Show Literary Club Schedule of Events Given Tuesday at 1030 a. a a. a m. m before belore the tourist history section of the Ladies' Ladies Literary club Miss Rozina SkIdmore I assistant professor at the UnIve University sity I of ot Utah who V was on sabbatical leave during dUrIng 1933 anci 1934 and 1934 1034 and who during I dur-I dur dur- lag ing that time traveled extensively In Inmany many rany any European countries making a a. careful study of ot costumes will talk Miss Skidmore will have with her an exhibit of ot embroideries laces costume cos coso costume tume prints and peasant costumes worn in various European countries These costumes 3 will be shown on liV Hy ing models while Miss Mw Skidmore discusses discusses dis dis- cusses the history and development of costume design Tuesday at 2 p. p m. m the music drama section will present a program under the supervision of ot Mrs Charles G. G Plummer director of the club chorus Oratorios Place in Music with special special cial features of Haydn's Creation Mendelssohn's St Paul and Elijah Elijah Eli Elijah jah and Costas Costa's Ell Eli to be given by Mrs Emma Lucy Gates Bowen Mr and Mrs Gail Gall Mart Martin n and Mrs Ike Armstrong They will wilt be accompanied by Mrs E. E W. W Hoffer and Miss Becky Almond The program will be followed by bya a tea in charge of ot Mrs Mrs I. I N N. McClanahan han Presiding at the tea table will willbe be h hi Mrs Emma Lucy Gates Bowen Mrs Charles G. G Plummer Mrs frs Charles E. E Dennis and Mrs Hazen Exeter The tea room will be in charge of Mrs Thomas J. J Mullin Muffin assisted as as- by Mrs l Charles N N. N Fehr Mrs P. P H. H Cushman Mrs Clyde W. W Simpson Simp Simpson son Mrs B. B C. C J. J Mrs Miriam H. H Burt Mrs Mis D. D L. L Folsom Mrs Charles W. W Brewer Mrs Henry J. J Binch Mrs R. R Arthur Gardiner Mrs Miles E. E Miller Mrs J. J Reuben Larsen and Mrs Clifford Rudine Hostes Hostesses cs for far the afternoon include Mrs H. H M M. Ferguson Mrs Jesse J. J I Thompson Mrs W. W L. L Partner Mrs Philip and Mrs Mr John W. W Alford Wednesday at 1030 a. a m. m the art arl section will continue the study of at Survey of at Art with Mrs J. J M. M Jorgenson pre presenting enting the lesson The Dutch School Hobbema Rembrandt Hals HaIs Wednesday at 4 p. p in m. m the readers readers' section will serve tea preceding the program with Mrs Philip as hostess Mrs Janet E. E Atkin will present Favorite Selections from rom American Poets Friday at 1230 p. p m. m the club chorus meets Friday at 2 p. p m. m the current events I and current literature section will hear Miss Joanna Sprague review five current books I Dancing Club Schedules Event The Ladles Ladies Literary Dancing club will hold the sixth dance of ot their senez series serles se se- se- se ries rles at the clubhouse next Saturday evening Hosts and hostesses for the evening evening evening eve eve- ning ning- are Mr and nd Mrs Dale I L. L Smith Mr and Mr Mrs E E. E T. T 1 Anderson Mr and Mrs R. R H. H Blele Mr and Mrs C. C A. A Crockwell Mr and Mrs Hazen Exter Mr and arid Mrs J. J R R. Freebourn Dr and Mrs E. E B. B Fairbanks Fairbanks Fair Fair- Fair I banks Mr and Mrs Thurman Haskell Haskell Has Has- kell ken Mr and Mrs J. J Rube Larsen Mr and Mrs M M. T T. Large Mr and Mrs Walter Valter S S. S Payne Mr and Mrs Mr A A. O. O Shelson and Mr and Mrs N. N L L. Stewart Guest privileges may be e had by byl calling Mrs Clyde W. W Simpson Pupil to Appear In Piano Recital Mrs P. P O. O Perkins will vill pr present enl her pupil Miss Mis Margaret Margarel Feher at a piano recital on Sunday at 4 p. p m. m followed by tea at the home of Miss Mis Feher's parents Mr and Mrs A. A E. E Feher Holliday boulevard Miss Jessie Perry will sing |