISLOYALTY tie the he picketing of jil 1 not consider IWhite House as a disloyal al act beise be- be ise ie the motive Is far above any base ire re e. e Partisanship is forgotten ng the women and if the men join it ith m In picketing the White House It h be forgotten by them too The Thes The's too worthy to s 's s is too precious and actuated by any base motives If- If Ithe the men of the nation who are minded and alid not afraid to declare I in favor of women's sufi suf- suf i 36 are ready to sacrifice themselves s picketing the White House I am amdy dy gj to make the sacrifice too al- al ugh it will wilt cause considerable in- in With ith the women suffering hardTS hard- hard lS TS sand and indignities in the workhouse Q with a spirit aid ald If men Een en should hasten to their desire the men to join them in duty the men should be ready f illing he 1 women in W Washington although fering considerably are not in the theT ther T I r discouraged and are working all l 11 arder according to information tamed in a letter received by Mr t iy 0 today from Mrs Quay v crowd of marine boys Mrs iy ty lY wrote came along while we picketing and cheered us right Int in it t of our gate we were eh n into court the judge shook with Inter ter and then threatened to arrest in th thA courtroom if the did not with him I Irs lr Quay Qua wrote that all arrested to give all Jewelry even eveni i rings into the custody the he c officials detailing deta th the indignities th thare the nen are alleged to have suffered at atme Q Pine ne me of ot their arrest and in the theon theon on on on Mrs Quay wrote ducy Burns Bunts was even compelled to toi i mil mit it to being manacled find ind was ws med ined to the bars of her lier cell ceU One ng g girl was WM taken by the collar from the room Mrs Mar Mary Maryan an ati 73 years old old was pushed yby yb- yb y Jy l into a cell ceU Fifteen of the enters ers with a matron are in one m rn that is equipped with only tour four l Le beds Sixty guards at the theon theon on i employed incredible brutality pIte these many alleged indig- indig es ts Irs Mrs s. s Quay writes in a cheerful it i. She only laughs at the treat- treat is determined to work the tho der in regard reg-ard to the actions o of l of i of the Washington authorities rites r Isn't it a joke We are having th the our lives Women of great lIth are in this room and refuse to io ail When we refused to give names arnes or ball bail the poUce pollee scratched r and were compelled to hold inference as to their a actions They never down us us no matter what p lever do 10 r Quay is awaiting an n a answer to telegram to Congressman Kent be- be his future a actions If Le of the m men mn n of the nation are aro in I of picketing the White House I 1 be women and they receive 11 of the Woman's Womans party he hd ri to Washington Wahington for tor picket duty However if it no concerted t is taken by tho men men ho he will Is departure until he believes it Jt to go to the aid ot of his |