Show I I I i I i I I C Va C H PTEIHOQVQ I t to wN1AP0VNa P 1 j j 21 t = A t J z k I fi I I der I X t t 1 l r I I If 1 ji I 0 1 l s I 0 l is I I 11 se le 4 I 1 ioi I 1 2 Fe lo I I I I 01 If I I C I I I iN i 11 O N 11 I l 11 Cf I 1 I I f I I I I I k l 04i PC I t I t 21 I 4 4 21It v 1 IV t j I I I mc I I I I 41 I j i THE MISSIONARY FIELDS I I AC1941oalOCE04 11 AI livithinni rI Ill toy II 1 Great 11111 I I Ivrrpool Kntltnl Aug 4 UK I To the Misfire 1 July lath Itt Rnew4 I Hi departure 1 I from Halt link of a bun 4 Mormon H 1 boo bound 1 fur the riallno lot Ihe earth ti irniili I Ihe I Cl > rpl bating In them the-m nilig Poor the Oregon Short Une 1 Wi re hldrrl rtirtt Avlla if Unit tAke Z C II Iugli of Kanah aril Jhn listen AI to f Santa larawhll 1 In Ih > line ovrr 1 I I lie lllo Irnde Western hi 10 Ii it J Bar r I l innon Klloa f Athlon Jim Ma f Drlbert A 1arralt still Alex Ion han nnJr all of Halt links and Zenon t I < 1 toaster of Nn hi t took thlr deeper r r turt 1101 n Cannon and Ahi m living It bound for Denvrr 11 labor In tin IWO I go1 mission left Us at oloradn I i 6 Orring whit Ill t other hmnrh at the puny 1 took the < It hj and P at thin litre fur more easterly pitiless Jailor l whirled throu h flit earn lleldt of Ohio N brooks and Kaiitat 1 touihlng tlrve laid I alone Illtburg and other latin town on ur way tu Chicago the I wlnly i fly t wlikh We reached at 890 nn TunIn morning II Iere we hurriedly I 11 hurried-ly BO < un4 ticket for New rY ork and at r in w were speeding I away over the I lennltinla I for Ihl Is grant metropolis th Norlli I air town being drtold of pperfI intrmt owing to their hurry burry any of doing liulnrpa which lu the uninitiated I brought about a be l I I Wlldernient known only lo Unite who 1 I lire taking their tint lesson A days C I rtde on Ihr Pennsylvania lived its Into rlnr I Itw lrk at II noon on Wnlnculay I und Inking the Brooklyn I ounce We 4 k tralffhlway mad for W Concord street whtriwo Acre vrlr > mrlby riders M I ward II Hnow John M hlllaker and Arthur K Irurloll Ihre brethren Inc I in ihirgr of Ihi office uf tile Eastern I Stated mloUm Mdir Hmirt waa ab I sent bring out vllllni the dlrTeront conference 01 we flit 1 hot hate the plraturr of hit nniutlnlann Here wet we-t 11Iro Avlla ugh I and lltfn who Ind 1 anted Hit day before l and with 4 k whom under the rhap < r < nag of Klder Hnow w < Mllinl lilt rent point of 1 1 intririt in and 1 about llretUr New 11 York the city of Plants seems still f imriu of varied descriptions urlng our stay In llrouklyn wo bunked on I Concord Purees and lartuok of the had try of our tin Ihr n Hie Involve I tin 1 1 Klallly irritrrd by i Sister Hunker II 1 of lliinkirtlile Nit whoir hutliand I bit Jut lomilrted hit nitolonary I lei t I too ro unit I It now tomplllng genealogical i late In died about Ih arltorralle city f tit llotlon U e uleo hud Ihr pleasure of meeting isidrrt lloyal T luwan null I Howard llarrrlt who are laboring In I the outskirts of llrooklm llkrwlt 111 I drr Uniting I who lirfirmt mlttl nury r f work In Newark New Jersey shot I I Ira floor C I > juhau a faithful alit 141111 who presented inch ef us with a nlit lllll I f wtlrh I charfn made of wood taken from the lllll iiinortb U 11 filet hi late JIder I 1 rive uf llirrlitlllr Walter 1 county who was on hll return Journey I nflVr fllHnlt an honorable Inhoolhin III the lUilrii Stated Th 11 1 rem if Interest MHM In N ow York < the 1ullli IjiilMlim house I P r tile W sold with III ilotnf at > rt Ill 13 lisp nub tr l > ury bull Unir on Wall l twl the Nivr York Stock fl Iianjpv nllh III allinlnnl i Itmwni 1 Unity thunh th iiimrlum formerly Console I llnUni m tin Water front Horn Reside I Park lUrUn IIIKIH like toi I I umtu lj w School and Ubrnry ollh n k 1141w Catholic hi I iUl and 0 hlhIo In rivers or ervoillon and last It felt lean Central Park with II Int filing 00 I trnm Nriill An building i I andhall tl natural history 010 Insintn I I tomb I On TrlJoy ornlnor