Show I = UTAHAS MEN BEHIND THE GUNS 99 I 1 li i I Interesting Chapter from the News Beautiful Beau-tiful Souvenir Book 660ii to Alanila The Beehive State Has Every Reason to be Proud of Her Gallant Volunteers No Alen Have Better Records Few as GoodNo Task Too Difficult for Them to Perform No Obstacle Too Great to OvercoincTlieir War Cry Has Ever Been Forward for the Glory of the Flag the chp the writer of Tlire li PAYS Sew tutlful I souvenir tor of the I Manila no state tn I on to l > o < k ih inon wlileh harl mow too Hit ret n to bt proud ot sit lit I vlunitera In thi PhlllM I bj r I IOU I I y 1tIlim0 atnimlijni titan Utah Tit Utalt a n Oll J In the Wand Cnn nwnUllon mu 1 rei llmlte1 In two Ul fa u nn hm In lr 6 if light artillery but tht retulli hlrtel by lht t two command hove even inrprlied the army leaders who ban cuirully watched their move mriiti So talk has been too dllncult Ic thorn to perform nor obatacltt 100 ItnlerlnK upon a art at to oercotne einiipnlgn In a country title condition t which tendered th use of arllllery < In Ml impracticable thett br tftm boy train Utah taw nothing except Hit ob Jt t to w gained and whether dragging 1Ilr IU o ever airlines ImpttMablt tii li 1 and through Pathless Jungles or d f rating a poilllon without opiwr tunliy for even necessary rest Utaha I otto hat been from first to last l for t ii far Iht story of tht Hag I tng Han IranclMo on board the ti > rig part Colon aa a portion of Hit t n1 I I American expedition to tile Orient Ori-ent 0 Utah t 10 batteries A and II miihed Matillu Hay on Saturday July II U9I l Camp Duwey had aleady been iitabllihcd on tho mainland of Iuion nnd Utah Volunteers were assigned to I A Position before Iht camp which up to this Hint had ooiulled I tolely of Infantry Infan-try cu in noun dot HltMn dayi ot Iht roullnt 0 do-t camp j lift polled befort tht n morablo order which called fur tile L I Met acalnit Manila llatlery A of XinallI tlih wa the lint command ta mom no 4 la Into order and on the mornlnit of July llh Major then Captain Illchard W Young moved his aUnt forward Into a pi lllon nt the left of the American trrr hm which had up to tills time U n occupied by native force In this aaunct ttaht artlllertt wore callM ui m to I how their I mettle far her Ih r 11 ON none mind their guns wero draft ell from Cams ljower 10 the 1Ilnor line by iho men thvmielvta The nu > Ih r well remember that mornlni all n Iuh male the first move against th Don It was the lint for say fral dajn uhrrejii the trolc sun had ltkin I through tin atomi clouli still li I It nilterlng heat tile boy from O m nil tho tank of moving their nrlnUiM In the position where It wan f KJII ta belch forth deHtnit and de itnxuan to the forrx of haughty F1n After twenlfour hour of ol I t t li I meant toll In ploclne theirs 1Jr their-s nnd atrenathenlnjc their txiltlon Ad xthl1 bet ry A wa rrtlevd by battery II un IIq wmmnd of Frank A Orant and thm turn and turn about In Watched of urnr four houra Catch did these two Ulltnn maintain the > ole artillery do fovo hlch the American army poi Xled 1 fare Metals The fourth night upon the firing tint III 110ir I Young In common I battery Ar < 101 Iti baptism of tin and there II no doubt but that Its grand work wa tb 0 pilot InM 1 factor In wording off Hit it too k ve filch the FparlarJ had to Wall jUnn i Wild I etiron fought llwt I nnit II11u ur > Hho an that night first listened to tft 3148em awlih The work ut that tint vosice simply u coin > 1Onem1I1 ot lit Ion and brilliant Series of brao itl define epInnlM which Hand as lubrfcml In Hit Philippine com lk > lii Once during tho action one of rt Ltjlii gun wai burtixl I under the dirt > M irrt kagt caunxl by Ins explosion < fpunuli hill which I I lout penetrat I Ik t c i irlhnorki Uximaed to Ihl rlllne > Ore ot tho Bpanlanl 1 a d into 11 unt in-to tackled I tht work of clearing tu tui and In twenty