Show aun CHAT Th IIouMkt ptri Alllanet of PhllailtUhla irtttntii a Whom 141almuripula I rmnd Itself to the = 11arot sn Iub woman lie are studying the it PC eft n undrurn Ih rvn 0 Ill The House AlfXnrve to Jm in fill 14 r ty ftn outgrowth I Ill II wtnl I a I li e depart 4 Ih Inrrnd llvl C uh In turn it I vt all mr flax formed a Tracilcal Workers Club among dtllI Throar roomm hase been I ilia wherain the Practical I Workers Club miiy not only hie Wit advantage of a mat tt cQu tl Inc richoul but else extend aa Orion ai the work will permit their mark Into tht boarding home In title may hey en pris11cm their Precepts In 1 a Ina t substantial way Inamllch al the domllc will thus earn thlr wy millis they are learn fair Ih oIuh art 01 gouti halt kpinir the Plan lilt I a booutly free from any mlhlIahl featured U to I Iulllnil II on an Independent 1IOIIlIna lI4214 1 And Ifeilropect you know COM along a-long my toward making a sued 01 anything is lit Patient and you will have a chance lu read the K papal read al the In 1nallon1 council 01 women It bat been limeldt to publish then not only In nsllli hut French And OttnnIn several IIIKO volumes Title will Involve an exilndlH re of not Iwo I Hun 11000 but the oommllt Is I rhW conolderis that Ih hloka mill be Invaluable ai n it file light on the ind tf the rmtury woman Tile committee let It he hoped will protons the Iondon nlttori who inlf fedthlt II I who miffed until Queen Victoria gave pirmight > to the canven HonltMa COP or the book and coin pal them to ruad 1 II At anr rate II uIll make mighty In tervalits readin us Art tmujl Ward would say l is I Mr Itmjamln llarrtion lnatlgate1 tile movement for it 1 continental hall lo be built In aihlnxtnn by the Daughters of the llevolullon That wai Peven years ao at the nlll rontlnentn cointress Only 12IM 0 mn then beloneftj to Ih onraniza Ion The II rarnmaH at that Hn II IT 11 fundThIbI art Harris ilirtil tho fund whl h line iwrugingly rown Inlo 10 COO Tltr1 Unurhic of the Ilttolullon now numb ir tuWO t > is I in thi n = urcly lazy days the Job w i in subdusid Into a laro is I Ihlnklnll things over One elornuJ tulblD staterfor Instance Wks swinging In a hammock the other ITinilo an l dv lurin I > ok Ono pli to cvldenily truck In Ir he WNMy marke < It wllh nrll WNMyis Vs Ildl Thl Ih to by Lilian Whllln by Ih wy Titlift I Yh certain type cf Individ uaJt who lulitit on publk meellnitl I cornets tire I toniultalloni cut Iron aixi i wellreirulated work in the charlllei and strongly denned theories of education educa-tion the lift cf penal itrvltudt After a positive minute this erilwhllt animated club woman wrote Than ao on the margin Another thing the club woman li I thinking about under the Allotment of I lie inMiummtr sun li her overstrained Intellectuality JThii li I embodied In thin epistolary Inquiry In-quiry Iiar Mind 1reildint Da you not think the club women although she If I gaining a great deal that the netIn may be toeing torn thing that areCa worth more than anything she may Ca TWhile While she In I Inolnll her ability to soon of which he has on wall 11r Ih J 5 i fully lacking I u there no danger dwarfing her Intuitive powers which art peculiar to woman awl 1 which tau ben tuch a htlpful factor In the world pre rniT Thli qutry was turned over to Mr Mary X Holmes ont of the well known member of the Chicago Wastrians Club and r a wman of wide experiences i This I I U whM The woman Mrs Itolmtl hour meld hn In true reply still a h hit heard the music of the bell and I r PndI like a chill with n new I > ohi drnpt thin old onta and catch I th I n w feeling for the moment that i ht Kliif 1 value but the nIt n-It It < hli li I One at the natural into l f linnmtl nal ptrloli It H 1 the l I m miinalmor to the other mtreme iy ii11 momentum figuratively k t will bring buck again to the hi i sitlni all In the fullntat of I I 1tlul I r however has mon tea mo-n f ot rin Hhe iloiiblleii lelkinto i n nt lull probably In Chicago 11 h hit n tue1 how aniioin many f Jr bright I woman art to etc hew all I L n it I y kind Ila I 1 d i II 1 fi to mom 10 be tile pAbulum pAb-ulum Ir uhwh they have an opposite It At i y d nr niter In an unguncdetl mot mo-t nl n 11vcm I her lurrhargel nature li opt volng n mile Mnllment ih U ct j m dear Miami 1rrtl lent aat 1trii il IIU pion until I the India that > ht U n i it k numbr and what U I more denied rut ti n that All this li a natural effect of a caun n It hurl In find I Woman hat been i i < k1 I with sentiment even to tile Itutit ling III ini and under it tucked with It unit I r atoning ability itWhat she n di nw li to Units Ih two I slotted f i mtlng the former away while She I < iiiiripeathit I I I hiller nllmnl without 10 like Ih old solling n1a that dI nit upon the winds 10 propol tI 01 S nllmnl guide by reason Ie tk the sin 01 ieckn steamers that he a Ih pri pIline tower I within them Wo wass nont afford 10 have lead I 001111 mnt hmo I IlIullIy