Show m CrIllant and Unequaled Career of the Utah light Artillery I How the Unerringly Aimed Guns of the BeeHive Bee-Hive State Thundered and Threw Shot and Shell at Our Countrys Foes Undying Glory and Renown Won by the Brave Boys Who fifteen Months Ago Went Forth to Battle For freedomWho They Were It wa the Sabbath day but the peace and tranqullltr for which the Mutrr created II vise broken At In Iiu t t noW joy its petulent hln of a run Instead of the whit angel of lea II 1 waa the dark ipeclre 1 of war that brooded I over that teen In a far away country All dae long could be heard Hit heavy tramp of the dusky aoldlera marching Ibrmuh t the citys gate About on 110R1 a half from the city and die rerlly In front of It arose a line of men whuAadn l never faced an enemy mm men who hid never heard Iho roar of cannon or the din of miuketryi nun who bad never hid their ties oared or their heart hardened by wll 11114 1 wanes of blood and carnage Breathing was strange 10 them the country In people and the teak that lay before them All day they had Its lined to the Incessant march of the enemy In making preparation for an attack Hut their cheeks inn not blanched with Car no dread of an Ins landing doom chilled their hearts It was not that cold client Indlffer I nN that mk the veteran of many tattle but It wai the aplrll of hop and fallh that mod thai untried heroes feel calm confident aye cheerful cheer-ful From the city rang out the chlmea if the cathedral bells summoning la the altar prleela clad In their cable robes there to burn lncnv to and Importune the clod of nation to rlranglhtn their lesions until they could wit from the face of the earth Ibo ale faced strangers who had toile to break the yoke of aacredotal Undirge lhat they had fastened upon inn nnki of a nation which rendered their I Jour fireless an abomination to the od bf jostle and mercy The can set behind a glided bank of clouds With night there cam a gathering storm ai though the heavens too were ireparlng to do battle that night The = cloudi lowered their black liage nIr lh illy white the udder flashes ilugblnlng r teemed to Illumine the fare of pump grim monaler whou ibuuliihly lechtcr broke forth In Kin J ut thunder Jut before ipldnlght the right of the Un sae startled by the Crash of a big run and a brilliant slash of fire Via II UihlnlngT No The enemy hid cubed Ore and In the rac i wta few tnUutei the line wai oilcan with the nn of musketry The cr > To nnnil ran out cleaMnn the heavy stenos Shah and with one auddin lobules tbi men prang to their suns wllliout fur or tremor The bullets Ugan to four around them like hall Shrapnel call bell lore through the emliriiauree I iluhltuj mud Into their C sees Once one f their I cannon r waa completely burled I n der the mud caUM im by the explo slid l uf C a gpanlih shell u doin men I KI to walk to clear Ile aloDd la the kfllliii are of the Don The horror r the Peons was enhanced by a heavy run I and the vy earth erred to I Irab1l as though a rnlghly airugcle Lie Cdm Kaa helm waited by ides nuuur 1 lenealh Its surface Tbe kit round of ammunition was rxc4 d but the men behind I he gone lowf i firm The order came to fig Z m repulse the enemy hound Ikn mike a charge but the ihll nm those mini were aimed by stead tuU and true eye I and the attack i fart e Careful work planned of successful thuee by raw before the artilleryman HinnlrJ the cf And when the rtY don heralded the t ttrouh or day the sullen I foe rank ITb their I trenches and all String In did 7 rofA tree o receive of 1lulnouO fathers how nub1Y have Its dcmunlnerd that through Your I our es herolo I blood 1Youd Wwj as the ancient gpurtan Tul the Jlllrw 1 he Ali has achieve such flat u into l ouh have proved to the jaeyk r of your state and nation that a You are embodied I the elements of the Cnrtstan and the hero Till LIA1I