minute Iho I Mince as again barklnir dtnanca tu lho t r > 1 Unit ve lIow fallY n breath of 11 it dran lienlity No a Bonn Ihllb I bravo I who a access rally lrrfol ut tills m ark but ovicaped 1 1 Ili lilt Out damxv front ilia IIInlh fire tr Ile r 1 WI I W walt Is tit ask of CId I It rions I bforu Metals was tnt d trul live Ili their Pacts anti tile 11 I I At 11 nf Ibir fire ul as lu Prevent ILI of the Inlh far long thing I InIle It I it lined nllok illovoin 1 our lines 110 It no question that the presence 01 1 lbol I If Youngs n1 Copln Urat buterlo4 men towelral only 10 Ihu guns Of bell 3s fleet In hldlnll bk the Inall4film who yearned for In upper lenity 10 al toast pa tally revarkave lb 1 far Ih tAftillillation oC 1111111j 1 1 IT ligh all Ille seven days of lIhllnll 1 I MIJI Utah 10001 hr guard at 141 1m 01 the mle1I lines and It I taldtr 1 the cover at Ih aunt p by Iho by real our Tourist at FI h tht Ih lIt hone was lade Oh lit hltulo Uth 01 August Illo 1119 into tile tit tile balance city It 11 n ral Anderson omptiturnigial J quar I 11 0 hiclintsId In the blllrl un Ih 1 rill cr the astir 1 river Dull hN ligas lilt tinte laiwal In waiting I treacherous attack but hb it I did oft Utah was agaits In I 1 It t hattivrito tatinir iseuttetiml till 411 UI Ills 111110110 which rain lit th ultllon cUllllllalld1 by Un j I I 11Arthur to the I north I of the I Art I er From tile vory moment i j i It Ills IlWoo hordcs filed lilt first II1t I I t 11 l IIIIrel N a Mont f 1 I It I 1 1w Ity downtit0 11 I r tt th h i nut hi n ai 4 rf n Aithur t a dll lm In I r IN It i V1 Ili I time have n iv play4 i a t In I nt Ill forbl purt All en r I it RII Ihtlr aUnt halo not 1111 buro the ption rather tit ill rule I 1 i rI ordnance i clog I ill W for General 14 ell ad vrod in ove w1T V of1 poMtatlon of Ihe nilpliKM I th walr t nrJ teth ll l thenjilr = walk at IK Juan l Moult I this If 1 ng by fur the mint Important ot gah01 Iraltflc portion bout Jtanlla and gallant llintnn with Mi daibln Kan cover an moved ot he ttillnie agalni lm Caloocan of I Vu ft under Mill t f henilaJoreJtninl 1 McArlhur I oom 4h3l1 i xr rIWh ninced hi lilitorlo 4vru which car rled our fighting lint heyond tan Per oagtrmfhl1nQ1gm Ih gla r r imnJo Utah balterlen formic one of the mail ImiHirlnl of the dlvwlonl command Th fot Hilt for m71INhe niurgenu had boon Imrtnchlng thorn Mlvtt rendered tb I < prMtnoo at 1 = Iravo rilllctymtn particularly dwlr Alvin As Ihe niny w enaountmd In poilllaii flr potlllon at Iht varloai awni lone tile advance Utah bravo toll l < wtrt called upon Ig I dltlodg them from Ihelr earthwork llrnl AI Caloo can and Malalnn wa Uuhn rlllHry a strong factor In Hit defeat of the In urgent At life tit a Ihtlr dirlng work In iinrwHnc hi litfantri r In IN attack gave the American force n victory with a 11 loom which would I leave won gretiily Inrreaied hall It not lmn for the fearltia I diph of IhiM men from 1 ih Th word of tile fight I nit ot this ih d > y of Februnry tell of how 1hr men behind the mm featleMly approached ap-proached the Ineurgenl trenchet to within lh > hortit kind f rlil rgt and with I nn unerring fit drove r ell my from on of Iht strongest poll tfti win > h Mi t Arthur advance had yet met with AZ VVi Oululnl dl > 1 utoh guns pour forth destruction upon the strongly Intrnohool IIIIUIInll the man plnlC h u I Iho InCoRlry ad = 1ftT pih nrnrra1 n 10 orc lokln Ih 11 f hr In IrugRlnir Ihlr guns crude Hit railroad briddris at thai point While that portion of the Ulll bat lery nlKned to lIcArthura division wo gaining glory on iho land I Captain IS rant with a detachment of hit men was niilcntd to the river inm Unit which had been ntted out for tht Put iww I of dlekxlglnr the enemy from ll poilllon along the varioui waterway nlitch cut up that portion of Ills vin to Iht north and south of Manila Under Captain Grant direction thtat floating halttrlei