Show Livestock Market NORTH SALT ALT LAKE L. Feb Fb 23 USDA USDA USDA- Cattle and calves Total calves chU Total receipts for the week ek amounted to 1515 head hrad a as n compared compared with last weeks week's run ot of 11 1137 SI The weeks week Te prices were Sully fully steady although no extra good coed od quality was Included In the supply A few lots iota ot of medium and good nood steers moved within a range of O Medium i grade heifers nl In o odd f lots rated n at at Ag 50 with wih odd od hud head of kind kindi UP to 10 1675 Medium and good cod cow COI cows were sold sold old within a spread of ot 50 and arid ee lower Idu ranged from fm 25 downward to a down low a as 1200 Bulls went a at 3 a ond hS UJ and a few medium edl grade crade tv er brought u f Ho The Hoes The price of oC Jun mad further advancement this thi week and the best but butchers butch butch- ers era er on late sales lt were strong to 25 cents higher than Ihan l last lut t weeks week's wIek's close The Te cent bulk of rood good roo and choice choice drive ins In made a a. range of with wih mixed kinds kind Including 3 unie both a and heavy ea butchers from t s down 7 Packing cl sows made Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts of oC sheep and lambs lamb were larger lauer than last lat week with wih 6 31 head nt nl compared with wih lat last late e weeks week total of tOt nr ie CI th pye r Int w r n.-r r h h fh h i M f Pacific a c coast it p packers and i d j local l sale sain i were cr limited to the truck division at steady I prices A lot of pound 90 O fat lambs lamb l chanted changed hands hand at and n. n n package of pound 7 U fleshy y feeders e cs brought orDiN F Feb b. b 33 na USDA CAP USDA Hogs Hoss Re- Re 2 San Francisco packers packer For 16 week weel Strong Strone to 25 higher lat Inte lal sales ales b best st Ins drive also Alo load 1875 75 bulk buik best drive mixed butchers heavies Included around dO down pack pack- inn In n r sow sows Cattle Re CAtte-Re Cattle Receipts 16 Included 8 direct Loi Angeles market markt AC 86 San I market mar mar- c ma- ma ket 26 for week 1339 generally steady tead to strong few hiener spots t- t ht ut t load steers teer 1835 on good Utah yearlings few lea drive drive- Ins good aeo weighty kinds load 10 1043 pound cc Utah part I load Rood good Utah r r odd lots t and d dI part t loads good steers bulk and coed steers sterrA and heifers heier O common ao kinds kind S 25 down medium and good coed slaughter CO cows lot mostly 50 few o up to o common Ins drive S down lower ower fi trades grades d h bulls i 5 i bulk bull Sheep 76 San Francisco c pack pack- er ers era Omaha market r t for week steady O local sales saks all al drive Iris bulk fat fa lambs 70 five truckloads with 2 per cent allowance Above quotations on rail shipments ni re- re fleet variable r freight benefits on cattle bou bought ht for reshipment catte OMAHA Feb 23 USDA USDA Re USDA U Hoss Re Receipts I bt OO Oi only medium IU ef to good d trade h hem available mostly of weights h below C pounds n trade trad steady t to 10 higher ocl to rood grades pounds h up 8 s 2 choice kinds with weight quotable able oble to medium to good od ISO to pound less few 82 fe sows vs stags up tip to Uc Cattle ReceIpts Cattle t Receipts Compa Compared d with wills Friday last week Fed steers and yearlings i slad steady to 25 lower lowe b better grades showing decline she stock mostly moty steady teadY lower grade c cows cowa weak to 25 lower bulls buILt and rr weak k stockers a arid and feeders d strong to o 2 25 23 hither Bulks Bulk for Cor week erk Fed and Ind s. s 1150 small smal good str t to choc lonn lona feds 1200 1325 good to choice heifers So r few loath loads load oo 9 7 f beef bee cows WI 62 small saU lots 1 SO odd od h head had ad 8 00 0 cutter euter grades rades S 27 2 75 5 1 medium bulls buiLt 50 50 practical top tP ealer choice selects soo 8 O stocker