Show ARRESTS MADE IN PLOT BlOW UP tip THEATRE By United Press CHICAGO Nov 17 One One e and pos possibly possibly pos pos- W SI sibly three e arrests rr had been ema ma made tonight t In the Auditorium theatre bomb plot Henry Miller 46 46 a painter who was employed at the theatre was taken Into custody by the police late today lie He established proof that he was at home when the lighted bomb was discovered Inthe in inthe the theatre during a grand opera production production pro pro- last night g He was 5 turned over overto overto to ci government te operatives era e however o who h will check up on his alibi Federal officials were believed to have one other man and perhaps two under arrest but this could not be confirmed After several conflicting statements given out Olt rega ding the contents of af the bomb It was finally decided tonight that I the bomb might have been dangerous If it 11 had been properly constructed But the too workmanship was so crude that the lives of the 2 2200 00 persons In the audience audience audience audi audi- I ence were not actually endangered |