IliTTrlllLI Tae lrArfal Ahlrnt or All trganl Liles nl ra1 Tl rnugh go 1 i et nmb d Ill tbl history I of fish volunteer I IL dboP104 the beuuIdm3 of chivalry sir story is one of ecaltwl courses a tilMm f performance Art duty without I n mostly I phwad d their I Career II woven the Indo of romance rommingiing with Polboo rI and sorrow No tale over told I der sentiment In mir thrilling Interest or In solceded t n n t1 Nuverninxnt in April f waa the war tocsin and 1 each state It aaoignd Its Quota of volunlH I rs eu lift for Utah to furullc I two Troup Tile of cavalry and in holrl Ilahl latter alacrity I wiill N heh the nolun I illih uT i a tutniutlc rvlwWl spirit had 1 nave been evidence Imbibed pub M the thefyoungest distinction II th ° i herd later states And o Art r n her 1t uNa them of vMUnlrera the I qulcket at any the c1 I lice morning of Clay nth Wrult atgnn to rendet Oi at 11h o Kent the name given their camp ugh It was in the i Port Douglas of Challon The boy had a foretaste IrHra e ricerA of the I service after their at ramp Rent quart mount fd I ird Camp duty I engaged a w61are Site t Is notlQtotetker on of powder > nd imoke and I vhliltlnr Ull and chance iurtlvnl and toeilble I Story The penile j CU Hall Lake prou I of Utah boy eiultlnit in their youth their brawn their manhood and their cour Roe glheMf about the comic ant watched the maneuvers Th Oovernor otters cOn and reviewed the troops i with rtldent I pride The Ale oC the olh presented the I embtyonle ho with nany oC Ins out Ihln oC jrlh and generally alien led 10 their wantl While there > the flee Can society preaenled them Ihruiigh the s tate eMCUlhe MNllh guidonlrwhlch pool Colon ZIndlo ChIna and I Inlo haring on Ihl dk the brave mh Wye < learned out of the lloldrn dale with all of Hun KrancK ro > populace cheering roclfHourly and willing Haga and harxlkenhlefa sent 1 ihnullnir a feet fare ell l until their tunica seemed ready to I hurt After a few days out on the mighty liquid blue eome W the lioya seemed to loae I their appelltre for a snarl lime but It Nea r permanent for when they I aleamed Into Honolulu on June lit they Her l related to do lushes to the rum Dty uu bamiuet I pretend for them by IheVlll men of that cltr not > Dread on the inlac ground I The next day Ihe I oy > Bite Mae continued and without accident or trouble the batted glided INTO MANIla IIA Yon Y-on July litho The landing waa made near faranaque on July lllli Tin men waded aihor and fllleil coecoed with supplies from the transports That night they reached Camp Dewey under a drenching rain The next stay the batteries under command of Canal Young and Uront Slogan to throw ui > I I earthwork while I at alhlo kh I rI1 I wen ronllnually har00 by Bpanlth 1 I F i r j around Monlla tamed 10 look dwn upOn up-on them tartP1y y Z4 II were nllouo In nltt yLtbrl Allaul IIlh I was decided ulwnleelllw da > the at 1 lOck would be 19Id on Alaulla Un that day the combined NAVAL AND LAND assault was mede on IhdCn and In leva I than OM hour the tnreree lay In ruin Her Ihe Utah Ito > ricaln dlftlngulthei themeelve c t rlr > the advance IriH Colorado reglm itt they keeping lore In lM r gar Throunh all theaevendaya flghtlM at Claim run I 11001 1 her guard at the lift nf the Airier Icon IIn and It I wee under the tutee of mina itwnwl by the bo > i tram the > uunge t Slat that the n1 altance wai made on the historic IIlh of Auc UI Under the unerrlm arniray of IVHeya guna and the alm < t equally I tear aim of the I Utah UHrru I m the mauite fort limitless to tremble nn1 I then 10 fall The NanNh gunner 1 a 1 ly stuck lo Ihelr I plron until they were LITERALLY SHOT AWAY Cm them Anil milk a coolness and raiidliy of notion Hut was truly admirable ad-mirable the Utah baltjrUf led by Inv abrade regiment I swept everything hO Infer them And ihelboya fm the State on our Itait lonether