July No 1 we left Nw York fr Ilillsidellifild Meeting t her Jailers Woo No IIr n1 lie for i 11 It 14111p Jr h1 JIIII follicle Jr gl i katlrg 011 with no the noxk tiny for 1t1I1 a distant PhrV thur to I tlktlr reepvulve fields at lalr In lhllIhl a IIIJ tile fly flail 1 looIIJlnor 11alepondenco little and 1 tile lnlld H Tool mint tile last I 110111111 I i i I hOIe A Charlie loccullarly its oan 0ow 1 ran K In I tile suse lending I enchantment lu Ih Iw I In I 1110 clis Out of meeting loaders f n lantyne 1 iinx tend Walker theturday awroulet rlln1 its un If I sea Ili the hrr obere I Imnlei Jose I oleo go lot INnistred American Ion I I I u lis and Vitro Pn vuffln lilt 110 bruM3 i I ocn enrout Ili I line illnalton The hip tor 133 < iibin andlis aterefl I tetra 1 PoosI Ii less a 9 H oil Illy ir lug i gets and otlr are hib Ills a Cattle I enj II stallium d Idedl I smooth for llu 11101 roto love I Rod nt u Very good for the r nalluder to Ih I e trll I Tiler 11 i Apo not nitah sauslikiion en route but mi Ih too I > bciime Italy Un tu > UK Hot I till up unit the 11oldlon I with u > uaolliiailtUnblllti of building build-ing an tivetl I railroad from Ihlladel I hla to Liverpool the Job lo IH I cow lltl I I III l o > lirrallh latest l i thl the Io i if I for ttnallon lilrldrnlal l to an Oscar voilge viould flat lie eviiierlericall tin our return jourlo IIrh r Ilisten l Is I nu Impleting file plains 1 a not ties lirobablillicis Or Hint tile 1 11 lo belles I ny along about tile I unit uf H 0 I I 111 Mr Oil Joining tin Iletmeniand Ihu llu man stere a NJ tied I und needtMtf 10 pay woo h1 1IIr IhIInl r loo6raft flown or f 1 tho inain i below I rllhnl 1 1 l > ffilli iilllnuiih once In A I I is ill tho i It r hn1id lIIod 10 weined I I nnll1 II to II moves degree 1 1 When t thio 111 1 a concert we a r 1101 for 1111 I hnl if the F i penverlo chat ill 1 it tit lirtigrain InOwl I Inr niu1al I Lnd Illraty toletianes bf those IlIlnllllIr f II 11 llesibtaridn I Ifulth lonlIIll1 I reprnt1 by 1 everal r P Vol o P III I 110 wainic 1 the I 41 lvlavlsnl n It I a it first Ilro left e charx4 I Fn I r It Iii I 1vve E tn bit ud III fIh h1II ulth hot the I I ollIon rull1 IIlIhuh II calor Done h mllllrr and flllol th vsla I cilm IPA is 0 vl ion i 1 1 roitj lb Is tit or II I tik to I J up so 1 I I I I Joe Olh Ih I V A i notation I I I I I I t fill u4io A I forth r to I I I untI t I I I t n1 I Tut v oyacl thouul r kmnc at 11mxCr2 h IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE I I I L1 I so Ids I I I l i I i 4 I I I Ill IZLI I nuooally I 01 meant still with r 1110 I o Iv U so it alone NPry i I I 10 hill Would I I IIn1 n f the paa ngen 101 hn t but all In all there II < is cry 11I11 I te it corn laln of although or return we w lit wee Jvvc the ad 01 if the IVrt4 railroad W Ihl I Jr Illoylux hulllbrd n1 tious other Namvii and on Sunday lot i of tliin we attended services anti do 1 evil I by the captain accardlevit lo the r rh gla D4 ritual Nn route we IV I 4 attenuation among thooloss limit Arthur a Ilrlllth tramp and once we wen = 11hw1the the ap 1r raranie of a whale whot inoullnga Homes for several miles We hail allob a numb r of flood rain storms on rout UPlfr Movies mItlln > ilr > lrr lot lo-t the trip a Illlli despite the shared ant at opportunity afforded for turn paillmi I hy Ihr duhlnx wavra on rllhir old > of the vessel lonAllds ooan wr paiuml what wan believed to Im the vu1 i n3hIt r = d oland of the American line and ohrn within 260 mum of qunnatown Wave overtaken hy a fait mall acceptor accept-or the Majrtlr ohl0i 1 Acting from New York July Mlh a weak later than ho lioicrnland I and wan dim In U urI JooI ur-I on Wednesday thii ind Irut I Tit IMO 1 montlonrd we sighted l the miit of IrrUnl at 630 a in a time whrn all n ki war eranvt at eight of land after aurh a wearisome watery I Journey Iantnrt trick was reached at I n and a Mill later wa Comismalt the 1401 bound fur Amrrlra and at T Pin p-in reached Qilrntown where