Show annuuuuuuuuiruuuuuuinnnnnuuutnnnnnnnj uumnnniuuuu uuuun I FtUII I I I I wom mm 1 t C THIRST r FOR BLOOD I I I Urged on by Ihe Myateiloua Snntn Tel their Patron I it snatitwito claims tliittSlio Hooelvriln Mnaanflo from I I I i tho Arohnnaol OnbrlolIhu liullnnu will right Until I They urn Exterminated oiAiruuinnnnnnnnnnnnnruuinnnnnruinnnnnnnrxAmnnnnnnnAnn uufi Austin Toxidwta Teresa tile toot n n Inlf Ih Yallul 1111141111 I h I aa been I slowing Hat fell I for tie pelt tier l ninlha endmiutlng to Cecil them tu I revolt against tl e 1lcan government Strait how wall ale Its I atKreeded la I I shown I by the recent ui rlall K of tie laqula whl h I ruuileea tit result In j great lltvlli1 I I not Improbable i tl at the war will ow llnue uldil almost It iiiy ember ot Ih a WIN ham I buen PI terminated Hanla Teresa la I urging II o I bratea to throw off like yoke which > Ise 1 l I clal na the 11Icall goert nient liaa I 1 I la vd upon lllvli u1 to reau la their add spirit o module un I independii I I s Tareau d > Urrei lu la I known tithe I a I I ti-the Indiana I and loner claaa of Make leo IhuuhoUI hn M moo ai Hal lu TereM le 1 abora Imawwwa 1 I wonderful Unit I IInaeounlhl nera I 01 A leal r a f I tie Pick And I 14111111A I anti Ito 11 I-to the wontbn hide I Indiana P1140 la I u UHlne being I was through tier ale i II al-e thai tie Veiled Indian went un the wlolh about Illo > e are ago i and I mail uh I hold unit daring < ultiuka act Ii I lie 1UM an wI a that thy won I I I I every bulll At that IIle I T1fVPrA wild a iners edil I not user 14 cars lit out L One ease Ir and was lit h1 filled thing tutor uncor lie ianul Indun ill I I Ull lol lit the noraftern I Santa of II u HUH I uf Stutters Her Ioerknto I wore Itinerant I TomaVIdV I 1 n dlan I Hln Vietnam 1 that I o 11 > beautiful I Morning I < 11 the early par I ut oulljostr pile I H a lit to tile I oprinK ear her I oine to Net loans motor HI en tile I I ArLicaniiiI I I Hal Hoi up > ar d before tier I I anti Ih handed Ur u AI letter million In I rfianlil ol hell l lue lulloHliK II la tie 11 I pmentall translation no printed I l and told by tl o tl UMI ula of copies by tl tot o to-t girl elect II I or foUoftere along the Meal an banter durl K It a Coast l few years fo II e Mallet ol nbora TBKBII do I JoinceMV 11 Daughter I lily Alfred itself I Ud feet burned i Ith divine Iowa fur clean I should I lulls ago lulu coal tl Ilona Into I tie e U II of holt I fur tit e too rll la I ortoi aea will II will 1 I they have Pro I I fanrd Inv luatl Uul aa ITI > lean nl K I Hat of u lltlig fattier and fur man i I salvation I h I ale slavol lily precious blood un the crisis lit l unier that they 0Z la7 tI 10 cOI11 uf Heir bills Iuy I Now I thavyTo not t sol 1 I mill look thisill r feel flit rlsor i lit mI JUII I will visit i Upon limit tokknov 01 I will I batten the JuJignuni day volici the noted shall 41 h separated l meat flit bad 1 anti voIli i Y I In th kkI I O lu Monorks i to H a Iran Is or h11 lot all otroll > > all would I Out I hear its title I ovolsojiur 1 have I you Ihl lo > my O1I I tie fig to live alle11ntunt T t JI I f ln V ro l al r I liars I ei It hell I And 1 twill Ihu I road I t-will sayi 0nw blew I of i I illy War who nl line to ny ovils Von ow Anti i ihatt I In my glory I no your re viard tar > ub nlu on ani obedience I oru sell enjoy everlasting lit 1 lhCor 1 I desire that they Should Ill rJnL In their lootrio hao tor rise j tho lots adot 14 ollt It 1Ily 110Ur Alary I ht k I Ili tha I Plead Iot still I t I ik m I of lnnu1 it I n i I or i rite 1M r n t 1 I rcp I th r BUy t of I I BU-y I t Ib I I I I ni n I I I 11Y volift I J 0 3 In I I Ill h1 lh p 1 rIty J Us lit 1 10 ru i II ni dl C 11 p Ito L IIUGIIIC I-to rid I any or juld may ILI I ENb that this teller does not come from nod I Kill rul out the licreduloui who PAY kneels H Inga nd those n ret re-t Bill I irnerate It and guard It ai a hI I ty rell loon be happy because no loarm al all stiletto 11 thrifts neither shall they I matter mickneso Ucauae Hey go 4 Ivomys 1 Avoctilipetille1 by I tile w1 II i III air J auallary an1 h Joseph who will free thrift from all pill aid upon tl 111111 1 will I rt my aacreil benediction 1 In 1 He name uf hrn Father Don allI i I Italy Ihol Th flows of title alboakid divine viI fallen 10 Iho poor And lowly nllan girl > become nol1 Omelet throuoh the country and II e Tu acblc and taUl I Indiana began to flock to her h te ly He lundnda to reielie tier I blessings A tooner the number were many irlirled I unit I miclr1 nion nnd r action rile girl laid tier I halide I l iw t Iheae Unfortunate eufferera and