with our own lacy ached dawn the frayed emblem of red and pillow and holited the Hlara and HtrlpeJ the clown of the idlers and Ihelninlrlnir music of the bend There la I no nu atl > n thai the tretence of Captain nuiua And I attain Irani a ballerlee were fecond only lo the pun of Will rt r In holding l lack the Spaniards and driving them from their Stronghold MoMng Into the oily nun the bale < bal-e of lleneral Anderson a Command quarters nere aeelafMtl I to the b4tt rii on he Wart of the Iaalc I rlrr Dull enough was the time p e d 1 In wallltitf for Agulnaldoa trearheriHia Hit k but when It did come Utah Woo again In the van Its batteries being Pestered throughout the brU fet which coon Pored the dlvlilon commanded by Utn Arthur laAlhu 10 the north at the Stele rlrrr Trom II very moment when Ariilnaldo horlei fired the It first shot whltli rendered war tulnat In I ftln nunei t Luzon a neceeelty down to the tiiiw they rmkarkrd for ham there hall not been an adtano of MaArthuri dlvltlon In which LTAIIH GUNS have not played a prominent and Sorel I ble pat The batteries temala I In camp aIH tor losses month Policing the city and protecting H from the ro pclou natives The first Via is lay to In death was Private I Fronk iru who was killed In the etreeta 1 of Manila by a iruwl of nallvea On Krbruary llh leneral Hale began hla aiHnce and It wu the I lah url nance which cleared hla way when he look from Ihe pua ielon of the Kill tlno 1 the waterwurk at Nan Juan del Monte thl being by far the loops Ural rule 1 poeltlon abut Manila In Ihla month the gallant Pakistan with his Jashlnlnt ann Zl galnat Ulooian under cotr of lh telling aim of Utah artillerymen It wa > In thle l aklrmlih on the night of February llh that Vr l Harry Young waa cauahl out of the line are FOULLY MlUIIKIIICU 1 by the Insurgents In the tailor part of this month when Major leneral Me 1 Arthur comment ed hla historic advanrn which carried the Hunting line h t yun Han Fernando Itah a batteries funnel one of the inapt Important of the dlvla Ion s tomtnandi The filet that for weeks the Iniunteiita had ben In trenching > omI ia render 1 the pra Ion I-on of our brats artillerymen parll lularly dealrable Aa the enemy wan CMnunlered In Inmlllon after Isepta l 1avarious al Ih various Inn snnJl K star R h 1 a rev thhew Ulaha brave la la win culkd UM > II to dlilodge l 1Im from Ihrlr urt hat wark s lint h-at ants nn nnd Miilntixt 1 was Rah artlinr n mnng tartar in the defeat oC the Iuronll AI Mrlloa I their doting work In I irecedlru the In Center In the attack pay the Amerl can force a See with a leas 1 which would hat been arexllj in raoiwd had II not been fir the fearleM lain of our boy from hum The record if the ghtlna I of thl rth day of rVbruary 1 hIMhotti otti tells of how these mn behind the runs fearlnily nporw bed the Inaur gent trenhr to within Ihe HIIOHTIHT llinK IlAVflB and with an unerring fire drove the enemy from one of the atrongeat POOl llmie whhh < McArthuta advance had let met Olin Uy reason of hla aklll and course hlch he ao many tina mnIClc from the limo h tin-a battery set feet on Ihlllppln 011 Captain Young was promoted 10 the rank of major and I given command of both limit twelve In the month or March again did Utah gum show Ihelr worth Re fore luHiiiiit > they pound forth Je iruulon upon a the atrongly Intrenched Insurgents our men keeping claw up to the Infantry advance by taking the Place of hone in drawing theft run acroea the railroad bridge at that mini lhlle thai portion of our Imiterr aa stared I lo McArlhura dltlMjn I was gaining glory on the land I Captain Irani with a lachment of his men WOO adene1 to the river gun bnata which had Wen fluid out for Ih pre I Incas of dlilidKlna I Ihe enemy from lie poelllonn aliim the t van 11 waterway which cut up thru portion of Ion lo the north and lush t Manila