Homo 30 IMUeeiujera Irft IM amid A hravy theater of f l In r I dlr stronger Angles at were up bright and early j for Is but to their r ndlnl Ii greet I p Iniment t a coast hied 1111 pe1 away and many dtclarnl 1 that Ihr lo I t was mined around and wat going bark Hut after half a days tourney In Intel and fog land 1 was Kiln ilghleil ami wo lleadlly pulled I Into Liverpool landing on irrrn firms latest T n in At this writing the Millions are departIng depart-Ing for their Heidi of labor Filter vrI rI 0 hI pit ami Avlla have already I left for llernuny while Bluer Whittaker U I pre paring to gn In New tlie Mon KIM KI-M love 10 1 do Wider Nigh 1 lo Illrming ham Killer Irmtt to Nottingham and myetir I to aiatgow Hcotltnd resident Iyman and all have given ut every assistance for which we are truly thankful Slair 01 Ideas them Va feel to Plevelvelly i mention E 11 J Tajj tAkeaged J fiber of toulicahlt hot II 01 I be dock And 1 nallerlally aided us In Investing our ilvra 1 Brother and HUlir I Nnylor will romaln In Liverpool fir tome time will Kldrr Illllrlrr Mail I listen leave I tomorrow for fAnalon thouto to Suit averland Thhant on tills 041 I if the Joined or i In I good 10 tape and wild divine it 01011ire we hope I In make them teller A ralrth neliihborhood Join In Peru r Intr sea role I Irlsondis and rlIv at boull nllmnllhol will be breathed by lir TaltMie who am lie wwrd on the Umbrki tomorrow A1ILX imcllANAN Jit I 11IloorioNtriat 91411rionni Write Hnllxrlantl AUK 11IM 1 To In I JXIIIor Many and varied am UK thoughts of a yaunit Vision m ha wrap hlniMl In I meilllallon after tirhollliuc I be Waullea of thin illlant land and re calling an Inspiration from the scandal au > lclure > iUe Bo strand eu hnitelily I mil certain that many of Hut worthy readore of this patter l Our Kallh IX gentler will road 1 wells Internet file rw tatto concerning 1101 fault vilwovill = laboring ttientyve or their wit In Ihe coo of truth IKobNilcally Hwiiierlinl it a great Hell of fully Th t tried agrncle uf lull hAVe V NIIIhl tivalsooloutis changed Ititenme interest in I Manifesting on Ihr part of Ih observer live I In the iwelllng rolling tunllllun of the land exclusive of tile Alpln country and nelllng In I rath of lion Mill rover are hamlett without number oil A i loir day the Snow Alpa can bo seat in IhKlliWnc frowning In ooll sublimity from Ihrlr iinmolettvd hrlghlt Here he theme lulnrlent fur tutumceTI Alpln glacier 1 room this Source many iltirt customs through Ihw land UIHIII I flow fatalist tile illlet are built Hum of the mountain r > mind one of our Umulch remove rtlraliniallun It I clear ly I awn leaving l ettlentr I if oleo former alale of Hit locality Hpontaneoui growth of vVin fatten It nciteralil by the frrUent liliu upon which la I the malt drpundeme for water ing crops A few wunn or hot days ure 1 tuccdi for Hie Welcome rain Over hill and till a gran merit ilni sea r = nook founded turn baeoly i Hltrlflty It not found In the vocabulary of iialiirahm The lurk formats ture IY I they are brand I or n cool retreat 1 Due motors Into the gnat Illorlum and find himself alone The tunlliiht is I no welcome Model 1 It lay savorood In 11hlll through mine twenty boughs which I only to mololly to the won lr II At once laingfoolluvos I lotautiful mords Ural Ihnh you nlnd ad y ill think = Thin It I the fomt rluuval nn1 he a rot Hm line send I the hoomk 171 1 nl I with mut Never > bitcn had the feel 1 Ionllln lit those word maid rooI Itself 10 one Again lite menel aeons ofthe spot tiring 10 inlml tile lay lug Tho amovso veto Hod lint tiontoloods and I of i a siren i hrlltttr In the it IIln I mission ofour Iraphistjoadipli 14lIh J nil over Ilao actions still a that for Illude and wclutlon from worldly Ihoughti how uniting are inch place ana boar upproprlato It I tile grot for divine communion tlenrratlont hate pottud tine Hull II r Irfn f sorland becalloo In evidence lilt an lliuliy It I found on rt any aid One ana an-a