Show 41411111914119 V111111s rrUIIII 1011 thiall I 1I 111 greater thflue2 11919 oked Hold Iho 36111 If Offer tile ttanonstrall y ul have rKvltd tills morning I then malnx it lingering doubt in any if > tur Instills its to whether ur nut Also an sI I home t how Islosair You my wi id vt itsk or > that you are orlitryU long Ihre has b n a tu null or nullting emotions In my breast each struggling in b uplnr lesseseI Joy over your return prlle over Your achievement and satlsractl over llui way Vials receives her sol lur Itoye I I know my own emotions are but a rellel ur all our cllliens llrst or nil JuU were mar and d ar 10 Its boror IoU went away anti Us varkuhroor 1 you INn II a rth r WI 1 am Ill man lie lkvv NVO whole It ere latiessible for each of us to little 1 alh ofou In u long and i arhlx 11I baI and M the I you lillyI eve detuoof lie t depth of our affratiat lIut hllne f4therre mild mothers unit c h own 1111Y t tou lettharkirf will presently And VI be too of Clue l Vo i lilt liit 4 1111 to latlsh lour tnbrace up oil the joy maddened populace ON Tin niiiMv or UTKIIMTY W wilcome you because or the dan KIM you hat passed Huw many lines you hni tot plvd upon Hit brink tf eternity I supl ta YU ountelis not ttten guess With i Ior h1 lUuI h1I fliting rho air pouring like holl about u let 1111 III valavI a t talultak I I at Alulabours at San Ior atI art MurM ur ho r tlmti anti fit 1 II I iwrnird to u < at I hmnv for n II Into 84 ir you bur a rhanmil llfi and lhol no trial or warrants train could Haand the Utah batteries und while tills In inunlty rrom hiirm iiidiUfetl mnlli stood Pu fur ai tire proportion ur fatull fll III firm na > cinornej n > complained mill other lighting overestimations In ho I I11111prolues let 1 then cattle a tflur wheat the Krim i destroyer gntlml I is a Im I rlou rw of ou and hn The awful slow achd home I II Oluok unlI1 tarror to our hearts After that hrrl bio Ilihtornln he waterworks make thnlal each mvrnlne as a took UI our neo itapers We mourn today for otsis I trail boys who hate not rtturned I our hearts go oul In leaving inputhy it Iherl relallteii and friends Hut as the train or slnpalh uell up In I tur eyes at the loss or there maronij So 1 n irlols who lit lepllit In u fur off later I Hit fail thai t Ihey I aru dild I eerw I t emhaslie Ihe danges whl 1 > ll 1 Vu Hi lltlng hate undergone and whets t ur joy III our return W thark I fill I ve coal Private or ur I II Iw ind nt I aus tile maka i that though our e or 1111I11I1 with h I t I bilarly enough 1i I t plate liurcl i A1h uptake she broken or the nun dredi wh survivotl l and that own a on threw forgetneenats un thor krme or only Ihu rw hu Ml TJIU rijAu 1 TU VT IIAB MVIU KNOWN DBPtAT Vv ui1cmi you because you have Uphold the honor > t rho IUn hut lit u hundred und I mxinUiwi > > nr has server knuwt ilefMl I ka I l I u tdimkatI Painting no > nu tits th I tor tu Ut unblaaunod upon Hi ti ll a u leave Inreammil I the UnI 4 that aide ad nindt It 1 to oIn Ih 1 all the wo A I an II 10Yili IlIhll1 lIIt or IIKI national iruUxy and fill 1114 u ohd 10 glory than any ur th other f Iyru It sovid necessary for ranks or us 10 remain lit filters Wo CU111lt all go u tow to-w or Thli stichil anti 1lutrl1 d1 d opmII t d our State > had tu nil on lim addre e LOIIIlnl all hate t n Ill 11 tod l Homo or us had tiorkI i0ne lot only out lung and perhaps i thM h1 Cold feet It vas wily a U hos A n that the Itetiutillo wanlt I and its II they lou have fought I Hut U0 light it 1 kepi uII rallll and MV Its I entitled 10 1 the 111101 Ull don ad faithful Pervantio viltil lilt 1 Inv Jay of tile IAN that IIU nit I lellnPd 11111111 nl 1111 Y0 11110 I total we uk you loImy I o a VI Ili IhnkA I anti gratitu I r tlr hill I far lIhll1f our 111 rr I prorlit Ing I its III th attorney en 1 t f It I tsI fr mahst1slov 1 a 1 I n 0uIng th I nrr r Il 11 I tile 11filt I r IIll I 4 n utDItIIS AND nr I It It I WC W Ioomo va b 13U V se havo Ju t d 1tr I so It n Inn Throh all tit 11 If i r lIIlory life whether I upn tho battlt nU or In the palaces or t desert i 1111111 |