Show I FREDERIC J. J HASKIN SAYS Her Heres Here's e eI es I s Your You rAn Answer s w e r. r Q Q How did t the e supreme court of or the United States happen to take up UI the gold sold clause question question- G. G N. N A. A Two 1110 suits were brought F. F Eugene Eugene Eugene Eu Eu- gene New York coffee coHee dealer deal deal- er Cr was required to turn in gold certificates under the heading handing ruling ruling rul nil ing but was paid only the old par value He sued to r recover over the value declared by President Roosevelt William H. H Bixby trustee for gold bonds of or the Iron Mountain railroad railroad rail rail- road sued to enforce payment at atthe atthe atthe the Roosevelt rate Q In what schools are arc courses given so that persons can become examiners of questioned documents documents docu docu- ments such as the handwriting experts experts experts ex ex- ex- ex consulted in trial of criminals crimi nals E. nals-E. E. E A. A II 11 A. A Albert S. S Osborn says There is no school or institution that I know of where disputed document document document docu docu- ment courses are arc given Numerous of the best qualified exp experts began with a technical study of handwriting ing either as teachers or authors but of or course more mora training is necessary necessary ne ne- ne for one who is to do this work successfully than a technical knowledge of ot penmanship Q What becomes of unclaimed mall In Wisconsin E. E. E M.A. M.A. M.A. M. M A. A When such mall mail is found in first cl class s offices like Madison or Milwaukee it Is opened by clerks If it is 13 und found in second third or fourth cla class s offices it Is sent to the Central Accounting office at Mad Mad- ison This Is new method of handling unclaimed mail is In operation in all of the states Q Does an automobile burn more gas in second gear or In high J 1 Telegram readers can get tho the answer to any question of ot fact by writing The Thc Salt Lake Telegram Information Bureau Frederic J. J Haskin Director Washington D. D C C. Please three 3 cents for reply t 1 gear for the same amo mileage W. W. W F. F S. S A. A In second gear Q How many dogs dors are usually entered In the Westminster show I C. C. C A. A L. L A A. AIn In the last ten years the the I number Has nas been over 2000 each year In 1935 there were 2837 2637 en Q What Is the difference between between be be- tween a national nations park and a national national na na- na- na monument E. monument E. E J. J r. r A. A The national parks and national national national na na- na- na monuments arc are so closely allied allied allied al al- al- al lied that it Is difficult to draw a ahard ahard ahard hard and fast fat line between them Generally speaking national parks are areas preserved in federal ownership ownership own own- by act of congress because of their outstanding scenery enery national national na na- na I In character The national monuments on the other hand are arc reserved because of their historic prehistoric or scientific Interest hoped says Dr Emerson that the national housing act will vilI alleviate them and thereby increase not only comfort and happiness but also aho public health Tuberculosis rickets diseases due to vermin and enteric diseases are arc all aU traced in large part to bad housing conditions Rickets alone contributes largely to child deaths from other diseases because of the way in which it lowers the bodily resistance to them The conditions which Dr Emerson Emerson Emer son lays down 3 as the minimum desirable de do 1 for every home In the 1 country are as 33 follows A buildIng building building build build- ing weatherproofed and insulated dry and easily cleanable interior surfaces size proportionate to use not less than one room per person a great deal of sunlight ventilation tion that assures crow cross air movement movement movement move move- ment by windows opening directly to outdoors water supply and efficient efficient ef ef- ef- ef sewerage system and lastly fireproof o construction |