bulldlngB dating baik Inui time or Un r formation time Intaltiluo I run temporary wllh Luther and lira on tumt of this lieopl llnI their origin bark In steps of knighthood send chlviii ry tit necessity close distinction It I manifesto which to ui to I tiholl un American and at a free turn American lu ki upon Ilim recognlllon of tuiwrlor birth or position It IB I rather grating At It I inn cut on continental liurvK the red lape It I prevent Officers are burdmiMl with ilrlirt Poll 1 While and unlfornuk flare WP are Iarlilnn Ilko In man nert IHillth unit pride i use nrcntnry for all I jwipl of good I lu ding Per I nullity Bomellmiil otrrUarlng but oren thtlr mode of gni ilnx and Ihr uppanint couiltclet ale pleating lo I vut tn oil entering a effort the hmil It I uncovered You are gropud > ou Junk pur purchase A IKUI Adlm It I ol sees A 11rololl rnlll title would lie oud1 as very ruI m4oI Ill I lirnr Im < h 1 I I 0 t I < to 11 Ict it visit II rl I Ird U ll y unit 01 10 utair j I it 1111 Us I hy 1101 III il 1 4 13 it If I t I g 1r nb ivi 1 Ir tlrl3 its h N to tit so Oquit I rim I aml v n for fly A c 1 n i r it 111 without I with-out tin milk nun and hu deal or thi nllkmthl and her trimly llemanl drawing the carl loadeil with wooden killed of milk I doling I II out to uitonrtra Hut one thing which really I demands IKTI it I the Market Over Huh Tu ulay nnd Passenger the unity a > mn it here at her temporarily con = ZdI = rtlt Zd t strutted Hand fill chaviir better rgrlalilri or whatever the produces 1 to nthe chrrte ttand It I patd you I uuar Tour ulfarlory tentr darldee III imlriilable cnnoch pioeenir uf Mm I fiver or ihxxl old I 14clowelver This constitute a girat part of the food among the ever Nrnl < line all Jllndl if wares and the uxrll me of the article ar-ticle It I assured by lit fluent maid Nell a tight quite t new unit novel Lao ho goat La-o and Pig apartmtnlt Thote tire for Palo Tho paraded art pot Iratly clean niJ vary In tin from t 6 sucklins to the trial r u red one In another pall It I the cattle market Then fu see do Iro u r 10 dot That I the AAp9t TUn poll Inm plord htnlci tradesman and set vnnlt gather there well knowing Hut persons di tiring Any help will make In liilrlen then a bargain It I made and a 11 Is t well Country lite to a repaitletlon of levings = lrrll = r Warks Ills Ifleepir Iloilo contains deacrlptlon hlh would apply to the fno < l old hutbandman In hla capaclout houne projerllng Paves mad l long I low roof Their Media ire nereenarlly dm pie A iiulet retrral It an envied one and from such tubtltlence He the Polly 1 Poll-y IIJ hit life It I maintained In pemo and uwllturl said by Ihe aenMllont of Iho day I In very mounlalnout dlttrlett hllroo arrvlct It I Impracticable I Hay I It I hul1 on the haik In rope not a or hId If tml In imall sLAnd In 11 three homrt are Mattered the Berd of rael 1 real from = hn verve nate1 I Poona or the Iorllhlt mn In the World Kducallon U eompuleory The court pretcribeil I It complrlol th th age of It Prom the age of 6 lu that age you belong to I he Plate educationally Their diploma la I one of confirmation In I the church Text twinkle contain matter mat-ter alnmit wholly Irrelevant to nibllctl r1 tells The Ullllam Tell story It there and II to regarded by the school better like we hold our Santa tlaut thyme A myth of lisp herok ease 1roleelantltm In lilt vicinity It prevalent but In he French Anti 1 Italian emotions the lath ollo lower It I eminent At this wrlllng I hundrr of tourists are liraloglng every nook and cranny of farfamed Switzerland whir untullled I Immortally shows the klll of R mostor hand whom mhl a Medley or Plaspliv Ity mom anti inoreartiview an can r region less at leapt a reflection or A families 1 r A11ItI16 I VC I Co Ilmoloosult jIm The following otcturpto am takonfrom Im lot tote written by Miller Iarly 1ralt If now son of Mider A I I lug = 1 3 1 h to hill young tr1h it or R Iver Iy3Un9 r Th Jet or dated respectively July n