Show METAL MET ISSUES DRIFT lOWER Stocks were slightly lightly weaker in du dull trading tading Saturday on the te Salt Like La sol sold Four issues stock stok exchange Fou lower ver five steady and one higher ground re rc recovered re Two of the stocks losing covered part of their loe losses loses Eureka Lilly Liy yielded 2 cents cent cent to J Jand 42 t to and j Park Bingham Birgham a quarter quater ak at 18 IB off opened of Tintic Lead 1 14 1 19 BIngha t to recovered f 2 cents tent but cents t off I 1 ta but 4 f ol Me opened at L Park City Bids on 14 4 r to BIes recovered o to 51 M off nt 2 L I. Consolidated dropped of cent Coalition a advanced d 50 Sliver Siver ver r King on Coalton Q a sale Q of vace 50 shares I cents to nt traded steady a at Standard I f Tintic 54 tan Flatus at 35 Leonora Lenora and md MosIo MosS Mos Standard at 1 Io COW at 3 and East Et CW unlisted call can two shares o of the thC share On Vial Utah UW On Power te and Light 7 7 preferred l told gold old steady at 20 |