did the most of feelive kind of work Twice they foried their way Ihrouth tht heart ot the otritniqis country following Iht wa lernay of the Ilia llran U and making a Junction with McArthura forrta at Clumplt In tht ttormlnir of Iht t I sound along Iht rhtr IMnlit I nnl on tht shared of the Laguna dt Hay Cost Irani flotilla no particularly tffro five The lira at Hi Runs cleared many u pathway far tile ndancln Infantry I In-fantry nod thus solved many prrfloun American lives whIch would have been the Price paid for the positions hd It liters nrcepenry ta capture them by n land Assault Utah wits particularly fortunate In the pon etlon of capable men to Place lit tht hood of IU batteries Major Illchard W Young who enttrrd Hit > er Vic at the commander ot battery A U I a graduate of West Point and ilur Inn the campaigns In the rhlllpplnei hu repaid Trlth interest any resistible debt due the government for hl educwu lion nt that Institution Front the Unit tile fire hot wa tired from hu l mint before Mlatt to the taking of Calum IU tits career at an artillery oincer luu eon marked with nothlnir but tile highest brand of auccea Particularly leexty In tile trying times of action Major Young has set such on example for hit men an will llvt ai Ionic a > file tory tells of Anitrlca canuuilmt In the Orient beildii tills Major Young hcal Wen lulled upon to aotlit In tile organization of ManlU1 Judicial KOV ernment and nhell Unclt Ham Chung ed his cAptains barn to the leaves of a major there were linn who dill 1 not rejolit < In hit promotion Captain Frank A < Irani lilt com mtider of lillery II In I an oillcer who Im 1 thoroughly proven the pinclmcy ot America voluntttr lyilem I Though i h MnK acqure < l hli military education from his experience In tile National luard ht If returning hotel with an army record which I rI11 lialatiel that of any officer of Iht regular wh i lias ten Porvolve I < In the rhlllpplnti 1 hi UII n Into the trying i > o > ltlon aa coinnun rut tht 111 of river gunboat hu i lUCLeiK fully attained tht detlred objeiti that hi has been given the Itonsa able toubrl iiucl Ihmty of tho Army Then li I not an officer In ilther Major IOUIIB or Captain tlrant unmanda who doei not ditor n full meed ot prolse for gallantry brovry and an nlllnil hln desire 10 Vertllt cytry possible olIn by which ho might ad varied tile cause of 0101 Ulorr It U I to IM rwrttttil that thin story ot Ilalia achlettinenta In th 1hlllpplnt cnmpnlcn I U I > o necessarily brief ua to rohr It ImpoHlble to detail nil ot the Incident wherein the mtmbtrt of the Utah BOA nrtllltry havt been n promInent prom-Inent factor In tile vstglnc or the com signs FIgeolliplobnotoryat tho were Hill 01110 day he written and when U It I the tale of Utoli1 honor will form a airiklng portion ot the history The uchleementt of then brat lads who Murlola ao Ciilumplt bravely fouaht and In at firt metals almost lottery other i point whin halllet raged In luum will HIT tiu a malti of pride to Iht peoplt of Utah but In l the rtjolo J Ing I o er thi Ir gallant londuct wt ihould not fureet those lade who owl willingly 111 away to I ilofend their flag In the far way a slanda of the Orl tnt only to find n grn > u amid the jun > iilf of Luzon All honor and Story to IhFi unfirtunnt Ile ntol May the peoplii who durll In th III Hint ruir iinl ed 1 by tile Uft tar SitCold 11 ly i ever kern lilt inunory of Ihcji nl il i InJn a > gt n ai the tullmru boneth hi h tin y ob I p StIll full ho cause for rjlb J I Ing that vllh all of the dun and pint which thilr voluntei hat displayed her losses I have been comparatively alight < and despite Hit fact that her ghti1and nC IrII aft lion have taken part In more ov1 I III I I star her Utterlen art returning with few vacant plaiet In their rank 1 The lit dy of Jtilv aw MiJii YuunlC cunirno All t barked UInn the trigraspinrt rondv fr II a off Juuy