M II rrom Ila house still lCauatila 5linl l > Parlor and Jobs Wife Alarum Jan Italian Joluinver am dul Par mletlonary work on the Is IndTo To Arthur he will I oltllm think of what you are doular and It you are inlying hard lo quality yourself rOt future usefulness 1 hate learned ounce In lite Ittt two yem of mission Orr il than I know card Aleut Cold 1111 lloopoll 1 I taxisair PaW that thereto there-to I A true anti living IlDoI before I only Waved herve was I have also 1 Interesting I that wr cannot lie I moved and tialte1 into in-to Iho previvervica of tlu1 unlnt wr keep and olipy lilt lAW l VVO rivulet keep film I coinmtndmrnlt Which ht hat given t ad 1 hh 1 110 may isticavertr Nov 1 0 us Va latest rtfradn room doing wrong I hope you are atriily observing the Word rIladm To use tolkocco liquar nd Oliver forbidden articles 1 now orwal IU IInhorllf by Ilia wurld Is very In JurhIn I In reading the lllblr we learn I how 0 ry bumblr Iho thavlor man how Its labored 1 among the piir I and that II iss WON cnii Ined for tho tint 1 of the world I hw Ila condemn the proud and haughty He nil lie hat humblolh himself like n Illtl chill will to the gnalrt In I tho klngilom of hraven W know that < hrlt < h < de Ihr humble still drtpltrl 1 llhirmen mad others lo nrry forward lilt greti work lived I Car chapter I t eret t 2252 In further site iiutlm i > f thin Bulijirl 110 mutt lid I prayerful and I humbl In Order to obtain ob-tain eternal life Ntw my dear If thing tirlmiBly of theto Brent matters Th fine to I liver at band when Satan III bo bound for a thousand years Ifto kill hill bl force Iii I hirt n I N I working > er > hard In trotters the Phil workirif r 7 wh P th dren of men tu follow I him That ht hadi a street and 1 mlfhty follow Ing all 1 or till drift nu one will alltmi lo Macau 1110 volatilities nalre AN were among Out I alter day Malnlt tie cause h known that We re 100nor A great deal lot good 1 by preaching the loolial ttiiit brlnKtng many loopi in a knowledge of Iho truth I hat hewi travi ling alone for the I last Iu month I hate been vltltlng lbst different brim hit lit the Church giant Haturday wt went to Lanai In a tmall led Th chnnel woo very rough Wor rowed three hour IWO encountering wind but when the wlnl 1 did com we just Hew through like water wa-ter My companion was Very lick and IwlpleB 1 a were oil 1 anti A halt hours n the water going only about irn Miles Th teat was only fifteen fee long Our return trip wit nuvl In Ib Iuro Ue have fallen walling far three I = f di > a for n iti mm r to take Led to 1118 leper I letUetncnt but it It dome not come we Mill defer title visit III flep I trial r temlI I tit wall and happy still I cannot make lit a meal 1 unlit I 1140 plenty or put TI I MI ho write We do not gel the mlwlumiry riperlrniM 1 that oilier Hldort do Ui meet with but little op I lioilllm w i very Btblom ka without a meal W do not have enough OPIKI 11110 r hordolillo In mk us Hot = larval 1 hard work This It a buy I man country If all dont guard himself all ilia tlmr mo IB I likely lo fall Into llm ways uf th nallvrt An a ruin th na tlvet nrUr at daylight thai they folk and lie around 1 till I a m Thin they will eat About Ion clock the > like A nap rr eral 1 hours n1 then again 1 ant anti titter o while triple another nI before good I time They are an easy KOlng people They are not easily wor rll Mnat all Ih natives aft expert Hthermen It they have no nth In star they one pill I and Bait alralght Home isamem vat 11 treat Thy fatten them as we al loon fatten base I hv dean hm catch crates shrinim site and malt thlir V1110 nil If ton do what II I right nil he prayerful the Long Hill bin I and watch Olds fOil 40rastIAll a I or Burlington tllghorn oCunt W > u Aug 1 I 1WH To tho Hdll Wr1 conference M bell July Wlh anti Mth In Die llurllngl word meet I lite house Ilrioint oil In Print 1110 briltain to Jrurf1 r vheC unIlot 1 11 I I hlr JOIh W NIL llIrrln fir ho aro son II of f v nil alI I