Show AMERICAN JEWS JENS MEET TO PROCURE EQUALITY I U WAShINGTON Nov 17 The I.-The The I of or the m meeting of the he American Jewish congress oo which opens open n here her tomorrow is isto Isto to secure full rights right forthe Jews Jew wa of 01 the rrt world o urT They will attempt te by coopers coopers- cooperation tin tion of all the Jews Jew of ot the worn world to ur sn ur abrogation of all laws law discriminating I against them Full right rights of or the Jews Jew are N construed con con- d l h by them to be first equal civil religious Ii loul and political rights right M second ond hI th the securing and protecting of ot Jewish rights In third the economic I reconstruction of ot the Jewish communities ties lIea in 10 the war wat atone ne Tho The members member of the congress have been hren chosen by hy election For this thle purpose pur par pose polle Ih the whole country has baa been divid- divid cod Pd d Into loto Jewish electoral districts each one of which elects elect ono one or more mem- mem bars to the COI M. M Ever Every Jew and over 21 Ii can vote for tion Thou Those who conceived the idea of this congress hope bope by it its It means mean to have the rights right of ot Jews Jew of all aU nations nation mad made a It part rt of the peace ee treaty which end ends the pre pre- ent war Russia nula and Rumania are the principal countries where Jews Jew are oppre op op- pre d. d 1 says say a It noted Jewish leader A As A. the thc present war ha has dt demonstrated the t-be bravery and patriotism of Jt Jews Jew w. w in th these countries ao so they should b be b. freed treed from tram the he medieval l al oppression which still hangs hann over them they argue arcue quality of duties should bring equal righter right one ont mem member r phrased It |