Under I Captain Irani hrfllin there HiMtlng Iwllerlm tad Ih mMM effective kind vt work Twice th y fennel their way through the hn of the enemy country following the waterway n if the Mlo Iran le and making a Junction xlth Merthiir forces at eluted In he storming uf the I towns aloe i = lo i1 larle I and on the ahorea nf I lie Lreuna tie Hay nplnln Irani a llntllla was Iwrllculaly HTTIIV The lire of lie gun cleared many a pathway crIle advancing Infantry and the Mt I many prrlaue i American live For his ucreeefnl and illillnKulehefl eervlcva I In the dllllcnll and trying poeltlon aa commander com-mander of the I Heel of river gunboat nrti i f Captain tinsel waa glten the Iranorable I oubriquet of the Iho0 DiiV OK Tin AHM1 It was during line eipedlllon that Her ream ford letter I war killed lie wad wa-d dlllnIln nimaelf on Ueutenant Wdh gunboat when hit career waa ahrui lly ended April 7th found a Ire I iln r the battery malliiu1 in the alt church In which Agulnaldo took the oath of oflc1 Major Young woo there In command The boy had come down from Makiloe and their objective point woe Calumtlt located alxul alt mile away on the lllo Urunde blear This point waa tub J1 tad r f 1 t y kt o10 A Mill ov C p1DIt14G ayh mid the govern they would courage eoualY carry to honor and victory I UTAH 11OUOII IIIUUUS It WAI lay hI Ih1 the troop or rough tide under Coplln John Q Cannon hoarded the train nl the depot for Chyn On Iy Olh the Iwo bIII roke camp and began Abele march to the depot ldA TYSON IIAS and enlhuslastlo hares At the camp just prior 10 their leaving the 110 were ddd by the lIoOnor And othra The words then spoken have proNl to be propleOile awl the moil unbltlout dream oC She Governor In behalf oC the batteries have been more than fuiniled The train pulled out leaving behind It tearstained face of motlicra and sisters 1 and fervent iiray era murmured between Imnbllng Ilia The Journey lo I Han fVunclwo was marked by a single accident to a pr1i vat who waa nangllnK hla arm out of the car when It stn irk the t beam of a mall pouch holdtr and was broken Ilia arm was set very aucceeifully on the train by lir Harry Young and It Save him very Illlle annoyance IN SAN FRANCISCO The troops arrayed In Ban Francisco 1b1 nb on the toil and otter being bamtuetted and ff til by the women of the lied roes wrist and the tllliena of Han Francisco l they pitched camp 1 L Hwy district Their stay In Han rnncleoo naa made soineel hat monotonous by the routine of camp life and mere to sail came lhal Ihe batteries were lo ait aall for Mnnlli In a few daY an exultant shout went UP from the camp The great day belted at length and on June Klh Ihe battery boy went aboard the transports captain I Jaep h K Calne and his I troopeniwhohnil I left pall Ijikeon May ilth and rl hdde Ha loohie 011 the tlh Hood on Ihe shore looking wlal fully and enviously at the great ships that were to bear their more fortunate comrades lo the teat of war In the ivinlur of that dye the trim sharpshooters but no one was tnlureL II On the night of Sunday July 1Jt 1 the camp w aa startled by a hurried call 10 arm and the wy our WI acquitted Ihmlu has already been told In the blnnln or this narrative I After their first smell oC powder the buys were restless and eager 10 con llnue the fight The grim old gun TFIIyti1CIVG f tilII 11 rt4 irrTiiJ7 4 1 wage vaf 1 CA 1 1 I 1 eequenny un m > t ir in reds i which 1 1 lays I us Miijnr I Young und hie but lerlea At half port ne on the morning of May Alt latest Illlei brigade oonaleilng of rive llalllngi under com Island of Majir Young two ballallon at the Ilfly Ural Iowa regiment the lInt Sebraku n lment and the Meet Uokola reKlnunl advanced along 1 the road leading 1 III Plan Forstando Owner WIIIO tilth Molehill still ilalllnil on ands i nl rat n n1 1 of 1Iulnal Nlo muental 1111 landran Iluh1 heed their