al-I j U If Ili flood anti Ills c un I Th 1 sini 0111 d at 10 uvl k I C I oo II I r Abr2irkm OWoIHlrult srxpred lum I Ilgrit Lly outprif it at tinillne In iovi l 1 f tint i Wv M v 11 unit d Hi ale i k U n Ih law f uhlni and ih runt th tie pli tu ob IPr Ih pan Klder Jotr h W M Murrln mad a few doting remarks At the afternoon met tint Ildor I Me turrln dwelt on the Word of ttledom I lad t Ik of haw the element head loon temrwrerl In dirfrrrnt loctlltle for the benefit of the IMInti Its promliml hat If WO woull keep the command light of toil we would have beautiful houses and dIm dI-m A o Woodruff again addrmeed he meeting II T taM we thonkl not mo I lro 11 lmce to plac 1 without atk Inlf advIce 1 lie propherled that earn Would II 1 Va I tee t Dink of Zion M abllthcd In thlr country At the Sunday morning tntrtlng Elder William KeVM tore a humble I testimony of the truth of the Uonpei of Jesus Christ Miller Joph W MrMurrln followed with remarks In recent lo the great r ilMlonary work that was bring lr formal throughout the world He irovd that We 1141 a people tuu been oyal to the government notwllhttind tig we had lieen repi rll to the ont on-t rarr 110 explained how the loepel or Jesus Christ had been rest tired to the 0 arth again and 1 borr I a lining tntl nuiny to the divinity if the Located 1hOJ l 7rlllI Met A O Woodruff bore his lImn lI-mn to the truth of what lildrr Mi Sluirln had Until In Iho afternoon the Sacrament Woo admlnltlere nidi r A O Woodruff hon exhorted the peoploo 1 lo I krrp ilia Went of ltilom Used evolvement their inat He liplike of the ilullea of a Illthop an eihorlrd the parent 10 Nt a weed example loafers their children Rider Joseph W Mi Murtn mad n few r9marloo and the Lip elicit Ih I a name of William II Patkaril for KlBhop of the llurllngmn ward lie was unanlmoUBly sustained Phe mm of Ihtvld go iNirurI was pr Pointed aa hit Rest and William NOT > UPhill hill second rownsiolare Used they were unnmOllI sustained In the evening aft r tho Umt Pro Imlnartea Miller Juoeih II M Murrln mrnled the name uf Hder M U llark to pmdde Pier the I lieventlet and ridru of the ward lie I was unanl moutly iiutalned W M Ilallard Nt sustained I at rrrildent of the t M I M I A with William Ililrman Jr and William II 1 1 Dark at hit rouneelort t Aniftem lackanl wag utilnrd u president or the llraiunf quorum with Awls Nroa anl II I Woodruff Jr at his oulevol Sister Able Navels woo sustained ON President or Itur 1IIIr Society with soldiers P H Ilarkar1 a nil Jlatlrimn at her counselors Sister girdle llrlllln at president of the Y I M I A wllh militate M K ITeilon n1 Nrllle Iatk ard aa her oouneelor Ulster Thomat K Illley won tuttalne1 to prooddle over Ihe Sunday arhool with Joseph I told ami Illlam NevJr u hit ountrlort HlehaM W Pmlor was tuilalnrd at want clerk Filter A o WonlmrC ordained William Wil-liam II Iackanl at lumbago anti David P Woodruff at a Hlih I Print still 1 first counselors anti l WIIIm Nevois as second counselor lo Molests 1tkarl Motor A O Woodruff made n few rein mark re-in I regard to the reining up or this Wootern ratintry InOuln Salt tAke valley oleo at the privatiesto this people had parent 1 through lie oleo dwelt on the rmurrrrtlon of the load bettlm for the dead Thoen thtt had l liern rutlilneil forth dlfTrrrnt orMcea were art apart dlnrclly after the meeting dived 1 If ll 1lItATOII Ward Clerk I Men > n and 1 I lirlir Naihvllle Tenn AUK 4 IrM Ti > the Kdllor Tor sum time paet myself and diess panlon have been laboring at mini for I of the lotprl among the txoplo of the city of Naehvllle Our lAirpo boom bring to proclaim the Cloollool l mehimilo II our first object ob-ject tn visit the heads I nf the varlout drnomlnatliint ADI I ask for their run urnl it our Urine their respective church ROuil9lrally f n found that ilia attitud I ateumril rally hatil l ilergymen and laity was am thing hut encouraging encourag-ing In Almost vsvryF Instance whore mlnltten wen Interviewed liver