Show ARK 1 CITY TIMIIIC llltTII OW t A DA9 T fustow Accidentally Knot lollhlbo tot Dialing Special 1 Correpondence Irk City rlummlt County Aug II A hocking accident befell excursion It on lat edneday Uhll paadng dova n Weber canyon Mr 1 A Dnil of W t r Tooele cvunty I trtlclly loat hi I life A week ag > hand h-and hit brotherinlaw Alfred Nord iiull H boy about I leant ot ACV went out on n hunting expedition In the cast mountain About > o clot k < j nIl n-Il day named l when coming dnw n 1 her canyon a I haw k earn Into view and for wont of Letter game Dull thought he would taken hot a IL I In reaching for the ihutgun which wax In the bottom ot tile rig and drawing 1 It toard him II In win manner caught Ihe hlln DC 1 rifle 10110 was aim 1 lying In the million nil the rlo wo dischnraloil th hall pan1 I Ihrouh Davie thh entered the allnHan Slut refusing upward came out under tho left I hold baI The nndo man IIrAC front the won els < burning My load Im killed and eank to the earth I I wa a trying moment for young Nor a quiet but fartunately two meet hapernell along She floor 1110 DC the rlvr Slits met called upon Cr askeflat once Mr 1 lat vias crl to a we cant lu cabin bout half a mil from her Ilia sterldsont occurred unit there tho poor I fellow nllhout medlial social ark toll Since with his I hrbrkn Irolhlnlo lllnrer l unlll J oclOk In I i the Afternoon Mien he breathed him latIn lat-In due time Joseph Ihllllp Jutlce of the I pen of Oky nrrlve1 1 on the twno and 1 hehl I an Imiueit over the re ruainsthe tenlUl Iwlng ucldmtal death Th body was taken lo Oakley lliei placed Iu a rough box and olillruel 10 Irk City arriving here Thursday nf lernoot Word wax nl 10 Tookarlo 10 tile valfe And relatives Intl ttrday Sim 1 Norjqiilt nrrlted In Ills Park find nmlo the lowly lie ar letter day afternoon Mr Datl is I Spoken of an a Polar In dulrlou man and lots tragic death INS IN-S cruihlng blow lo I his DunK wife and his muni friend lie man 34 > eara ot 13 ag mant leave beside film wife an aged mother tthoM homo IN I In Mlchl get |