least I Intullln hu pit 1n Itrd to have oil the I awalified and identified hy red Tit French hv dlnIHd Inlu ttln by ailing It Ih lllh also i it to tu that tho extreme rultiva Itn if th Inlillecl ll I detrimental to I Ihli liner acme > lIed Intuition and > man will hum her birthright It she I iirrln InilK tuallly Ion far I It A until 1 be A great pity too for our i hiilundi aid Wag who work largely wllh inatirlal thing nn l lo have ui I I arxlsted and itrong on Hit spirit cohatilontuall I uilll ifiurnalurt To hoi 1 on 10 all thai I g4 I In the old and lo take all Ih u K I g iud In the new will bring the iHrfurU i womanhood for which the w rll U 1 waiting The club walnuts In the meantime falls Into nulh n1 of thinking I Th midsummer Iub woman without doubt ll I also 1 tnlnktng about that ao tuiatlon that she U becoming dancer I uly 111mod11 Th accuser i 01 Dr O n llIIy a Mitten specialist i 01 nervouo tile Alive Commenting upon Ih nervous rM uf the American woman thli man inline M 1 1 > assaults afternoon tea I which ai everybody known li I ai dear to site club womani heart ai parlla men t ory tangles and Ititen ttttalelti He I SAY 0 It I U tht proper thing to go lo aftiv noon teal whert the handiomett women wo-men art Invariably selected to pour Those women would feel very muclt hurt II u guest refused a cut 01 10 nd tier that or several 1 tables III Is I quite AS AWrY to IAtrU11199 each i uniti nr r = i li two to 1 tea of theM funilloni One after another I an-other ami the result U that when hoI ho-I gets onto the ll I thoroughly teatd INTO u I no question about thin expert hneir for I lime tad It m11 and out fTrl front tile luurnlklc plain In the heart whlih In rny cuu always folium Hu u sid rf tile much tan lf courxi llm pretty women may hate beer the cause 01 tit heart troulle but the oIllnulbed doctor would doubtless dllalm It At any fair he dlicuunei on a formidable Hit if nllmrnta Hut follow tea drinking nl In conclusion iwlnla out that ont x einlio Uu drinker woman U now In I the Imam asylum All of wklch the club woman can ire seriously discuss over the Ia cups hen the leaion oljtiu In October is Tlllklnt It tea somebody suggests I t cuTa tea ran he Ih connecting k rather tile connecting Irlnk bu I tan I the club man and RIO club wo lti nTh trallllonal lord of creation ia > l the writer In tile Uomana llomn I Lompanlon thus ever scorned It lo K sure hut the Increasing regularity with fifth ht drops In to he fnnlnlno club hen Invited for the cheering beverage Phous he Is I nllllmil u wealinna fur Itor tile club onstes AI any rat O like the drepdyed lnKllohmo 01 Ih ton who hai bid C unlock tea served as religiously In hli tittles aa hll 1 wife dom In live reception room lie U I certainly ovI let nit the aftertion tea habit v this connoctlon It U Intertilling to nut as it matter 01 fu It her encourage risent 10 the sterner Pox that no less I a plerounare than that knight 01 the nw school Sir Henry I Irving alwuyn carried nllI mitt ar lite own tea hint I on his th itrlca tours IN has his kettle what Is moro and brous the oothlbll horall hIm II I IITh1I Th1I there Is I Sidney SmIthheres to him who laid In tile mol Thank led for teal What would the world do without loT How did It 1 ex IIT I am glad I Was not born bcfon tta I And 10 say all of ui Along will th summer renlIr tile club woman might consider the adoption ad-option of u club lower Individual clubs all over the country art adopting u Mower ai rfllKloulv at they would a conilllullon The Iran ur WOlllnn Club lorlnlall fiat chosen Ihe columbine which grawi 10 Profusely I up In the mountain of Lolo rado Ono club In Mail ichunelli has appropriately selected the little pink mayflower The Daughter of tile lltv olullon In trmont hall declared In favor of the red clover wIVt I the Iiaunhteri of New Hampshire haw lied to the buttercup Out In California for itlll more In tereoting Instance one club hag linden the green leaves und the brllllanl rod of the fell 1 lIor Somebody ought to iugMI ai a motto for tht a club that saying of cargo Pilot There are flat when the most met Jeiil 3 Person U obliged to onette After all the lUinmer cogitation of the club woman about her oVlnyok1 head unit heart the i glances am the will con llnui In tile luno old career In ush under the allurimicnt of mill lurnmer laxlnrM she may rental on the I mal servitude of roinmltt < t meeting ami the owrillce of her Intuition lo in tellecluallty I and the straining of her nerves with ten > aa well 64 upon such a leasing aklt lusceiUon at a vlub flower and 1 rrthn to T arerrn it Ito I-to hritelt she will b mitre nltVltho next mmusins the dep dyt1 dub w Iran will forget all about the Idle thoughts of an Ml I I woman Without doubt she will I continue to Prove I tare it I In truth i a deed of worth without with-out a woman In II In other words the club woman will continue la hitch hr little red wagon lo a liar In the tarn oM llmenonla way |