they l ustrit their Way rejoicing Proclaiming that they hd I lire filed Iwolo und re started lo health by tier I dhlno I touch lie fane tit f the girl armed I act rapidly unit caused at luh excitement that tie Mealnt ulhorlllea because alarmed 11 e Tomarl Indiana I looked upon Suakin TereM ua their tint III I 1 ro iKtor steel w r n a foroo tit Meiiian troops arrltrl lu l that locullty ad wnt word that II e u4thertner ot fanatics would beat too disperse the girl III He ochle hill the I must f How her I ilamlard und iho would Lend them 10 victory Th Tnahl rallied around ilia al1 wln tit for or suldlere I arrived I at tie e place and l gave the llnul order ro I bm lu dfPptPr Tho several 1 lunL Indiana rVInoed I lo after He order end a charge oil > suado uption them Iy II o lot Hera I v aa a leiperale attte t Send nmulted II lit I He routing uf He Tone dle They railed at few do later at another 1 point In that election Haiti Ttrept look personal cletwituarld I of the minkill a my ot Initiates and wlen tie < an towcond attack mals riade aha was li I II I e thickest if the tray The Toma III least willI terrll e ulaugl ter end ilia girl anti it few 01 hr folluvotors btroly I cleaned Into II < olountairre lh II hI r live U Was the last battle tile MOn rool bad I w fill the Tom thle Indiana That Irlbo was tract a fly wilted out ot existence In I the two fight lni To then luhl refuse In Iho lWart of the r1ul Indian country anti became the Patron saint of the aiula Hie lad bee i fill Hen Iull few Weeks wheat site worked ilia torsion UI I to such a With I l Pitch I Or exeltieniont < that Out n ado an attack 0 I i Intge force it S1 al loan aol lie to not tar Frank He town o Cram transit leren was with I Hen ad wan I u littered ty Hi rr E fir Mexican troopm Her poster tin I r I be coast < twWI I kiloton to the M ilcai n mill tary anti I dill authoritlow nd I was generally offered I that oft 1 should bo He vrmly 1 Punished Olin came taken overland over-land 10 Outil > owes a dlton of over 200 miles under the escort of Ir at olr later coack Placed In Prison at luilynifes but lad been I lit I tier WW UslIto but a f tv days 1 wlcn I a courier < I rr I front ill I o Yaqul ountn mcinst I o nlI fin thi I hill ul the tr ben In be-n nu th n lltary lmmnd as jayinas that unless 1 intaTcrim ilia later llatc 1 y r NotaLt front ralkaft an i tin k wo ull L I rnsido oil the torn f3 all ll > tmlul gal buloril Tclvi hours v > ra lvin th M latsn cwlnjknder In I Mil I comply v iia the demand Th occrearnagulair al lerernsiflailety vskinmunicalI Willi resident Disks me t ualntli g the latter with the situation And asked what ihould be done with Ih don-e prlaoner Tl e reeldent 1 replied or ring that the girl Its tolled from Alex 10 Bin loose placed on a northboui iln on the Honora railroad that evvn go In charge of an armed guard and taken to Nogalei Arizona and turned loose lh 1011 strict Injunction that I ell e ever let foot In Met co again arid I war captured the would be hot Hanta Tereaa rein tried In 10919106 I for iiviral month Thousands of a Pried Mulcani and Yaqul Indiana vllled her there labs disappeared one day and when next hoard of otodwais he I n1 a band ot Voiul In liana who made a raid on the town ot Circles torts near the United HUtea border Keverai Indiana and a numbe ot Mel loans were killed In that raid Again aha was forced to leave tie country and this I tin e 919 > bought refuge In tl ratio Taxes wlen ihe lived In com larallve lulet for several month Hh < Performed many apparently mlraculoui cures IRO o anucted Ion while In 11 Oho again disappeared anti next came Into I plbuc notice am tho chief note In holc an tiny at about low fanatical Mail rum In the State of Chihuahua Mail cu They had their caml Jut acro a the Illo Grand from rmldlo I del None Texas end the wonderful woman aee nnl lo halo full away over her followers fol-lowers Title gathering ot fanatics became be-came ao Urge < that the Mexican author files bvtane alanned the report hav later I reucl ed Chll ml ua that they Inten till starting A revolution against the Metran government A regalement 01 soldiers a Pont out from hlchuohu lo I Libspersto the fa nlc The troops metal to 14lerrit Mojadi by train and the marlwl overland to the border I a IIinn e of 10 miles The religious fanstits rrfunwl to obey He order lo I > i 11 e and a conflict twit place I In wh ell all soldiers and twenty fanatical were kllleil kll Santa Ie reaa escaped across the river 1 And kept III hid In g In Texan unlll the I act t vacant sued out HI h e then retun ed 10 1 114coo villore lie used until hr I recent dlerrMeo |