man tested a spirit t ft opi tlllon 191wilal ly Wall this PtlAl an the oreIm of our Milt ti a niliUler of the Camp bolilio church II actually locano me surfaced that wllh to evicS unbecomIng unbecom-Ing a elilrifyistan he 1 denounced ut It lmK lert unit rdrisl 1 ut from hit limit oilier expressed 1 themselves aa IIng dlnll lot wlInll lie out of existence by forvo or strins A maonbvr of the city council ironilted to throw In his mile by shooting ui It ever we sl for revisited hit hum 71wo peopl at large are generally speaking no loan 1 unChrlBllnnllka when II comes to dealing with 410 question of MormonlBin of court there ore many rmrpllunt w e meet wllh end mindelf and charitable Iwo 910 I and provisioning billions 110 a hotel krcinrra and I Bom who by the ro llglout world Are called wlckxl 111latill 1i llhl If the Christianity of this clly I i > taken tak-en la a tlandtnl by which to Judge end xorll modern Christendom may well claim a place In the tan of that beat which Is I denounced for traveling the broad I trend Ave are quite contented however to walk In Ih foottleiia of nur Savior and adding In Ihe ramulgallon of the facing V DONALD rolMTII JU 11UA1I OIITOV to Ill I a Contvens Mntrtrt Iowa Aug I 1JM Ti the Kdltor There are nln teen Miller laboring In I the IOWH ronfrrrnc Htrral 1 of Input re > oung men nineteen tn twttntyon but make up 1 fur It In faith and courage cour-age ageHlrnit our ronfrrrnc hell two end a half month ago w hat hapllie1 sixteen persons ana organlte1 two Sunday Bihoolt bout the same nutn ber of tia llm > are elprctnl In lion lio-n future and I the work It I ailing Inlily ahead In four Intlancr tells I he husband still tile wife were bill tiled In I four more the hubaml on Ir l In others iho wife ur aon or daughter Th Mlloly schools attended at they are by notiononotions as wall ame mom been will lie I the meant of Bowing aoep1 need I fir future harvesting ur star tlrrngthenlng and BemunliiK in I Ihe filth luoti alrvaily iMplliid Irrjudlcr barn of inltrepnw ntatlon Mail 1 factored toy ignuranM of our claim 1 mall IraihlngB and Bomellmrt by malIce mal-Ice ttlll dltpulv our progress 01 I op poor our efforts I It I living allayel whenever Hit Eldora 1 labor ant will continue to t lie rimoteit aa iieople come to know ut at wr are The 1101 1 I b rt lulHirlnK In the city of Ollumwn wir prentleltur o the Blrrrt coiner one itrnlng about lime IMh lost Aflrr I iliilng the Rotational I man about story years of Hg BtvPiietl up and asked Are you through lie Inc anawired In tile uinimillle ho Jumped out on the street level calling on Ih cauirruallone tu hear hll he started In mil much n llruilel onu could 1 almost Invasion filet Jmn were present frun the still IndulatI In Against th 1iah JilDrrualso One cold gentleman t In I the audlenc 1 Interrupted the downstate with Whatlp the trotter with ou are > i its JraloutT The six aker declared he nanlid tn debate wl lilt th KIWi thai he mould make Hi O d Ut or Ito nil drove thiiu rt the llrt nnl ut 4 Ottumwa Ills to h f mr rl b hnl vor rlatd two cor t ovnl 1ln Into 110 hlI vgu tram Ae Joe I I Th hxllPu r cars I out to be I Ill ri V t nit fr i tho r IIJ HooroI 11 I Iu rh Tile debIto I 11 ed four evcnln tit u hours each ev II Inl 33der Thom pnllnw the 0 I 11 11 Ill I t siblou a 11 1 I lur h I In I u l9111 Ih I t t I forth repniane I If n if htnlt resurroottors t 1 It 1 a mont bapllem Car Ill d nalt solnily I r 110 InArl 0 covenant all1 Ih M Inl up 10 lit lit ph I torno l that Ih I Chllh went 10 the nkr lonlI as 49de ZVnuvoll Prphf I on AUg t lln I r and continued to reach the ruth one dvllvrrr1 lo the gainlt Mr hIV 0 > uritl l when iidr Thoran introduced Ih Nauvoo Ni ponllor of June 1 11 in proof of hit poeltlon DThme naUm for the dead wa ptrformed In the temple at Nau von wu al > n shown clearly I JulglVg I from Iho comment of the otlumwa papers Tn Courier n Prett hath dilllet nnl Ihe Indepwid Isowx weekly the opponmti I g t Uw4d a how anything