stacker stoker and feeder steers Meers 6 80 I choice pound Iund 50 weights 1870 70 fleshy llesh le feeders I Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts gf i 1300 Compared with will Friday last lat week Lambs Lamb steady to strong I other classes steady CI Closing bulks follow bul Fed lambs 85 top tOI 60 I good lod and choice fed fe yearlings e I good o and choice l lambs mb 54 1 50 good Iod end and Ind choice v s JB 6 40 shearing lambs upward vard to 10 85 melum me lum grade erade feeding lambs down to common down to U 4 00 CHICAGO Feb Jeb 23 AP o Ho Receipts 0 market nominally steady tady less e ess than hogs by truck r c comprising the only ry fresh hl offerings offering u r Yo on sale demand I d dull n occasional bids and solos sales sale down Cattle Receipts 40 better beter grade fed frd steers S higher h than Monday or steade with ft week kS ago the ih seasons season's a fahl high h time y lower lower ower ud grades strong strone to 25 higher at nt new nev high for closing season seaon market market very vey active 0 oe n all al lower beset lower grade cattle all ni ende hlf hlf- ems cr rs hl higher and most beef cows s co 50 UP P cutters cuter gaining 5 buL bulLs bull steady and nd sl steady adY to 50 SO better rades nades getting upturn choice chote steers sole down own to 1330 1350 O on early ealy break brek but weeks week's top Lop op 1375 best l light ht steers 1370 year year- yea yea- lions Ins ns 1325 heifer yearlings 1175 1173 she tock stock stok scarce and largely l. l d urine last lat two weeks Sheep Sheep Receipts Compared with Friday last lat week Slaughter lambs 15 2 15 2 or r more lower sheep strong feeding lambs 10 t 25 higher eek weeks week's top slaughter lamos lamol late bulk 60 with wih weeks week's bulk good to choice yearlings slaughter o ewes 4 toP op lambs Jamb KANSAS S CITY CITI Feb 23 USDA lAP Receipts hogs Hoc logs Receipts receipts practically nil all 01 direct Market nominally steady nothing choice choice hoice offered a few small smal lots lot pound at Cattle Cattle Receipts calves For the week Fed wee eek Fed steers steer fully Culy 2 lIe lower several of oC Soc SO decline light yearlings and ed frd heifers steady to higher good od to choIce heavy heay cows weak eak to lower other cows COS steady seDdy aler 50 to mostly 1 lower loser mini calves firm to 10 SOc Oc higher stockers stackers and nd Seeders feeders leeder In liberal quota steady to easier asler weeks week's top choice pound 1150 steers 1250 choice pound 1080 1080 weights 1200 part art load heavy heifers helfers 1075 e veaters alers stockers stoker 25 light feeders Ceeder Sheep Sheep Sheep-No No receipts For the week week Lambs Lambs steady cady stead to SOc 50 lower sheep steady to higher weeks week's top fed fd lambs SS O late tcp ice OP UZ closing bulk 7 Si 75 i shorn lambs ambs 60 top ewes feeding lambs m mostly ty DES DENVER Feb 23 USDA rAP USDA AP cattle Cattle 50 i calve I v c. c 1000 1000 all c calves h s through h hr compared c last Friday beef steers SI steady to strong trone r g 1060 l 00 lop l 1100 n heifers steady to 10 cents higher OI top beef cows cows steady H 4 2 best cutters cuter steady to weak bulls buls 10 to 25 cents lower lover calves calve anc nd Se IH steady t to S 50 cents e higher higher- c top 50 stockers k s sn and n feeders d lf steady c to o weak e k nOO fleshy feeders J 00 Hogs Receipts Hogs i Receipts 1000 five singles single direct direct eight to California J lights hs os and medium grades rades 50 1800 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts asking steady tedy or saso freight paid bids weak for Cor week fat Ct lambs ambs strong to 10 rakh er yearlings 25 5 cents rents pp PI sheep steady feeders weak weal to o 25 cents oil off closing top lop fed lambs freight paid weeks week's bulk Iel freight h paid other Colorado and westerns rs 7 7 50 Memo Natives Native yearlings ewes feeding lambs |