Ing ik to I th t itiorrr w hn It 1 IId four tien withlo eTI A not h Ihrlll I Inor 1 momrl III 1 ever mmbor vir Ih Nor olernglex bringstwith him front the hllr of the 1hilippliftia Thai I into let hel toll them the easy dramn of war In which Itah a batteries 11tN ta prominent a part Two fate have I hey fought they havt ttood I it their lion toy I flight ami by day I 1 n I broiling unthlnt still II In drtnchlng rain ABU ill fee < tn1 li a e yet to b > wrtttvn whtrt In IInlCl 1 tft mher of Ihett etiinly tat feet line failed 10 do Ilia Ulm1 t duty do 0 PIdlcr of the wofidA gd = It IIon 01n the voterana will reach the 0 w1Arh boy 11 ohlM 10 Ihlr n nlry itIli ev lInll hkh Ih 111 Iv 01 Ih hndt 01 Ih hond1101 I 1y l Holn 01 ttah will I I bt we 0 Ihr nllhly lipt 11trol Innmuh as II Is I liarllculnrly Well deaerved They have nol only Rained glory for thtmHtvta but 1 for their I Dtntt ai welt 1 I Tin ibcmovfu Doti MMM Ill lUllltV A VIHM1 The death ot Doctor Harry < > Young was ont of Hit saddest I Incidents of the entire Manila campaign lit wait a bright and gifted young man and ion ot Hit late Ix > renio I Young ont of Iht I Utah 1lonnra and a brother ot the hilt Ireatdent llrlcham Young Ur llnin A Young was born In Bait Lake City Feb 21 i 116 lit served oa a mil Plenary ot Hit Mormon Church In Hit Northern Htule In 1Ii1 and lots He then went lut and studied medicine for mat time via enjoying a > uorv ful practice hen ut Ihe Hint tht war broke out when ht Joined tht Volunteers 1 vol-unteers The exact clrcumitance ot lr I Harry Young death love nuer been knonn It u I primmed Hint hi rode out bond iho lima i norunt ot tho fait that hi vilas III I th inemytcoun try that li I wan allovtd to rldt out Inl I lunbuih by tin mlinroui native nle1 upt tit and murder it I Ill A di Init 1wstv found sit or Ih irone furnished h lint due and ihorlh atlerward I his body woo found tolemd by several bullet wounds On ot the party which discovered the body wa lite close rtla live MM Ilcivrd W Young Dr I You110 flow llv 1 in I 9t t I 1 r II rh J I Cltv and 1 h < bore the I I qoVI If 4 i Lt it I with im rLlng avid lh dat 1 uC hit tragic death wa Ill C J111141 4111AM4111 11I111 Corporal John Granger Yautig mom nl I killed I In the first battle of Calt oil VIA b sit 1IM Just J one day bofrv Ihe I death of his Uoee relative I 1 Dr Harry Aoung In fact Vr ljr un illtnettd to hit wounds Suit Prior to his own lbil Co5terat Young was i In 1 the franc lit I he fighting when a bulk itru k him Cull Is jso In 1 the breit t Ht wan com lu Ih I i 1 luiiiiiil and tenderly em yjv Ill but l dlcti II a few hour ftrwareli t run rat I lour it wu Hit ion of the lato I wi llafn 1 sioun II Young Ills mother I Mirl riusig Uranger Young III wo born Aug at lull 171 at Ht Chtrlti Idah It nth Id a minion to New Zealand In 1111 1 I lit wan a mottled nn bill hi 1 nArrto1 I otiptinev wa a Pod one a hi miflo d tried him Willive on his 1100n anti hilie never been mean IIn I rat I nK A mn is la hlh hornI and va hrcVl loa I was known Ifm news of tits death counted Hit profoundett Borrow In Huntlngton whore ht had attended school mi mortal aervloea were held Hit throng which attended more than iUinit the room The Place of poetry In lan memory which appear In lIrr rlnJ Hill lut of Hit II was wrltttn t for that t occailon 1 He was the stay and support of his mother who Hill our Vive him and whollei In title city UIOIIIII II IIIIIMIX enlisted I ad a private In Ilattery II Utah light artillery lie won unmarried and 4 native ul Polk county Orolon Ile 100 loll due as 4 Occupation black 1III1h resilience Ireur IJr It Hud 911 linker I City Oregon like la bo tr notified In caW of death PrIvate Hud Dan votive tht first of the Utah artll Irymn killed lit was shot by a rill llnn In a 11 light at Call lie August 21 too 10110 ti111111 enlisted aft II rlnl III battery A Utah I lIhl rlllh ry Ile was unM rled