entitling them to cettlon Home of the paper nfrr to th m an TIM Imonl 1rJll Wn are going lo hold confrrrnc I Ottumwa on Aug I anil I ItW The Newi comet regularly and It I Always looked for w till plenum I II I a pMtnt factor In the calls uf truth Hortirianlxn It emasculated ne vlvalt of three or four wk duration fall In moot Inttancri 11 produce I a Un git aiMltlnn Horn very able mini left metallic the handwriting un Ihe will are turning from their rcilr1 1 ntlo1 work la Bchonl trachlng our ntlKm tic Oilseed prefer In rat 1 cry igilntt Ili floomplo at flail I find bring tteraeci IIII Against thril In of imrsoldons the terrible condition oc7etyitieth of dlllon of Patchityth thoulattolil bright young men And women led ailray the loot methods of divorce which enable a man to Intent an sl CUM tO putting away big wit anl 1 marrying another wirnianond vice Irlnc vrfa until a man may have nv 0 or I I lInt In and 1 a wife Mtrral 1 Irving hutiandt on Penn the nevrrrlty of reform BO plainly aa to be 14 to Ih cnclulon that ministers who it tack the Mono might employ their wm In the luppmtlon of vie I and II 1 crrlllon Instead J V TIOII 1111111not Lt lIvaneliMi Wyo Aug 14On Monday 1 Mon-day Aug II a conftnnc of the VJ run rltikt religion claims 1 was held at Alloys flrolhert Mienr 1 anl Nutult from Iht central board being pr eent In flit morning 110 clock a muting of the Instructor of the various I Words of the Stake ai alto the Stake Paper Intendrntt I Brother John ur of twit Hitlnt met with the brethren rOn the central board The Inttruc lIon and exempt given 1 by llrolher I Massive 1 word of an Inttreitlng I an1 1 I gratifying character 1 to Ihot Moment for their guidance In the varlout tte I or th exerrime In each grade of their work Statistics bowed that at Ih end 1 ot June ISK that were lm tlI1 enrolled To she end of Juno lit the nt rollmnt was over the IWio mark The tncournlng mk mil by Mother Mureer entitled I the limrlt of 1 the Instructors present lo eipanI w I gratltud to our heavenly I Father I reaming hit bleating on our liburi I Th mosigglus In he afternoon was I It It Looniest The discounts tnftt Inc hout woo comfortably 11111 toy the i parent seat the children illatiRtleal report of th Stake Proceed there wen I IwrUo elements ttllh Brvrnlylhree In tlrutlon total enrollment tn end of June irw Ill avenge allendince ITt I A clam I at twelve l members cis front Hvantton t Aim Woodruff aM lion dolh wirdi rendereil the solsorrional 1 for the occasion on staturday nil Sunday the Huntley Pchosol conference of the Stake was held WIL 1 I IUITON Suporkdolvedrd or the Ivnlon Wd Itellgioul cis 1lIal CII Alrjela4 I lonrrnrr Uilltyt Jeff Co W Va August I IkW T the IMItori In conformity with Ihe polloy of the presidency of the Katlrrn 14tates ml tlon Ilia Maryland I conference WAS fully orgtnlird on June forth UtI at Manning Man-ning Jeff Co W Va The organlmllon coMltlt if 1 prrtllent two counselors nil tit at ralnors lHolsor Win II Hniirt wan present and directed the organlu lion under the auiHcet of the forest I dncy or h IlAitern Hlattt mlulon I 1lorr work hat boin carried on iromltcuoutly throughout Maryland belawar and eight r tuunllee of West Mntlnla with n pattuultr tytlem In evidence Three irttral dlitrli It I com I trlird whtl was known n the Miry firlated r I and conference still was presided aver I by a prnliiit whose duly I wai to receive trmlmonlhly statistical re l > urlB from the traveling lldin and telling the aggrrgnt vf work dono under un-der hit BUpervltlon monthly tu Ills mission pretldent Th regime which now supplants this nontyttrm of work iomprehrntlt amore a-more t > tlrmallo mrlhol of nmpalgn In I our 0 tVo wnrfjr a olnl Fort It augments tile fewer of I be mlMlon ii well at the confrrrnc prrIImy centrallirt or drawl 10 a focut the motor power of Iht mlrlon machinery and broa lent the ciptrlty for rlllcKnt and I effectual work an I Intplrei rnergyieal avid Hkklo Continued on long fifteen |