urea being areeled by Ina delerlnltled String from the loser sent On approaching the Ben Tomas river tells lirlgadea met 1 with item re ellance l The enter apan if the railroad rides hail drol peri Into Ihe j I rller and Ihe rebel had on 1 > let u mall force Ii I check leneral Uneaten Ilielr main I aly limas the strong lrnche I In from of llenernl llnle Th artllly pounded < n heavy fire across the river but Cho rooter tub barely repeated file over nn hour until Major > Young shell I their Intl I Hank when l they I retTMte I unlir cover of the river Ink tight hundred I mrurgenla I were forllrled u lull bu nl Han Ier hands near San Arlia whet IIn Idly ilnd tlenerala McAnrlhur iiml Iunal with tin IANBH AND MIINT regiments and thn flub 11 kill 1 d o o 0i 10 from 111 lr < nl 1 r nrhml Ill gallant lurlon I d l1 h or II n double Qul k angle ov r of Inn I an sun And thus sere mere hn Chi > five engaEffiti nu in very ono err NII h Utah abr ui bans had pi I cd 1 n prominent part tn Is fain deemed that l4 measuredeemed tdhat filled they had flllid lui mour of Ih1t do I votlon and HM rapluroui new cam 14 i II 11 I Ihim lhat t1A Y imiiu Ko hone 111 14I 1 awaking f ihe I lab batli1 a term It I I ua d lilih IH y ynmomoua with every grace and aI wIll hich the Into t I tll 1 all Not be I dod l It cannot be meIS I If Inn one AIM In hlk than iho lf t Other In all the lighting In I which they I 1 wore eooaI and 1 c rely 1 always they S 7 I w ere eaprrel to the I pen fire nC 1k enrm3 It is yet t 1 receded Ia hat a 1111 t slnplr n of Lluh hesitated when m I j ILJ I the feetornlan a of dilly And r 1c its the orleal woe each thai I In Y ltu I wan the hrtt i cm an 1 j I be In bulb Hit Joel I and regular Ii t II 1 toles soli even the pn ard learned Ji I U fine that thy won mcnnlmo I and kind I i 11 1 I i nEPAiiTtMh ran HOM I ol r tat the hed H l of the rhlllppliivii ee haeaItcfur v elI i l The hr t morning they bade far wlt I to the land < ui which I they het I Passed I l + through ao man > tr tl ing rent rnr 1 land on which the wreathed their I crown oC IaUI I owl lh only thought I that nrought oriel i legiet I wa the memory of the brut boy w1 h1 l 1 I aucrumbed to lh I M iu > ei a bullet and the ravage of dlaa r Aboui a vn of those umber had < 1 Ihu fallen and they uoa h IIPIIM their memory ever green M the lane under whl h they slept Both I diy nn the ocean waa relieved of Its I w arlnrei by tome playful Prank or r praitliol Joke j ON NAT1VK OII AHAIV I j If 1 When they Steam Into the bay at Nan francleco l on Monday July tin t I they I won met with the memo wild ihnm ant grand reception Ihe acme I t l > 11 i I had given hem I over a year ago I on manning to the Prostate their I Iiih 1 wnlrrwn with ewes acatteml I try the nhool hlldren t 7 lh All or the boy wer In fair health Ii j and pled 1 spirits cmpi linn II may who Ns onnn In his room In the leall the lime but when the j buy left he was determined I 111to I J I any 7 slay behind even though he were to t I die In the Journey home S I J UAHPAIIK 19 I OVER 1 I AI last their warfare la over after creeping I lisp dry deeerl and meeting the ih lovernor and 1 his star at Ogden and partaking of a banquet spread In I 1lor Iark by the ladle of the lied I t roe witty and other they are now I In the oily partaking of the love feel I I that was no gxnemuly prepared for I them All honor to the now but t wh wimethlng oxer a > pa r an In l ua 1 untried In 1 the hart airvlce 1 of war but duly and honor for the Hal wo their 1 Bhlhbnlelh n1 I the tOrn bark In ua 1 with a mini I thai la I without parallel I 1 In the ihronlcle of volunteer armlw I Again honor lo the brave boy yea Ihrlce honor lo them may their hmea t tie I maintained In purity still their mem utlea perpetuated In the hart of the 1 t Steeple I u long as lime shall loan I itiTTim L MM study AIIIII 1 rein I Captain