I was Nrjl at Sanford Delaware ROOV4 hi air no v calling elll on ailltor adIII Hall Iok In came of death I M riter 1 wan to be notified Hi wai killed at Ito Irande on May II N Ford I 1111oloer ivan every rich 1 a gail dlor anti hd he nol bn stricken down I y tho ambuh d enemy would today liave b ei n h m with tits itripe of n lieutenant upon him been manly shoulders lie w a lru relrolon Iho of Ilan yours IntIt17J mnrln soldier I III mol dialth oil a IlUllbonl rttl whit at the Mat of dUlY and A I Do = spent WIIII he WAN SUPPAild to be let I r comparative lately lilt father li t M Platter the well known Unit I JI I ncicuntant The death of file hiro Pn woo first nitnmunlrnled to hint at Ir cur by the Ni Mr I nn 2 I Mm 1lhr hid two Kint In HP llah battery I bat-tery ont of whom I comet back Ito l nil I the place ot two 10 far ui lies within hll I I lower It vitiroX V MOIIIIIt tlurlon C Morris was II yean ot an I I and only recently wo numutrwl with Hit dead Although not lain upon the battlefield hit death was as nuddeii and I much inort unexptctnl and hcHklnic to family and friends than If caused bra br-a Mauier linnet The aad event occur 1 I jjt1t1Nlm city on the vnt of July I created 17lh Juit a 0b11f month i ago yeterdiy and I mumu Illi tk 11n John 111ttn14 r i I I now mhgultbt I In as 1 I awaiting trial nn tl chisespe uC inur illIV nltr t over In tin nrat degrre Th d = 1 from Child havis llIh 1II I nllllry life nnd at one little ont IaPIA1e4 entering j the the regular army When Utah W Hough lllJru left Halt lJ > ke under Captain Cannon Mr Me rive was color tergwnt and carried 1 lift transits iruldon as long as ht remained In the regiment which Was up to within a very short time before mustering out While In the troop ho was strongly talked of for it Ilifutivroaticy and mom known am near tie I molt rlgld dlicipilliariaili In Tnp I If not In the regiment HU commotion sincerely mourn lite I fate UYIIIIIII U 141111114 tnllld AS ornral In lIallory A Ile wan unmarried Ile Save his birthplace AI stover Utah and his ouss AI II lie wax n student at rchool Me mother Volvo was lu bris 1 notified In I Case of tits death molded nl Dover Ile died al nlla December 10 DIX dUll To KK10I enlisted aa a private In Daltery A Utah light artillery and Woo after Wan I romoied I to IK I corporal lit vvni unmarried and a native of Ul tana Citnnda gave file nt a6 oexu Patient fanner revhlcnee Iutk city Andrew Kenni d > of Ottawa Canada was to be notlllxl In can of death lie died at Manila Mar 1 h U I 102 uoO A 11141111111 nlltd as it I > rlval I a In nallcry A Utah val light rllllry II a wa unmrrlPd Rain his birtliplaelt Vats Clly III his maidenev I Ik City OcPuPAtl0n butcher aire la In cant rf death I Prtderlck Wenninger of Orleans Nob waa to tu notified Ue u slightly 111 the lit ut Jun Net anti nn June tth narrow ly starved 1 drowning 1lnlC l Mmued by I lilt comra1 The nIt I dity June bill he dledl the holplul of gaitrlll 11111111 OUN nlltd lrIVal I 0 In lIanry A 110 Kate hi a age a II 1 III I miunallem E Yor hla reildtnce and cat J 1 rind Hall Uke City Hi WM unmarried and In mpontt to th I Inquiry u to who Ihould I nollfltil III > ae ot hli death hi I laid lit had no parent or guardian Aa a mailer ot fainintosar I iwrentl rell In lie t tilth WAke Halt l W-Ake city but he waa tnlutllng without with-out their knowledge Dltd at Manila April n 1UI I I IHI I Kit Ml II tnlllted I I a member of ItatlHT Alit roillist2oas lootaT rd r lit wu unmarried and waa a hottlman In Halt Ijike 1 cilv 6114 Indhls wt oa II 81 40 and birthplace Aarhui Denmark ran nf death Ida A Helmer Antigua Vtnmark None ill I bo statifived vital I II A 11I1111111 enlisted A a private In I Ilattery II lit was unmarried He nay his Ml at iltfltment I 31 occuiiatlon hulthor ldence Halt 1oke Clly blrlhpl lolihollirn + many C W 1lokmon I Halt IITV111117112y I to In I notinil I 1 While