Show pni UUIUn I r nI KING SOLOMONS MINES I I I I Cecil HhodoB Dellovei tha Lost Mine ol Ophlr Havo Daon Discovered In tho Znmboul Country ot Africa Lruiiuituiruuutnrutr uA uniinrvinnnrinnnnnAnrinnnnnAirinnnnnnnnnnnnnArtninnnnninro And 1 Ing Solomon made I navy ot ships In Iclon Ueber which I I braids I I loth on the hotel ot the lied KIn K-In Iho land of 1 dom And Illram n In the navy nil air vents il pmen that had I knowledge cf the Pro with the servants o Solomon And they came ID Ophlr n fetched from Hence gold 410 talents and brought I to King Solomon And It li I laid further that this navy ot Hiram came once In three yeara with gold and silver apee alul Tears I and peacock And ever Inc then men have dreamed o the toot tnlnea ot Ophlr Hold and sliver I Ivory and apea f I rioJ falndd rn rII Peacocks can be fail not n In Afrlci go most Iu if to hav tile on one ot theme two land as C 0Ialn Ing the loVftrcaiurehouacaof tile earth Others maintain that the Ian I mnlan ot Ophlr was In Arabia Hut Africa I li I I the favorite place now and no hardheaded hard-headed anti unvlilonary a man aa Cecil Hhodea believes not only that tile mine are on that continent but that he has ron lu feel 1 aiaured that their losin lion hu been established Almost tX uctiy at least exactly enough to make I possible 10 Call them In a onlnu nloollon so hlch he his just mode to the hoI4 of the Chartered company Ito amoortm that the ancient mine are situated on the southern affluent of tl e 7 mbeil river and that their redle ruiery fact la I under way of bIIIIC made a fclNnw there ties Jut r i native from the Interior 01 ties About strange it atcoverlon that AI leant point l tu com In 9 reoutationa of vast Inlereee Tie report conos train iin exploring arty under Ur Carl Ieferm and U I to Iho 11 ltt hAt In 11unbl country I so hi h I I In South 1belalht part I of 111h South Mlo known under h pastoral title or IIhnolah has illetovered a huge mounln oil which there stand mighty and ancient ruin of a oh amober I Identical with 1100 life covore1 1 In Zimbithye All the Indices lon actordinit 10 the short report are that they 1InKd 10 n 11mnl of ressinem and assayers there having been found noh sivIdenesto of their work to Viarrant much a conclusion ua to the < r ante of Inner of I Afrloom forgotten Now It has Inhubl been fairly is ell loblhl as fair As theory aitled by careful study and knowledge I ut edUlI I bo II I that the Inhabitants ot Kan 1 al > e so ore tnlncra who vo urkr for Holonon nnd aa thew notiily 1 found InO Identical with Ihm In char Sector lh y furnish additional testimony In support of the lieltet l I that the world is I in ilia i truck ot KI nor Bulorno a mnuo Anw at last In his mport Dr Peters refers 10 the all trailligon that halt a dar a Joker for train the rhtr Manooris I r a a fort wanted Main INI field that near thick to I the ureal mountain of IUa vile f Ih In gold and then sea petTla he say f he this name of Fura la I c rrup lion of the name Ophlr I la this mountain In I which I are cyclopoun rotten r07HI Wu ar ord t ng to the Story H was to llml the < ruin hat Dr IVtfra made hIt journey hI-t ni the oinbcel hen r ud r d that the Mulra U I the SUrsori of 1100 it I mr slid ho Invntlga I that terrllorr He f nl ruin then of hJrll 1 1 aaya Tha ruin U al out two tntlee die tort tram Injoka Fur I went to this ruin I the at ernoun with I Mary Clramann anti vre stranded It un duubtedly the first voldtooo whu lave duneauf centuries aa Mr IMier hAd only latticed at I front the tom We atoud In a courtyard War tin on etent CrIck I wall I fallen to Secret fart 1 v rising lu joartly 10 1 11 In heab With a foollng of o I visited In the ml let ot thero materials of an Inl cry ancient human aetIvity Wo discovered toward the tr later of Ih e tsP another ground wall whl h had undoubtedly been a limit l of a bull ling malatte I a trtni le mabe a store house Thla wall hail been worked Into the natural na-tural rock Tilt remain of a ground wall along the edge of the top led me t lielleve that a astound wall formerly former-ly I ran round the platform Itself Why the I old oonquerura ch < w > 1101 li spot fur I their fort la I tiger to are The Mulrn Coach flit 1 > lIon of the hill M wart or was handy A seccatiol river 1 via ho dlMOTerctl at the lurk ot the ruin Ion I-on certain wo shall nnd aUll mom of theme Cyclopean buildings With this tint authentic news from I I > r Voters expedition tile tonguea ot Ho llrltlili officials Phil have In Heir charge II o aRolra of Africa have I bre n loosened sufficiently fur Hen to ac knuawledfar l that the eiplorere trip ll hl n111 e Interstate 1 of letmany aa file I irevloua expedition have been aa lilt I the Intirveli ut llrltlih Africa l ure not simple And ol tole man lower I mouth Africa have ad ultlcd even more they dmlt now that Drill Voters n1 film I Dr-ill colleague among whom are main uf the llrltlih army lave been directly ctuincnl with tile eiplomtlo and exploitation of the auriferous i ford torte on the southern ialllutnti of Ito 71 01 couristo od one of the officials recently a couldnt afford to Cavite 14Ieul 1 announcing In t many wordl that wo latorm after was the re dlaioiery nil I acquisitlon of the last I nl ea 7 Ophir Hut that l la 1 list we hue dent this 0 pa I Ion fur anti we have every manage tie twllcie that U h I aa I a fair chance to find them Io many eara hard h a led anti 1 i romlo but en 11 fad t n rlrlnc capitalists I lease been lnrour ailing and hoping llll lloal Iwlun ui tlquarl iu unit I geograi hen to lout II Is out lh problem of the territory In which theee t mines probably ore And an In nwrnao loans of testimony ties I been gathers with lh result that nGuch l matter wua forthcoming from hrd Sued unlmaidnatlie men tu lit out this elprdltlon The w rM eou 11 wt III hear remarkable news from Ih Zambesi 711 Hr Carl I patters started n hi n Ition I quietly in tile cited of AprIL at the time lt tn was dismissed without with-out much Ilk as losing merely one of many isolator exploring rnterprliea Hla second In command I la I Captain nnr o wt h > commanded In the fankouti Illack Walch llll recently when Ito I Wait relieved to take part 11 the mouintlif quest Many i airline I eitrta w mIn m-In ni the goal Humalls 11Oft nl hkl I U la I eec 11 I Th expedition weeks rartifullY And lay lily Julplival Tile start Into it a tn I IvirtMeso r vents filed thrush I territory the port of Chll 11 Am acted aa the mot convenient A Ion i wheel I ititimer like the which were uee1 with such good effect on HM Vila JIM Kitchener campaign Was used j to lriznsj rt the puny to the ui 11 ixr reach ot the ambe l river 1 Which Wso reached about a month ago |