lU < hoiW W Young advachord I I IU rank of IajQr Klllel or died from wounds ro < Inilin action 1 I Died In ho plul I I IlleJurd W Young Caplln leoiie U llbba i t OJeut liar 0 Naylor tot Lout r W C Webb tad LIa c I tithes j A Allen i anal t r Hairy A Young Q XI sorts I Jgton II Mereuiu VM uiak II JotVlh O frytrtrom t t tgat 1i j Daniel II Well i Sergeant r Fruit V neon Kmll Uhman t + nt Ford ibiC t Will F Aldraen Vacillate t I Arthur W thaw cw wo Ullllolii III Utter Carriers g I Alfred I I lblne n Corltenl Charles i Vastn Conwal Charles Jt Mabey Conurai l i j A I Ulllla Uonoral I liana 100101 Noble A Cleloned Coral Willam Hoemar Cadent f Joe me H Hackman 1 laetmal g g 1 write A Heainan Corporal Mllard 0 all I otlioral Thomas ll Smith Corporal Mark V i Heaaant Corporal I I surge o I Latn Corporal I liana I1 llanaen COtpetai I Ullllam I M I lanei orlrurwl lluhah Nllkhte Art de l Ina Mt 1 A rth rllnr I I Victor I 1lIlInl Soddl I I I 1 p I I I I I I i fef 1 I 1 I IJ u1i14 t a r I i I II j u Th I n 1 it FIhr lulol1I i j James Anderson W Allred J F loader Arthur V49011411 I It I Anderson t I lowry lirneet I t njft t 1 tl hC I Irelnu John N IYnbert A L I Perlin I J 11 Madsen If M i 1 I tulwk h It 1 Alaeii He N E I IlTodfurJ A J W Stnrtenen organ J U I i 1 1 Il 1 f i I l ullkno II I lurrl 11 Si iitrtgt nvn I II McluUKhll W r I hrln T Nelson W Jr tvl Iourll r NIIvlI N Calllnm Thulll Nlrnl r C 0111 Dru1i Hutfln JZ t eaten Poirot 1arsnnr Ir Chas I j I 111111I Ino 1looon Chas larb Vllllrll Peterson le C 1111 lIlIn II Ihlllll 1 C I I liwwncrllod AllroJ QUllin J ames II 1 A lwI < r 1 r Vlillun lamas S I It t II I nnhlgrr o A Itubinwn I N J F ronknnltrid O Rowland W I I i rr lonlckwn F U1lnldnwn 3 L Ic Rtrlj n Funk 1 ar4 N f aeac db Ihili Leo N lIynn 1Ib1 r 1 111face Fr nit T I1 ver NIllam A I I lfuurfer I A 11 Nelaer i Itll tA I lIohU rr N II Nleater II N 1 11oibrlak J T I < noon J AVIS 1 AV-IS Ve I J T Htuten Ntalr il write I I 1 II NI u t 1JrI W 1100 Lindsey 110 meta A L I Jr 1j llaghr l J Tlnrn I 1111 1 1 111I1I11hy A 0 Toor Jihl A I J ILti I 1llllare Ttptun A IIm t J r eke Charles U T I p Francis U r f J Itxm lose ru Francis Jn f Henry O N J I I I Kennedy I T I J It I 1 KennedyHay Wchorly S A h f J > d I I Koh C W w np II W I of iVNk r J o I Lee r WIIIIn 1I1uhl John F I Icklodror J II Him 111 n i captain r A Grant advanced tot to-t mote or Major i1 Until I Captilln I Flgr A IVoilt j tl I lent it John T Crtt thlo to 1had t IIrut I tin w and L nut Orrln It I 11 1onlm H Eddy I 1 r Hergl I Deal it g u U Herat I i Felix itackman VI Hergt VmnkT Illflkoo 1 rookies M Poster to psreatsen i I 1 lots line A A I M r feet C114fo to Sergeant Morselled Sergeant I Ill too 0 nPpJun4 I to loo 1 ant 1 r at r t loon Cortackell 1 110011 l oriioral 4 1 F 11 tar Stewart 36111r1w i i orporal orporal 11 I I Jh 1 1 r Ihmnellan too l orporal Th 1IInl tot to C orporal i 4 AV OJ Avid Pon corporal I 41 It WitIlAw is 411 rot I Piotiamon Jr I o to It it N 11 ntei m Ca fill I Iniper Corporal I N I lit owl fiii1 i fl f ottorPrA1 t Jam i Hyn corporal Join 1 noeherd Censorial F1 I I H J Illake to Farrier t IllI I I II sweet 1eArT1Qr i Ink IfinbralighwW rtifieV r I I I Io A Curtis ArI1 Ixu Miller addlrr I I Fred II I VMS Muilrlan I l n Jseloll F Irani i Musician Antos Uljemth Wagoner hlolp John Hogan Jhn I Ack et M 1 II lloggan T V Jr Anderson II M ilollaway irt I I Anon ion Peter MlulK I U H Alkali fterl llugh John W I Seek John Jones lIn lift T John W Jnn At Com ItIllit 0 if J l A V I tier on Maker K11 Juhn II i 1 Ihn 1119 Samuel jodfrNy hj I y Overlie I Ikkn Arthur n II II i I 11111I 1 111 JI A It n iZ f a Ihll 11 h Jn K lit V Ile on John At Cabo James I I II A 16111aty lNeaftard I HrllK I an J II MnI J W i l ar Joseph W Nlelai A 11 I I lha lrloln V Illlvn llelnhardl ii lbaltcork F D Uul 1 k Marshall I I I hat In Kugeno Tlalpn