Show MEN AND THINGS Lord Itnlrln Iit I e r tt dif I I I 1fJ d-if I t oil n 1 nto 1 it n rat In 1 1 u III Aril r r lid Ie IIlh nl tor I rrcbof 1 tO T1 r tOA A I rim Ihr n Da 1 t III n rn Article on Ih dn 1 i r Jllr Irom what aria cjna a Ir linin lilt I wound For Innlnni 1 o in 13 Injuries to uImJ 11 lrl the Thumb I p rmin got dlsubllily Ibrl d In li I hi < A I lIll 11r Claim < 1 d ter tie 1 l 11 110 u t r ft I I r br 110 I Ibl I i 1 a u r eft r 1 h f t h y lem 1 rr I 1 Th h ard 11 I arm I ch 111 r one are Mid to be Ihe clue ot their ext ex-t n me nearsnus tempenlnrnt hough the li ipard will sometimes n < nil rcIrs 1 0 r Ir 8lnll l > Hk < ir b it I Inii a hut nnd kill n man lit it ritually t > ry moral h afrnll n I t I e liy Vn b I ilhunt I r hni 101m It ih m nn b alma a 101 1 ird to i ih 11th hli stirrup vInn h had no Ill t p n handy 1 v War lunglnn 1 f rl nil of Admiral Dow e1 aye the scent sailor Is I a eplendld II and story teller IN tan also pin would of life 0 n experiences whl < h wnu roll Ih wildest t nctlon 1 Cavar Iha hi Is md from slung m rn ialli1 III brine U I the mm vastly product of Itn fthr rles of this louutry and whit t ea l1 I relished by rpl ut 1 a too air II roust usually be a lIlred Vital t mtly Its mnulallinn wan mo oopollt by the lluitlan mot at It being prepared on the Volga rhtr still Complain tea and at the present lime aboul I Ovu 000 pounds of II an exported annually from the dominions of the czar Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr It raid lo Inherit murk rf ho fathers wll and cnnv national pr r nOov nor llog nf T good li I n wonderful story teller but either from carnltiinei or design make many IIIAmmIIAI rortln his conversation No weurm a 23 Inch collar plods a Wide open ahir front and a truck anat Chauncey M DcH w wan kmlll u wllh the d lights uf the nnlomoblla I In lon don unit will keep one In Waihlngt Octal ml I y Mil bell who In I alaI d as a probable I contestant the ram c 1nr clan Venom nnnInallon for Ih house seat of In IInd is tire lllend W ll rv lather 11 a 91 yearm old and has j lived I 111111 In iiourl all his Ilfe except during e tw f eaa absence while In CaHlorni ht Ih General UodJl who ondottd Inh nlonm y mpolan In Pill and 181 11 ht I I nmmntvd lu 1M rank 01 Dodds Is 1In rat ot dhIn onat the course 01 hi career tins rYed mitt 1 M great dIHlbwlI 1 In cvtrlpI rive and also In Iho far d1 in r command In Ton rnnlly held the chief I quark |