here Private I lluntlller We employed em-ployed at the lloyal meat mar skot lit 1 wits nouiule1 In th abdomen m a battle 1 bat-tle telih 1 I lie Filipino on March It and died in the hag I Ital six I day1 later iililtviin M itviril enlllrd ai u Private In lltltery II He Venn a at Ingle man ave hit age i a M bllhllnc Ht Anti > Chapel England Eng-land moold nn Ku71uxIV occupation miner In eon of I J11 To Honey HI Ann chiHl Knulind wa to nt it Ined Private Itlph died In Hes 1 hospital at Nagatakl Japan July 11 lOt > > MIIVVIIII7 41 dI nllled I a a private In llatlery II and wu aflerwrcli promNod lei bt corporal cor-poral ilip wu a natlvi of Dtnnurk and unmarried He gave hi age a 0 it ell pothiss laborer nildtnct Cottlt dale In te of death nutlet wai to be rent to Mm Jensen Arnbur Den I nark Corporal Je naMi one shot In lhe Mollie In battle with the Filipino March II and died In the hospital DIX 1 day later l1tl1I1 1 tIIIIIIIN was one of Wedgwood rtcnilta to nil Ul lIft flatteries when tht I organlaatlon 114111IMrs tai enlarged and was anlxntd to Ilat leer A He wa unmarried and save ill age ai X hit birthplace llonane Hweden occupation Illlor ntldenc Halt jAke In cam of deilli wonl waa ta lie I Mill to ttoodman Johnon lirna karr Hoganm Sweden IU was hot and killed 1 at Hanlu Meaa near tell Ito In Hit battle vt Pebruary e M l > IAIII IIN wai one of Wtdgtwood rtcrulli for the Utah battertei and l wa Mtlgntd to llatlery U He was unmarried and a reildent of IIWj Ijk IU 1 gave his birthplace ai Denmark age 13 occupation occupa-tion laborer In came of death notice wai to be lent to One Denial Pioneer Omaha Xeb Ht was killed In I battle with the nilplnoi at Hag Hog March 6 11Ir1IK II UW 11111 enlliled ai a musician In troop I tec ond regiment of U II volunteer AIr AI-r Tory llough Illden He I wa unmarried un-married anti it resident of IIrlllhaOl City Ile gets lilt matis as 21 culIILllun Carpenter birthplace Illlllard WyomIng lart rlIJII Ing In case of death J U Ilowbor Corrlnne woa to be notintd AItIIiTi Itti 1 enlisted In troolo V l1rvt U too It U R volunteer Cava try I In I Is I old Ito I lArthrL Mr waa 21 > seem of ago urthHare IIOOIMT 1 Vials reildrnee Halt Ills lkv Clly oexu patlon plumUr 1 In caiw of death II kation wai to lit notlned l lie went with troop c California l where hi lea taken 111 with fiver and died Hla body tlU brought IU Hetlt hake City for Interment ALIIIIIT It vlillMn rN nJltftd at Furl Iloocialas i In May lit vialt AIsnd 1 10 the Fourth Cavalry lwcutnInotapriviltalutmilill I t slowed ilia eon Of finill IlArtvievell of Hamly tlt 1V1tt Hnn ndCtlt IO tIllit anti None 19 > e arm of age II I Iwi been imiployel An a mrman nl Irrny I On March 10 he wa accident ally tint at Manila with a revolver In he hand of Prlvlt Hlolklnan of the S = it troop and died the next day v IILWlTI 111 enlisted al t1 Iteasithed n1 wild as ogned a a Irlvn 10 jroIj tJ Iurlh 1 II olr II 1 1ILIh it salt lAko Celty anti Win 01 she laid 1lbrldao jurts ills wldo1 nitiir nw no lldri In thli city lit wn U veart oC age at the time of mllMnitnt He WAS woun led III a charge on the lIINllo pewlllnn at MaUbon and died a Iw davi later April a In the division two p flat at Manila t1l1l1lV U 111IIIIA1111 nlllld In the W4ovinst volunteveris Ile was n roil lent of Halt l iktcit > whert 11 so jbirrimn now movide but WAS In t he empViy if the Hall 1 Ike rIO rI-O I Ito Wyoullng branch it III ll rIII wniawell known bityethot lit title cI ill He I died of IYl > hold fever In the hoipl tat at Manila on November II WI IIIAO A PARKER enlisted III 1 Womln In company II Second U H volunteer cavalry Try T-ry Hough Illden lilt woo in JIU of ant at tin time ot enlistment a n1 was unmarrlnl He wa born at lleb < 0 lly Utah Sept t n IMIO nil1 1 hellfOno 1 ti Wyomit a few Wk hro bnls onlltmnl He was stricken with ty Phold fever and dIM at Jacluunvlllt loIn October 10 Ufi |