II no I hrl wen T Hera Oeorge n Collins t J Holifin2 n lo7 OW 4 Corevr H t HavageU Il Coulter F II Scott llyrum C 11 l torte Jaaner tl Hrhieber 11 I II 1 VI Dalg Ity John Hhearrr n JJ 0 i l > 4iieniore V milk Jin me le 1 M main II X Hnuw Junlm c lInn Rimer Rnyder Harry I 1 t lIunh Joe tire M II ullrr llanry U lIunnlnl II Arate John 4 Duaenberry II j r Thornbetg T W I 101 le Joseph Turner Moroni I urnee W II Tienlos 11 1 I i V I reopen J II I lnnk J Flannlaan J a ancr John nan Flnrenet nio l H n-an Hyckle r U 1 For Charles I Welfare A N I 0ooolvain M T Wheeler II II t Jr Commit C allera J U I 1111 Portrait J Winkler J II 1 l IMON WItior H Wright W A HIss Jacob A Zollinger J U Iterbotid likelor I k I Ilecrulia enllftMl lay I t leut IMtair A f I rlgwcwl to nil bauirlee A anil II la I PT maximum strionath ij Alexander Itolt I itSfadlikoin Alt 1 ll i A t or IowewalU 311trilo p rad I S Densities I Often loinn lIIon I llin Joint Ito Morton Jno W Hal Harry J Molr Ion Henaon l < for J MUMer 1 liar W 1 Hurnett Win Vf Mumoor D e i W Hurlon Hay H Moftewle Wits O Hywater Calel J JlrCilWn Ions Ion-s CaRal I 1 C McKay lpantI Chamn Millar Niche eon Ankruok Connell Jai U NII1I1 l JAN P ollelt Italph Nrrl Jl D I rnr kit A ltl lair hmrr A F C lirlK C H Prlr lu n to C Im That David J tender J A Ducker Imo 1traninitton 1 J Rifle Xlfml I Pratt k il Butter 0 W Una Al In livens WHJata Ila > Urn to H IX lUdtmachar A lmr August Bedell Theo Pawl Ono field llobt Ollror Jack Illrhmond K m 5 H A nhtn M Jr 4h I II I nesters Jose II llaaMrd M II llarlrltan A W Oranlham On llowlanl 1 U R OravM I Nad C Hrhaupp I ml AVIs Irimihl AV-Is lf rlp I 7 dolman n I allies II Thou Ounn Thus n Blmmona 400 llanllp i r II Smith Ilirrr I Harris 1m Smith K J llratharly i his dnyitir Iliamark Hill CMa So Honnaon Knutl lIolhera mu Pat nn lIn Hot klna K R BnrvtiMon J fl 11111Z obJ r HuWr Ja oh tout r haa Z llulxrt W H Taylor IMO Innldany J B Tompkins 0 1 > Ivna JM I Vincent t A Johnson Rlmrr aicrtor hrla l Kahn lounge H Warner r f n I Knraltr II Woklqult Ih A X aide Ralph W opler In Klein So Matthew I = iln Kin Mnrtny 1 II I I Mrkoraham I limits Mrnri Mllllama A II Knaua Wm II WIIIIm O W IM I Jag A Monnartlt J I Mnartl Then aln Jay II mayor Jua J Young Carlos Lull A U Tufts Wm 11111tv V Muatrrt4 out at Han Francisco John Prank 1 > W Murphy I Jtnnlnn l > caloagge I l William J U Ktarvr 21 Iwut lltnry Kurrvlt lt Perot It ynia liI llawl r g U t4rxt David Mulr to Vet Hatc Albert C Allen to M cr1I1 nlrllan lAnd to to Hr cn Kdiar llartnaon 14rKnt r1 o IdoH 7 to 1terveant Albert llulbtt 14egoant mhlJ J11onstoll ricount Il rh n J Uihlttc Carporal llartal U Ilaamuaaan Corl1111 Joseph X lay CFpcorol John a l > oyt to Cortim Ire y T Fisher corpojaj 1 Kin Option Corpotal Axel Ontonagon Corlrai i m g Patrick if Manor i Alfred C rporat loorge W m raw Marrilit Janwa 8 Manaon rarnr llulletfoM n lollman Artm r Joseph llanaan triln er Hamurl J Cardwdl 1 Hauler I1 w11 Orome A V1lle Muelrlan lx > ul llettorteon Muirlai Jamee Bweneo to agoner After Jno J P nftrla Ash Urn If Uniihnn J 41 Aixlen Theo Lundrlroin Carl 1 Haehelor B W MrUrud M 1 II Renault F C Madam Cart Huiklry ll H Mrtln 41 T llttllera I J K Matllewa Jno Vaillabon J II filter Albert n410114 Theo Alarristogy AI fannlnr J H Naltoldith I in Canninf College team NeY Ion K Carter II F Patient IIIlr Vartiorlighl W 119tarmsen A H ChllHolm JAN II Petition 11 clirtatenari rred 1 lrtri r I ole Murahall 1 rlre Neu Collins F II 1 Iuln U rrawrord Win miry Jai maaman inry I information J I Dalton KIwaM 1101oln I lieu Ilanlela 1 It Rogers I It W Itavla O W llogeri llllo Falrlwnka 0 W Slaves Hay T llndlay ll J HI aw Mai Fraaer II W Hhurllllt Vm IIlull O ll HI noil II M Hardier Join Stealth A W niendennlng < It Smith V II Oohlnuin T U Hmltl J U Justin ll R Steven J II I fetcher II J to wart l IIRon lInpn Joe Sullivan