Show YOUNG U. U S. S CAPTAIN j i fiGHTS fURIOUSLY By George J Martin arl n United Press Staff sun Correspondent WASHINGTON Nov The n.-The 17 Tho Germane Germans Ger Ger- mans mane may not be very much frightened when they look up some morning and see sea a n mild short slender Blender er boyish faced kid coming toward them over o the top But they'd better beIres be lie He's the youngest captain In the I American army Also Aleo tho the shortest But Hut ob oh my lie IIa looks a n lamb iamb and fights I like a cyclone v Charles D. D lIar Harris of at Georgia aged 20 0 That That's him I Captain Harris graduated from West WestPoint WestPoint Point In September He Ie took high hon bon I ors or He rte was wu graduated into the th en engineer engineer engi engi- neer corps than which no West Wt Pointer could ask uk more He ne told his hia superiors that h he was waa In Ina Ina ina a hurry to get to France that he ho had bad urgent t business a there with a man named Fits Frit So they P put him In ih the tho fi first r regiment regiment regi regi- ment men bound frontward Us' Us on his hla way and meantime here are an a few tew more Inore points point for tor to conc consider con con- sider pending I his arrival rn- rn Young Harris Barris was c cheer leader at Uncle le Same Sam's officer factory thus being branded brande the time most moet popular man In his cl class Shorty was also aillo the best beat swimmer the best horseback horseback horse hone back rider and one of 01 the tho best beet orators orator The Is III the tho fourth of 01 his line to serve Me the colors colon He Ile is I. a R. son of Colono P. P C C. and a nephew of ot William J J. J Harris chairman of or the federal trade commission Chairman Harris by the way Is le well represented In this tha war Two of 01 hie hit brothers brother Major Soak Heale Harris of or the medical medical med med- ical corps corp and Major Hunter Harris Harra Camp Gordon Ga Infantry branch But Buthi Buthis hi his ha favorite among his relatives relative In Sn uniform uni uni- uniform I- I form Is I. Shorty |