Show Two lectures by Or in s Talmage an account nl U orill a evldeneee of Its genulneaea d I thentlclty Prepared by n tame Theme lectures are taken frm I Tslmaes brook The AUI I a I Ilk but are presented In Ppar form for the use of Invullllto a students Price lOo For sale by I oot Nw tf c o f o < X o + o + o + > + + O + + 00 + y4 0 o cr1 < + 0 iip M Teets Bargain StoreY a e Y i r For the next 10 days we will sell some Great 1 1 Bargains to make room for Fall Stock 1 O 1I CLOTHING Organdies and Dress Goods I J I Vo have n limited number of Mens All 120 final lbo Orgaiidies toga 1 for Uli V good l nil wool Suits left tho regular All 100 Griniidlnes null Organdies C > fl J 300 and 1000 kind while they 1 tJ last will go for only 105 Hardware and Tinware 1 4 Splendid l clay toasted units worth III any V Market lUOOlo lfiOO all logo for 700 Null Hummers I UK iJ Youths long pants Suits in Summer Solid Steel Nail llaniniers Scant Ill 1 worth 11100 for Hatchets from JUdo j0 i wear 1B 1 Hill llraces 1r Boys knee pants suits C8c Largo Draco nnd lllit lro and nl of Hoya 1M Suits for ORo Good Hand Sim Files 3o and up It will certainly pay you to see our Flat I Flies Oc 8c and liv clothing before buying ns hero has Good Pod Locks fu I never been any thing fold hero nt fifty 1 + t encl prices y Tinware Tinware < 1 t Gents Furnishing Goods BXUIINI i TIIESH PItWES lAIII FPIIY 0 I Dish r jt Pans only > U Unlnumlrifil I I II Percale 1 Shirts i I 2Co 10 q1 Dish 1IIIS only ir J f Kxtra heavy 1crcnlo 1 Shirts worth 7f o for ICs 11 tit Dish Hint only IMI 1 i lUKiil 7ic and f 10J shirts for fOc and GOo OIlIJnlIbc1 I Inilsonly Ifr I J1 While Shirts with colored I l bosom Ieio Citlvaniztd Tea Kettles 3V Steel Frying 1ans 8c Ic Ificand 2f DONT I MISS THESE BARGAINS IN 3CO Water Coolers for 82fi ti 12 iSIIlHTS Fruit Innncls 2ccacli t I of o liavu 80IHO extni bargains in Mens Covered Buckets fie So ami Id ll Hosiery Cull and < 1 ace our Tinwnro life prices are f o below anything I over told I in Ulah Mens Underwear NOTIONS Knit Undtithirta or Drawers lOo 0 i Needles to Papers for 4X11 lluivier grades Vfic lo and GOo Thimbles I for e lo If you intd < anything underwear this 2 Dozen Hooks find Eyes for lo l 1 f is I your ehnnce for an extra bargain Safety Pins 2c doz 4 J + We havo n lot of Carpets in pieces of from Knitting Cotton 2jc bull 1 f 10 yds < to 30 ds that will Bell at a Crochet Silk on Spook lUe dot r JOI 1 great sacrifice Iluttonholo Silk Twist J t lo pool l to Egg Heaters lotacli 1 1 Screw Drivers 2c c Ladles Shirt Waists + Hair Curlers e j 1 k Hand Ilrunlios 21o 0 i + SlfX 1 0 Silk Waists for only J28G Tooth llrushcs 10 f + t Itegulftr COo Waists for 860 Biscuit Cutters lo UiilatiiiJricd Print Waists lOo Stove Lifters 2e 4 Everything elso in proportion Come and See It costs nothing t noth-ing to look iF M TEETS = 52 54 Main Streeter dcr f + Dif oc + |