P IS I 11 11 TrIlo Igor llonalon Prior I van Mtjn I II 11 1 lIrrl II I Wdorlh 31 M lIrmo W V Weis 1 Augut minor ago AVhh AIIf IIIna lbu Avl = Ckon I IIbori J I WOII tonight IIorr C Young Atelier MIMT Till IIP VIAII I I It till IX Title CHAI Joseph PJ claint I Captain lInnp X 14nllh Flral Joist lordon V Klmball flerond 1leul John lifeltoor n at aterackant ftM P Parlor Q M Menrea tle Darin o 4 Morrlll Vniraa nl Prnrit da Mn Satonnt Iraa 8 l ohb sorgoant Hiniam A F rtmcua Storefront Charles H IM r floorargestat Joseph II Illrharll Storefront II I larry II I Atkinson Cotl1 I Paul Kimbell W11i11rm1 U Mfor1 V j Toulift OPat John II I IwrU I Franrla k II llllchla Albert U Ixte orporal Walter H lawaon Corporal I John II U lierll g i orintral tactile Hlmltl Farrier nmron V Wright Perrier Joint raofurl Muilclan Otis O llutrler Miulolan Jainea Voting 111111 Ha Idler I Marlon Iran 1y Wagoner Asterisk Ullllm Howell it r Andrew Mbert Irvine rrnl Brandt Jaool Klmball N lint To llntlnln Arthur KlJKt Smaller C llrlnhollt Onoarloielei Wn U1 II Jr llrown Homer I uft Albert W Ilrown Joel T 1 und Martin Camera Iloger C March Itufue A CN1117141mr Ili mlrt I I J Arthur I ColtHilh Alex IInrIon 1100 C onklln Arthur F NlOn l IA ItOY carrier 1 erry 1U NloIon Vtown A Uallln Samuel Notaimbauer C II Daniel Itoy WI ax O 11 Dennis Arth r Jr flat t 0 7 1 Dontldion Wm 111 I t r Im I V lloddi wil lam II I tenon Christian flood J rV4 C I all It y It ininford t iprt A lla kni t j inlt Ip v1dredge Iank M Pearls larrr N 101 JAM W Hi hoppa IAWIs FShIrsawth 1 Iatej JrE fn o IW t I Frol 1 111119 1 I Stephens W m J lInnon Walter FTarvort Warhol n nrdn Will II Weller ore I IInnod Wm Whlllnl Velb1 rknran Frank w I I ancorn Overall I oodford Jon T H Atria tiller II WoI y Kleber I sidgert Jtobert I il inn i uruiNii nrniiiixr t a MMlMl III 411vtItty Torrry Hough IUI Irra John q ranrmn raptaln J W Asia Yawing Firm IJeul Andrew J Hurt Second Ueul Ash vm o letter Wm II Allen Dart lit Irwl > Joseph It Alfred Orem Moody Hobrrt It Anlrreon Win A iin arty dgar C Ik John II Mansion John II lemon J1a r Morris IIurlon C Bloohn Jason II Alcnllo A II 110109 Class II McPherson JAN Bohns 1oteasso McKay W Amble Iulnmln A I Markoh Jan Y Il Ihorn Wft F Oakasan Albert I Christensen A V 4ePlynn Thoo lot Clark 1nI WIIIII F II I rk N II linage Newman A nl Prodk A Pratte Arthur JI Dull ChI It Petersen lowo Wake Clarence ILIratt II II 1 DeWitt Hatubnititaloy John 31 ol W Jr mr Jethro M IMhl h1 W Itogrers John II Do P14er lImufl C Hitter Will Color C-olor lIabe1 lIoblnn 4 Fowler Vrodk IJ hlrp M II Jr hlnaham 014twItard 11 It il it licaloss 1 11 Oolotmon Will II ndroon David 1100dlo r C Steswerto 1lh J 1I1IJ111 Samuel 1IPteavart U1 Jr ISM feldner r iII j c i-II rrit Jph A III M o C 1111tooort John r Ill I r J h 12 No I-ll meet llrrr tok I Arthur Hard lIArZ No I larill 8 Harris Went II 14kinmr Joe lickkatter 141an6 I H IV Kr I fr a II Jartline Nok TeroarY 1 S Joe + oao Jr imullionfl ism D f = mr Walker Francis I 31 Mreon Ihi Wllkn Hbl C Lundy John II Young Jot A orllon of Captain Itohrrt It John tone company Second Heglmenl U H olunleer llnglneera command by Col Wlllard Young enlliled In Utah by I leut P J Millet Anton Schneider Hergrant Ullllam It Dougall l Hergeanl Mlllanit Flanngan Sergeant Jamea II lower I C Ers IMwaril C Cooper Corporal Frederick Lynn corporal Fred J iiarnea rorporr1 Prank C Iliher Musician Ileam Alfa IV 7 iMIham Want A Henham Mill nT 1milo Wm M Hue Mr John V Mccarty Jno to Darrah Donal I Molhonald 1 Jai M Drake I m II C Morrio Jai 4 Mon Jack N Jlher Walter I To loner Frank M yle Frank C Ollliourne CD O I ay Joint 8 II more Daniel j i T ollagan attrlo tlrho Jamra A Iou Jno H Hall Joseph 0 Seymour Urn C I NIL m Charles Oliver rank Jj HiMlng Otto iI IValmn Urn J llenderaon W W rlghl HI lard 8 llowelli Daniel I oung Hay A 1I01In 1Ilph C |